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Attention! Digital RMB has ushered in these new changes

At the beginning of the new year, the digital RMB has ushered in many new changes!

The reporter of Securities Daily found that on January 4, the digital RMB app ushered in an update, and the pilot version of the app was officially put on the shelves in major app stores; On January 5, meituan takeout opened a digital RMB payment channel; On January 6, Tencent announced that it began to provide digital RMB service, and users can open wechat Bank (wechat payment) digital RMB wallet. Industry insiders generally believe that in 2022, the exploration of digital RMB will enter the full test stage, and the application ecology and transaction scale of digital RMB are expected to be greatly improved.

digital RMB (pilot version) app officially launched

On January 4, the digital RMB (pilot version) application was officially launched in Apple App store and android app stores, triggering a heated discussion in the market.

According to the official introduction, the digital RMB (pilot version) app is the official service platform of China’s legal digital currency – Digital RMB for individual users. It provides the opening and management of digital RMB personal wallet, and the exchange and circulation services of digital RMB. Digital RMB is still in the routine test stage in the R & D process. White list users in pilot areas selected by designated digital RMB operators can register this app.

(screenshot of Xiaomi app store)

Compared with the old version, the application interface of digital RMB (pilot version) is more beautiful, there will be no watermark in the background, and the function is more humanized. The mobile phone users ID more convenient when registering, no need to input personal information such as name, ID number, bank card number and so on. Only by entering mobile phone number, setting user name and payment password can you quickly open anonymous wallet. At the same time, users can also choose their own operating institutions. After opening, they can upgrade their wallets as needed and bind bank cards for recharge.

At present, digital RMB wallets are divided into four categories. Wallets opened only with mobile phone numbers are “four categories of wallets”, and the single payment limit is 2000 yuan; Three types of wallets need valid identity documents for real name authentication, and the single payment limit is 5000 yuan; Class II wallets support card binding, and the ID card and my bank account are added for handling requirements, with a single payment limit of 50000 yuan; A category of wallets adds the requirement of “on-site face-to-face signing by operating institutions”, with unlimited transactions.

“The open download of digital RMB app has promoted the popularity of digital RMB and improved the convenience of using digital RMB.” Pan Helin, member of the information and communication economy expert committee of the Ministry of industry and information technology and executive director of the Digital Economy Research Institute of Central South University of economics and law, said in an interview with Securities Daily that the key difficulty of the future popularization of digital RMB lies in popularity, and the key obstacle to improving popularity lies in two aspects: one is the communication channel. At present, smartphone app is the best communication channel, Bind all digital RMB application scenarios through one app, which is easier for users to obtain; Second, ease of use. The simpler the payment app, the more popular it is. This is also the advantage of mobile payment over traditional payment methods such as credit card in the past.

He further said that the current digital RMB app combines these two aspects, which provides help for the popularization of digital RMB application in the future. Of course, there are still many restrictions at this stage, such as designating pilot areas and white lists, but this way of putting on the shelves has also brought a lot of expectations to the people of the whole country.

Wang Min, a senior industry research expert of Tonglian data, told the Securities Daily that as a legal tender, digital RMB has the characteristics of high credibility, high security level, high convenience, strong privacy, low management cost and offline support. With the launch of the digital RMB (pilot version) app in the mobile mall, the digital RMB application scenario will continue to expand, thus entering a new stage of development. The further promotion of digital RMB will also usher in new market demand and development opportunities for the payment system industrial chain.

meituan pilot “take out” payment scenario

On January 5, residents of the national multi currency pilot cities were able to pay for meals in digital RMB when ordering takeout in meituan app and meituan takeout app, which was the first important action of the digital RMB scenario support organization since the pilot version of the digital RMB app was officially launched in major application markets on January 4.

It is understood that the pilot areas that have opened meituan takeout include Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Xi’an, Suzhou, Changsha, Dalian, Qingdao, xiong’an new area, Zhangjiakou and some areas of Hainan Province. In addition, the pilot areas of meituan shopping scene include Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen.

How to use digital RMB to order takeout? The reporter found that after opening the digital wallet of the operation organization, click “sub wallet” – “add sub wallet”, select “meituan”, push the sub wallet to meituan app, and you can see the digital RMB payment option on the takeout payment page.

The reporter also noted that as a digital RMB scenario support organization, meituan has long participated in the digital RMB pilot. Last September, meituan focused on the green and low-carbon travel scenario in Beijing, Shanghai, Hainan, Shenzhen Suzhou and other nine digital RMB pilot areas launched the first digital RMB carbon neutralization pilot – meituan bicycle digital RMB pilot activity simultaneously; In December of the same year, meituan announced to further expand the pilot of digital RMB carbon neutralization. On the meituan platform, as long as they participate in green and low-carbon consumption, they will receive a certain number of digital RMB rewards.

(screenshot of meituan app digital RMB zone)

Su Xiaorui, a senior analyst at Analysys, told the Securities Daily that these small and high-frequency retail consumption scenes are “just needs” in the daily life of the public, and it is easy to cultivate users’ habit of using digital RMB. For meituan, the combination of digital RMB and its own application scenarios is not only a benign interaction between Internet technology enterprises and digital RMB, but also a vivid embodiment of the practice of social responsibility.

Tencent added a digital RMB payment channel

On January 6, after multi-stage controllable pilot in the early stage, Tencent began to provide users with digital RMB services, and users can open wechat Bank (wechat payment) digital RMB wallet.

(voice of Securities Daily)


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