\u3000\u3 China Vanke Co.Ltd(000002) 475 Luxshare Precision Industry Co.Ltd(002475) )
We believe that the share price of Luxshare Precision Industry Co.Ltd(002475) ( Luxshare Precision Industry Co.Ltd(002475) . CH) has 10% room for rise in the next month.
Year to date, Luxshare Precision Industry Co.Ltd(002475) 's share price has fallen by 30.65% and the share price has fallen excessively. We believe that the current market sentiment has fully reflected the relatively pessimistic demand for mobile phones this year. The year-on-year growth guideline of 25% - 30% of the net profit of Lixun 1q22 fully reflects the company's ability to achieve profit growth under the difficult external environment such as weak demand for mobile phones, repeated epidemics and shortage of supply chain. In addition, the company is expected to enjoy the fundamental improvement of smartphone shipments year-on-year and month on month in the second quarter.
Therefore, we believe that Luxshare Precision Industry Co.Ltd(002475) share price has a 70% - 80% chance of rising in the next month.