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12 key words review 2021 of tourism and accommodation industry

year end inventory

2021 is another year for the tourism and accommodation industry.

Unfold the picture scroll of tourism and accommodation industry in 2021, and each place is thought-provoking. From urban hotels gritting their teeth and moving forward steadily in adversity to rural B & B group heating, which adds colorful colors to the rural land, every persistence and transformation of tourism and accommodation industry reflects the pulse of the whole industry.

This year marks the beginning of the 14th five year plan. The relevant planning of the 14th five year plan has made a top-level design for the tourism industry. The tourism and accommodation industry implements the concept of high-quality development and strives to optimize the structure. Whether continuously strengthening market regulation or iteratively upgrading service products, it is to improve the satisfaction and sense of gain of accommodation guests.

This year is a year to test the basic skills of the hotel industry. From the normalized epidemic prevention and control to the emergency response in the face of emergencies, the management skills of enterprises are tested. The whole industry also pays more and more attention to green environmental protection. In order to eliminate “waste on the tip of the tongue” and make the practice of strict economy deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, the tourism and accommodation industry has been taking positive action.

This year, the National Star judges formulated and released《


(GB / T 14308-2010) and the measures for the administration of star assessors of tourist hotels have established a new national star judge team. At the same time, the special rectification of star hotels has not been lax.

This year, there was a new breakthrough in the supervision of the tourism B & B industry, and the first batch of class A and class B tourism B & B were officially announced. As an important measure to help the Rural Revitalization Strategy, carry out grade evaluation to make the tourism B & B truly realize “respecting the people, culture, finance and love”.

This year, a pair of warm hands have been supporting behind. Increase financial support, reduce enterprise tax burden, reduce enterprise operating costs, and support enterprise employment… In addition to “real gold and silver”, there is also “intellectual” support. The measures taken by the central government and local governments to help enterprises relieve difficulties give the tourism and accommodation industry the strength to “sustain” again and again.

This year, although the repeated fluctuations of the epidemic hit the tourism and accommodation market, it was also this year that there was an innovative force to continuously enter the hotel for new products, stimulate creative inspiration with new technologies and give new brands market vitality. Behind this is the tenacity of the tourism and accommodation industry.

The endeavor recorded by the annual rings is full of the beautiful expectations of the tourism and accommodation industry. Today, we review 2021 of tourism and accommodation industry with 12 key words, and enter 2022 with thinking about this year.

2021 hotel industry keywords


Fight the epidemic with all strength

In 2021, when another round of local epidemic spread to many parts of the country, protecting guest safety has become the top priority of all hotel work. Bravely undertake isolation tasks again and again and respond to sudden outbreaks again and again. Until now, countless Hotel people still stick to the front line of anti epidemic. “Isolation without love” and taking good care of “people around”… In the face of the impact of the epidemic, the hotel people did not retreat, but took the initiative, went all out to meet the challenges, assumed a responsibility, contributed a love, and told stories full of positive energy in the unique way of tourists. “If the epidemic situation does not disappear, we will not retreat!” “The instinctive reaction of hotel people is to take good care of tourists first and ensure that tourists go home safely.” “If you don’t contribute and I don’t contribute, how can we overcome the epidemic!” With simple and solemn words and ordinary and tenacious actions again and again, the hotel people with full positive energy try their best to warm the guests and fight against the epidemic. Their retrograde figure is very beautiful.

In several notices issued by the Ministry of culture and tourism on strictly and tightly grasping the epidemic prevention and control in the culture and tourism industry, strict requirements have been put forward for the epidemic prevention and control of star hotels for many times. According to the requirements of the notice, each hotel strictly and rapidly upgraded the epidemic prevention and control measures.

