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During the year of the tiger, the share price of 14 shares doubled! This stock is the best! 50% of stocks lack performance confidence

It has been concerned by the regulator and repeatedly prompted risks, but the rise of Zhejiang Construction Investment Group Co.Ltd(002761) ( Zhejiang Construction Investment Group Co.Ltd(002761) ) is still gratifying. According to statistics, Zhejiang Construction Investment Group Co.Ltd(002761) 26 trading days saw 16 price increases and the share price quadrupled. Excluding the new shares listed in 2022, Zhejiang Construction Investment Group Co.Ltd(002761) is the best stock since the year of the tiger. In addition to Zhejiang Construction Investment Group Co.Ltd(002761) , since the beginning of the year of the tiger, the share price of 13 A shares including China Meheco Group Co.Ltd(600056) , Mcc Meili Cloud Computing Industry Investment Co.Ltd(000815) has doubled. Among the sought after stocks, most involve popular concepts such as “counting in the East and counting in the west” and “electronic ID card”. Beijing Business Daily reporter found through statistics that half of the 14 shares whose share prices doubled during the year are expected to be under pressure in 2021.

Zhejiang Construction Investment Group Co.Ltd(002761) 26 trading days share price quadrupled

On March 21, Zhejiang Construction Investment Group Co.Ltd(002761) closed up again.

The trading market showed that in the early trading of Zhejiang Construction Investment Group Co.Ltd(002761) on March 21, the stock price opened 5.04% higher, and after the high opening, the stock price rose rapidly, with an increase of more than 8%. Subsequently, the stock price fluctuated downward and turned green, with the largest decline to 4.28%. However, driven by the buying, Zhejiang Construction Investment Group Co.Ltd(002761) is still turning red. As of the closing on March 21, Zhejiang Construction Investment Group Co.Ltd(002761) closed at 39.7 yuan / share, up 4.28%.

According to China stock market news, the total turnover of Zhejiang Construction Investment Group Co.Ltd(002761) 3 on March 21 reached 4.03 billion yuan, with a turnover rate of 42.27%. On March 21, Zhejiang Construction Investment Group Co.Ltd(002761) intraday trading once hit a new high of 41.44 yuan / share in the year.

In the year of the tiger, Zhejiang Construction Investment Group Co.Ltd(002761) share price has been rising. According to the statistics of China stock market news, from February 7 to March 21, Zhejiang Construction Investment Group Co.Ltd(002761) has raised the limit 16 times in 26 trading days, and the stock price has increased by 407.02%.

According to the statistics of Beijing business daily, excluding the new shares listed in 2022, Zhejiang Construction Investment Group Co.Ltd(002761) is the best stock since the year of the tiger.

Is there any good news about the sharp rise of the company’s share price not disclosed Zhejiang Construction Investment Group Co.Ltd(002761) the relevant person of the Secretary Office said, “there is no information that should be disclosed but not disclosed in the company. All operations of the company are normal. You can pay attention to the announcement of changes in the company’s share price for details”.

On the market side, Zhejiang Construction Investment Group Co.Ltd(002761) involves multiple concepts. The 14th five year plan for the development of construction industry issued by the Ministry of housing and urban rural development proposes that by 2025, prefabricated buildings will account for more than 30% of new buildings; The emission of construction waste at the construction site of new buildings is controlled below 300 tons per 10000 square meters. The market mechanism for the treatment and reuse of construction waste has initially taken shape, and the prefabricated buildings have ushered in new development due to the development of policies Zhejiang Construction Investment Group Co.Ltd(002761) is a modern construction service whole industry chain enterprise group integrating investment, design, construction and operation and maintenance. It is a listed state-owned enterprise in Zhejiang Province. In addition, Zhejiang Construction Investment Group Co.Ltd(002761) also involves the concept of Hangzhou Asian Games.

“The company has participated in the construction of Asian Games venues. If the specific progress meets the standards disclosed by the exchange, we will carry out the letter pHi in time.” Zhejiang Construction Investment Group Co.Ltd(002761) the relevant person of the Secretary Office said.

As the share price soared, the number of shareholders of Zhejiang Construction Investment Group Co.Ltd(002761) also soared. As of March 10, 2022, the number of shareholders of Zhejiang Construction Investment Group Co.Ltd(002761) was 90433, an increase of 56097 compared with February 10, 2022.

It is worth mentioning that Zhejiang Construction Investment Group Co.Ltd(002761) is also closely watched by the exchange. On March 18, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange said in the regulatory dynamics of Shenzhen stock market released that it would focus on monitoring the ” Zhejiang Construction Investment Group Co.Ltd(002761) ” with abnormal recent growth.

shares doubled to 14

In addition to Zhejiang Construction Investment Group Co.Ltd(002761) and 2022 freshmen, the share price of 13 A shares has doubled since the beginning of the year of the tiger.

Specifically, Ningbo Menovo Pharmaceutical Co.Ltd(603538) , Linewell Software Co.Ltd(603636) , Hangzhou Landscape Architecture Design Institute Co.Ltd(300649) , Pku Healthcare Corp.Ltd(000788) , Yimikang Tech.Group.Co.Ltd(300249) and other 12 shares rose by 100% – 200% from February 7 to March 21 China Meheco Group Co.Ltd(600056) ‘s share price rose second only to Zhejiang Construction Investment Group Co.Ltd(002761) , ranking second in the bull stock list in the year of the tiger.