Some hotels take more strict and thorough cleaning and killing measures for the facilities and equipment in the area, and the public areas are disinfected three times a day. Some hotels pay more attention to the personal health and safety of guests and employees, and constantly explore the application of science and technology in the hotel to further promote the implementation of cleaning and safety measures. Other hotels added epidemic prevention and control work to operation training, used daily and weekly regular meetings to strengthen training for front-line employees, and offered relevant courses on the online platform. More hotels intercept the problems at the “source” through the application of “digitization”. For example, in order to do a good job in the supervision of cleaners and ensure that there is no dead corner in cloth washing, many hotel groups have enabled all links of cloth washing with digital technology since last year to strengthen the supervision of cloth washing quality.


Flash of Party emblem

The year 2021 is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee is also held at the end of the year. Party organizations at all levels of hotel enterprises all over the country have carefully organized and carefully deployed, setting off an upsurge of learning, publicity and implementation in the hotel. Hoteliers have said that in the new journey towards the second Centennial goal, the hotel industry should play a greater role and help common prosperity.

As the service window of the city, some hotels use the lobby to create a red culture space where guests can visit and understand the Centennial party history. It is reported that this is a specific measure for the hotel industry to promote the integration of culture and tourism, promote the improvement of operation and management and accelerate the transformation of the hotel under the guidance of Party construction.

Since the beginning of the year, the hotel industry has given full play to the role of the political core and Battle Fortress of enterprise party organizations, continuously strengthened the innovation of Party construction, continuously improved the quality and efficiency of Party construction, always adhered to the synchronous promotion of the integration of Party construction and operation and management, and improved the cohesion and execution of enterprises, providing a fundamental guarantee for promoting the transformation and upgrading of hotels, improving quality and efficiency.

Especially in the face of the complex and changeable situation of the epidemic in 2021, Party organizations at all levels and the majority of Party members in the hotel industry actively participate in the epidemic prevention and control work as a touchstone and grindstone to practice their original mission and reflect their responsibility. Guided by Party construction and promoted by action, Party construction and hotel business work are like “two wheels of a car” and “two wings of a bird”. They interact and promote each other. The party flag flutters in the hotel and the party emblem shines in the service.

In order to ensure that every branch and Party member can solidly study and implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, many hotel Party organizations give full play to the role of leading and promoting learning, take the lead in learning, so that leading cadres can learn one step first and deepen their understanding and profound grasp of the spirit of the plenary session. At the same time, all hotels also make practical efforts to transform the political consciousness of implementing the spirit of the sixth plenary session into a strong action consciousness of promoting the high-quality development of the enterprise.


Move forward steadily

It is appropriate to summarize the performance of the hotel in 2021 by “moving forward steadily in adversity”. In the first quarter of 2021, due to the fluctuation of the epidemic, most hotels failed to make profits during the Spring Festival holiday, an important revenue node of the year, and many Chinese hotel listed enterprises showed losses in their financial reports. In the second quarter, under the normalized epidemic prevention and control, the hotel industry ushered in a vigorous recovery period, and the performance of the hotel group generally increased significantly, which was much better than the same period in 2020. However, in the third quarter, the hotels that wanted to show their skills through the summer vacation were again affected by the small-scale epidemic in many places, with high opening and low walking. Their performance also fell generally compared with the second quarter, and few Chinese hotel listed enterprises realized profits. Therefore, many enterprises have come up with new strategies and methods to change the “decline” in the fourth quarter.

From the current data, the losses of many international hotel groups have narrowed further, and some hotel groups have made profits. Behind the good performance data, it is closely related to the recovery of the Chinese market. From the whole international environment, the overall recovery of China’s hotel industry is optimistic.

It is worth noting that in 2021, the keyword “speed up shop opening” can be found in the financial reports released by China hotel group. Although the impact of covid-19 pneumonia on the hotel industry has not passed, many Chinese hotel groups not only did not stop the pace of expansion, but also made breakthrough progress in the second and third quarters of last year. Similarly, the first recovery of China’s hotel market has also accelerated the speed of “horse racing enclosure” for many international hotel groups.

While pursuing quantity, most hotel groups pay more attention to quality. Relevant data show that at present, economy hotels are still the basic plate of major hotel groups. It has become the consensus of several large chain hotel groups to achieve the ultimate “basic skill” – good living, good sleep and good service.


Shangxin acceleration

In order to cope with the change of market situation and customer demand, the hotel has become the first choice to give new vitality to the market with the innovation of the brand. The difference is that in the past few years, brand iteration has occurred more in economy hotels. In 2021, more and more medium and high-end brands have also joined the queue of brand renewal.

At the beginning of 2021, many hotel groups can’t wait to open the curtain of “new” and “new”. In April 2021, “Shangxin” frequency reached its peak, and nearly 10 new brands appeared in China hotel group alone. The increasing number of new brands has become a highlight of the hotel industry in 2021.

From the perspective of new brand hotels, in 2021, the “new” of medium and high-end hotels and above is the general direction. In addition, new hotel brands pay more attention to market segments, most of which are differentiated brands launched based on the current unique market demand.

In addition, some original hotel brands have also achieved collective “rejuvenation” in 2021. On the one hand, the hotel hopes to provide more comprehensive services for guests through new guest experience projects and “Huanxin” spatial layout in the face of changes in the source structure. On the other hand, while adhering to product quality and comfort, the hotel also began to pay attention to the balance between product upgrading and operation cost, and attract investors and franchisees with low cost, low cost and high return.

Why does the hotel group, which has always been cautious about “Shangxin” and “Huanxin”, spend so much effort in 2021? This shows that under the normalized epidemic prevention and control, new consumption trends begin to emerge, including new consumption trends such as urban micro vacation, natural health and theme social networking, which has opened a new card battle in the hotel market, and the competition in the market segments may become more and more intense.

In addition, while constantly “upgrading” and “rejuvenating”, some hotel groups began to make more attempts to enter the “life circle” of consumers and continue to expand the private domain flow pool to preserve more competitive strength.


There is retreat and progress

In 2021, the two most concerned things in the hotel capital market are the official delisting of Kaiyuan Hotel and the successful listing of Zhejiang Ssaw Boutique Hotels Co.Ltd(301073) .

On May 24, 2021, Zhejiang Kaiyuan Hotel Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Kaiyuan Hotel”) was officially delisted from the Hong Kong stock exchange. Relevant information shows that the Kaiyuan hotel was delisted due to the acquisition of privatization offer, which brought more than 1 billion yuan of cash flow to its parent company Kaiyuan tourism. After delisting, Kaiyuan hotel also opened a new journey.

Hotel delisting does not mean giving up the road of capitalization, or it may be storing energy for realizing greater market scale and brand influence. Especially for hotel groups that take the initiative to withdraw from the market, they often take retreat as advance, take advantage of withdrawal to recover their decision-making power, facilitate strategic adjustment, and even have more expansion opportunities. The industry is still paying close attention to whether Kaiyuan hotel after delisting can usher in more abundant market investment enthusiasm.

On September 30, 2021, Zhejiang Ssaw Boutique Hotels Co.Ltd(301073) was listed on the growth enterprise market of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, with an issue price of 12.24 yuan / share and an issue price earnings ratio of 32.47 times, becoming the first share of mid-range hotels. There are only a few companies listed on A-Shares in the hotel industry. So far, there are 8.

However, the completion of the listing of Junting has only crossed a mountain peak. From Junting’s first financial report after listing, the performance is not bright. Of course, the listing of the hotel is never the end of the story. On the contrary, the listing is the beginning of another journey of the hotel. Compared with before listing, the hotel is facing new challenges and needs more keen market insight. For example, Jinjiang, ShouLv Rujia, Jinling and other hotel groups still maintain a development trend that can not be underestimated after listing, especially under the impact of the epidemic, they are still active in the market with an upward attitude. The operation of the capital market has indeed accelerated the expansion of the hotel, but after expanding the market value, the hotel can not ignore the later integration and operation. The industry is also looking forward to Zhejiang Ssaw Boutique Hotels Co.Ltd(301073) standing on a new peak.