Beijing Business Daily reporter noted that these stocks are sought after, involving a variety of concept speculation. Take China Meheco Group Co.Ltd(600056) as an example, on March 21, the stock closed again, and the intraday share price hit a new high in the year. As of the closing on March 21, China Meheco Group Co.Ltd(600056) trading board has closed more than 40000 orders. From February 7 to March 21, the cumulative increase of China Meheco Group Co.Ltd(600056) share price was 238.17%.

behind the China Meheco Group Co.Ltd(600056) sharp rise is the concept of covid-19 drugs. On the news, China Meheco Group Co.Ltd(600056) signed an agreement with Pfizer Inc in March 9, 2022, and the company will be responsible for the commercial operation of Pfizer Inc COVID-19 virus treatment PAXLOVID in Chinese mainland market during the agreement period (2022). China Meheco Group Co.Ltd(600056) revealed in the official WeChat official account that in March 19th, the first batch of COVID-19 virus treatment drugs PAXLOVID, which were co operated by China Meheco Group Co.Ltd(600056) and Pfizer, had been transported to the Daxing logistics center of China Meheco Group Co.Ltd(600056) . All goods were closed to the whole process according to the import and export related epidemic prevention requirements, and the relevant work such as acceptance and warehousing had been completed.

Yimikang Tech.Group.Co.Ltd(300249) , Mcc Meili Cloud Computing Industry Investment Co.Ltd(000815) and other stocks with doubled share prices involve the concept of “counting East and counting West”. It is understood that Mcc Meili Cloud Computing Industry Investment Co.Ltd(000815) main business involves papermaking business and data center business. Data center business mainly provides services such as cabinet rental, network access and cabinet operation and maintenance. In recent years, the Yimikang Tech.Group.Co.Ltd(300249) strategy focuses more on the field of information and data, and focuses on providing overall solutions and services throughout the life cycle for digital physical foundations such as cloud computing and data center.

In the opinion of Xu Xiaoheng, an investment and financing expert, the development trend of superimposed digital economy started by “counting from the east to the west”, and the whole data communication field is expected to form deterministic opportunities. Under the good news, Yimikang Tech.Group.Co.Ltd(300249) , Mcc Meili Cloud Computing Industry Investment Co.Ltd(000815) ‘s share price rose sharply. From February 7 to March 21, the cumulative increases of Yimikang Tech.Group.Co.Ltd(300249) , Mcc Meili Cloud Computing Industry Investment Co.Ltd(000815) and Mcc Meili Cloud Computing Industry Investment Co.Ltd(000815) were 171.07% and 164.99% respectively.

Since the beginning of the year of the tiger, Linewell Software Co.Ltd(603636) share price has also performed well, with a cumulative increase of 101.38%. Thanks to favorable policies, the concept of electronic ID card has become popular this year, and Linewell Software Co.Ltd(603636) has also become one of the objects of speculation. It is understood that Linewell Software Co.Ltd(603636) is the leading enterprise of national government software and a leading public security big data and social governance technology company, focusing on business areas such as government “release management service” reform, urban public security, grass-roots social governance and operation services.

However, Linewell Software Co.Ltd(603636) repeatedly reminded the risk that the company’s main businesses include government services, public safety and urban management, and there has been no significant change. Among them, the projects involving electronic licenses accounted for no more than 2% of the company’s operating revenue in 2020, which did not have a significant impact on the company’s production and operation.

half of the stocks are expected to be under pressure in 2021

It is worth mentioning that most of the above-mentioned stocks with doubled share prices lack performance confidence.

According to statistics, among the 14 shares whose share price doubled during the year of the tiger, 9 shares predict the performance in 2021. Except for Yimikang Tech.Group.Co.Ltd(300249) , Fujian Start Group Co.Ltd(600734) and Fujian Start Group Co.Ltd(600734) which are expected to turn loss in 2021, the performance of the remaining 7 shares is expected to be under pressure in 2021.

According to the announcement, Mcc Meili Cloud Computing Industry Investment Co.Ltd(000815) it is estimated that the loss of attributable net profit in 2021 will be about 10-15 million yuan, and the profit in the same period last year will be 48.53 million yuan. For the reasons for performance changes, Mcc Meili Cloud Computing Industry Investment Co.Ltd(000815) said, “During the reporting period, due to the influence of the dual control policy and the epidemic situation, the purchase prices of bulk materials, energy, chemicals and other raw materials of the company increased significantly, resulting in the year-on-year increase of the cost of paper products higher than the year-on-year increase of the sales price. In particular, the gap between the cost increase and the price increase in the fourth quarter was further widened, resulting in the decrease of the company’s operating profit compared with the same period of the previous year. The company increased its R & D efforts and actively developed new products with high added value, and the R & Increase in the same period “.

Anhui Golden Seed Winery Co.Ltd(600199) , Sundy Land Investment Co.Ltd(600077) , Anshan Heavy Duty Mining Machinery Co.Ltd(002667) 3 shares are expected to belong to net profit loss in 2021. , ÊÊ Qinghai Spring Medicinal Resources Technology Co.Ltd(600381) is expected to continue the loss in 2021, and the net profit attributable to China Meheco Group Co.Ltd(600056) , Zhonglu.Co.Ltd(600818) and 2021 is in the state of pre reduction. Among them, China Meheco Group Co.Ltd(600056) expects to realize the attributable net profit of RMB Changsha Dialine New Material Sci.&Tech.Co.Ltd(300700) million in 2021, a year-on-year decrease of 47% – 77%.

Economist song Qinghui said that the speculation risk of concept stocks is high. Investors should polish their eyes, pay attention to the correlation between the company and the concept, and do not blindly follow the trend. “If there is no performance support, the concept speculation will not last long. For investors who have joined this kind of concept speculation, they should get out as soon as possible and can not ignore the risk of being locked up.” Xu Xiaoheng said.

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