Dare to taste fresh

Recently, the 2021 report on the development and consumption trend of China’s accommodation industry jointly released by elong hotel technology and Tongcheng Research Institute shows that driven by the diversification of demand, the business types of China’s accommodation industry are increasingly diversified, and the operators continue to innovate in space operation, extending from the most core accommodation and overnight market to the fields of leisure, entertainment, social networking and so on, “Accommodation + X” has gradually become the most dynamic innovative force, giving birth to “new species” such as E-sports hotels, film hotels, fitness hotels, script hotels and so on.

In 2021, the strong rise of localized leisure consumption also gives these “new species” stronger vitality. Relevant data show that from January to June 2021, the total booking volume of E-sports hotels increased by 17% compared with the whole year of 2020. Similarly, the “script kill” hotel or hotel theme room has also become one of the hottest segments of China’s accommodation market in 2021, gaining the attention of a large number of young groups.

However, behind the popularity, both E-sports hotels and “script kill” hotels are facing business challenges. Taking E-sports hotel as an example, how can E-sports Hotel improve revenue under high cost? When entering the e-sports hotel market, is the hotel positioned as a mid-range hotel or a high-end hotel? Is it to invest in first tier cities or directly aim at the sinking market? These are the issues that hotel investors need to consider. Many E-sports Hotel practitioners said that after nearly two years of explosive growth, the e-sports hotel market has ushered in a reshuffle period in 2021, and a number of E-sports hotels without core competitiveness will be eliminated in the future. How to create sustainable products is the focus of E-sports hotel operators.

According to the analysis of operators, in the “accommodation + X” mode, X represents a fashionable lifestyle. However, as a new thing, is this subdivision business sustainable or short-lived? Is it basically healthy and orderly, or are there many problems? These are worthy of in-depth thinking in the industry. However, it is undeniable that the “accommodation + X” model provides another choice for a large number of hotels to implement intensive management, opening up another world. From this point of view, these “new species” are an attempt of positive significance.


“House” produces quality

Under the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, many consumers have become accustomed to “local festivals”, and more consumers begin to choose “residential hotels” not far from home. According to Ctrip data, more than 50% of local guests book hotels on traditional holidays in 2021. As a result, urban vacations with hotels as destinations are becoming more and more popular in the first and second tier cities, and users’ consumption in holiday hotels is increasing year by year. According to the data of an OTA, during the National Day holiday in 2021, the average order price of some resort hotels has exceeded the level in the same period in 2019.

When the urban vacation mode – “residential hotel”, which does not need to travel, has become the choice of some consumers, some new consumption trends will gradually appear in 2021: the post-80s people who travel with their children hope that the hotel can provide one-stop service of eating, living, traveling and traveling; The post-90s people who love sharing and socializing like to take photos and punch in in high-value hotels, or rent a hotel suite in the form of AA system, play board games and party chat in a spacious space. They have certain requirements for the catering taste of the hotel; The Post-70s people who pursue the quality of life pay attention to the sense of Festival ceremony and hope to spend their holidays in high-end hotels with good atmosphere. They have higher requirements for hotel supporting facilities and services. According to the needs of different consumer groups, the resort products launched by the hotel are also more subdivided and pay more attention to quality.

In addition, driven by urban vacation, the catering performance of many hotels is still very excellent in 2021. Many operators call hotel catering “earthquake resistant” products under the impact of the epidemic.

Some operators believe that the continued popularity of urban vacation in 2021 has a lot to do with the return of high net worth travelers who pay more attention to the quality of life, which has also “achieved” many holiday hotels in China. In the long run, people’s demand for high-end vacation products will continue to grow, but in the medium and short term, the epidemic will eventually end. With the recovery of outbound tourism, resort hotels are bound to have an adjustment cycle. Resort hotels need to take a more positive and rational attitude to meet the challenges.


Problem exposure

Security door, privacy door, price difference door… In 2021, some hotels were “pushed” by the public again due to poor management and other problems.

In July 2021, with the news that “the price difference of hotels booked through different channels is three times” exposed, whether it will encounter “huge price difference” has become the most concerned thing of hotel consumers. Implementing dynamic pricing management is one of the hotel management modes. However, disorderly price fluctuations can easily cause negative effects, which requires hotels, OTAs and third-party agents to reflect and reform their marketing methods and better maintain a good market ecology.

In August 2021, the Shanghai Tourism Industry Association issued the Shanghai hotel price integrity self-discipline convention to regulate hotel price behavior, protect consumers’ rights and interests and maintain the hotel market price order from the perspective of industry self-discipline. Some operators remind that hotels, OTAs and third-party agents can “ignite” consumers’ purchase desire with attractive marketing methods, but they must avoid “big data ripening, consumption fraud, bid up prices” and other illegal acts. We should adhere to the problem orientation, timely check and remedy deficiencies, optimize the collaborative pricing model, strengthen the identification of price anomalies, keep the price within a reasonable range, and make the pricing transparent as much as possible.

In addition, the legality and compliance of room card handling also attracted social attention last year. According to the investigation results of relevant evaluation institutions and the analysis of consumer complaints, in practice, many hotels have failed to apply for room cards as required.

Room card is very important for the hotel to keep the safety bottom line, which reflects the management ability of a hotel. People in the industry remind that the hotel should establish the awareness of room card, that is, safety, safety and zero tolerance, so as to really not open the door to strangers. The key for the hotel to solve such problems lies in strong control and training. Room card management is the most basic management standard in the industry. The scale of the industry is expanding, the investment is rising, and the technological development is constantly updating. Hotels must not lose faith with consumers on the most basic issues.


The future of “number”

Under the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, digitization and intelligence are recognized as the future development trend of the hotel. In fact, in 2021, in the face of multi-point epidemic, many hotels can calmly deal with it because guests check in at the “second” of the hotel, and smart Siasun Robot&Automation Co.Ltd(300024) can also be more skillful in delivering and guiding. This change not only improves the check-in experience of guests, but also reduces the contact between guests and hotel employees, and ensures the safety of both sides. This is not only the promotion of data and computing power, but also the result of hotel digital transformation.

From intelligent construction to digital transformation, the hotel industry has never stopped the pace of innovation. In 2021, promoting the digital transformation of cultural and tourism market players has been written into the “14th five year plan” for the development of cultural and tourism market. According to the latest survey data, at present, more than 90% of hotel group managers in China believe that at the moment when the industry is impacted by the epidemic, the digital transformation has broadened the development ideas for hotels. The digital transformation of the hotel is optimizing the hotel management and operation system from multiple dimensions.

It is worth noting that digital transformation is a large project of hotel strategic transformation, which needs unified deployment and centralized investment. It will also involve changes in organizational structure, talent requirements, operating processes, and even consider the rate of return on investment, which is a problem that must be solved in hotel digital transformation. In the future, only by breaking through the obstacles can the digital transformation of hotels “break through the cocoon and become a butterfly”.

At the same time of digital development, better protection of guest privacy is the top priority of hotel related work. On November 1, 2021, the personal information protection law of the people’s Republic of China was officially implemented, which also means that China’s personal information protection matrix has been formed. Referring to relevant laws and regulations, many hotel groups have put forward solutions to data security problems last year, set up an information security committee and set up an information security center dedicated to this work.

Hotels that have been labeled as “traditional industries” are using digitization to achieve efficiency, while using the power of digitization to create a warm and hospitable industry.

2021 home stay industry keywords


Benchmarking out

On November 23, 2021, the National Technical Committee for Tourism Standardization issued the announcement on Class A and class B tourist accommodation. According to the basic requirements and evaluation of tourist home stay (LB / T 065-2019) and the working procedures for the implementation of amendment No. 1, the National Tourism Standardization Technical Committee has studied and decided that 31 home stay are class a tourist home stay and 27 are class B tourist home stay. This is the first batch of class A and class B tourist B & B hotels evaluated in China.

In recent years, the Ministry of culture and tourism has actively played a positive role in consolidating the achievements of poverty alleviation and helping rural revitalization. On the one hand, it has promoted development and standardized management, and actively promoted the development of tourism home stay industry. The Ministry of culture and tourism issued the basic requirements and evaluation of tourism home stay (LB / T 065-2017) in August 2017, clearly put forward the definition of tourism home stay, and made corresponding provisions on the basic requirements, safety and environmental facilities management requirements, grades and classification conditions of tourism home stay; In July 2019, it will be revised and the grade of tourist B & B will be changed from 2 to 3; In February 2021, the basic requirements and evaluation of tourism home stay (LB / T 065-2019) No. 1 amendment was issued, which defined the level of tourism home stay as grade A, B and C, and included the relevant requirements to prevent catering waste into the standard.

Carrying out the evaluation of graded tourism B & B is an important measure to help the Rural Revitalization Strategy and a powerful starting point for implementing the opinions of the general office of the State Council on serving the “six stabilities” and “six guarantees” and further doing a good job in the reform of “release, management and service”. Insiders have said that the announcement of the first batch of class A and class B tourist B & B is a positive achievement of the standardization of the tourist B & B industry, which will set a benchmark for the development of tourist B & B, guide the cultivation of tourist B & B brands, and then promote the healthy and sustainable development of the tourist B & B industry. Taking the opportunity of the release of the first batch of class A and class B tourist accommodation, the Ministry of culture and tourism will guide the National Tourism Standardization Technical Committee to further promote the implementation of tourism accommodation industry standards, guide all localities to cultivate a number of grade tourist accommodation, create a new brand of grade tourist accommodation, and promote all localities to moderately relax the market access of tourist accommodation.


Cluster development

In 2021, more than a dozen provinces and cities will write the development of B & B into the outline of the 14th five year plan, requiring the cultivation and development of emerging business forms such as tourism B & B, strengthening the standardized construction and management of rural B & B, and deeply promoting the high-quality development of B & B.

At the same time, the cluster development of rural B & B has also become the mainstream trend in 2021. More and more places begin to form clusters by gathering a variety of single B & B to develop together and enhance the influence of local B & B as a whole. For example, Shandong Provincial Department of culture and tourism has announced 34 home stay cluster creation units, and is actively exploring and formulating guidelines and standards for the creation of home stay cluster areas.

“B & B cluster development” is the only way for the sustainable development of B & B. Building a B & B cluster is to solve the problem of imperfect B & B supporting facilities and public supply. Most home stay owners and investors are aware that under the impact of the epidemic, the development of single home stay is very difficult. It not only has space limitations, but also faces operational constraints. For example, the single B & B can’t operate the coffee shop well, the restaurant can’t get a considerable return, and the corresponding cultural and entertainment supply is not sufficient, so it can’t form an effective operation. Through the way of B & B cluster, give play to the professionalism of each B & B operation, and hand over the public supporting facilities to the knowledgeable owners, which solves the pain point of the development of single B & B.

In 2021, wanghong Brand B & B shows a strong brand appeal, but it is a very small number of “pyramid tips” after all. Build a regional B & B brand through B & B cluster, and convert the brand driving effect of single store into the regional brand effect of B & B cluster, so as to support and drive the overall development of other B & B in the region, which will bring considerable traffic and provide corresponding passenger flow guarantee. From the market situation throughout the year, for most home stay consumers, in addition to the personalization of home stay, they are also full of expectations for diversified business formats and multi style brands. Through the cluster development of home stay, more brands and business formats are gathered to effectively meet the needs of consumers.


Booking hot

In 2021, the demand for home stay and vacation in China shows an increasing trend. Tujia B & B big data shows that in November 2021, the search popularity of themed B & B with “skiing” as the keyword increased by 360% month on month, and some popular B & B orders have been booked to new year’s day in 2022.

With the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, the green waters and mountains around the city attract more and more consumers. In 2021, on the B & B reservation platform, orders for B & B products soared every holiday. Nearly 70% of the tourists are post-90s. Experiencing unique rural B & B is an important attraction for young people to fall in love with the countryside. The average consumptio

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