The subsidy standard for new energy vehicles declined by 30%. The survey found that the vast majority of vehicle enterprises were not in a hurry to raise prices

At the beginning of 2022, the new energy vehicle industry will face challenges. According to the 2022 new energy vehicle promotion subsidy scheme released recently, the subsidy standard for new energy vehicles will decline by 30%, which will be implemented from January 1, 2022.

China Securities Journal reporter found that new energy vehicles are crossing the turning point of marketization and gradually getting rid of the dependence on financial subsidies. The vast majority of auto companies are not in a hurry to raise prices, but give priority to maintaining market share.

Industry insiders pointed out that as the new energy vehicle market changes from policy driven to demand driven, even if the subsequent vehicle prices increase, the impact on sales is expected to be limited. The intensive listing of a large number of high-quality models is expected to drive the rapid growth of new energy vehicle market in 2022.

most auto companies wait and see

For the specific impact of the subsidy decline, Dongxing Securities Corporation Limited(601198) according to the calculation of the subsidy scheme, it meets the requirement of "300 km ≤ endurance mileage"




元旦之前,特斯拉已经率先宣布提价。2021年12月31日,特斯拉中国官网显示,Model 3后轮驱动版价格调整为26.5652万元,与此前售价相比上调1万元;Model Y后轮驱动版价格调整为30.1840万元,与此前售价相比上调2.1088万元。

但大多数车企对于是否通过提价应对补贴退坡,处于观望状态。“2021年以来,芯片、动力电池等零部件的成本上涨压力很大,现在补贴退坡,车企成本压力更大了。” Great Wall Motor Company Limited(601633) 相关负责人告诉中国证券报记者,“新能源汽车市场这么火爆,很多车企会优先考虑保障市场占有率,选择观望。”

中国证券报记者通过走访多家车企4S店发现,长城欧拉、 Byd Company Limited(002594) 等热门新能源汽车的终端售价还没有调整。“在农历除夕前(1月31日)广汽还会延续2021年的新能源补贴政策,后续公司会根据相关政策再进行调整。”广汽埃安销售经理张丽对中国证券报记者表示。




“从跟消费者的交流来看,我感觉三五千块钱的差价已经不构成是否购车的优先选项了。”某4S店负责人王明(化名)告诉中国证券报记者,“从这两年的新能源汽车市场来看,像五菱宏光MINI EV等不享受新能源汽车补贴的车型,同样卖得很好。”




Citic Securities Company Limited(600030) 指出,随着2022年补贴政策的稳定落地,叠加优质车型的持续投放,行业的智能电动大趋势将持续加速,推动电动化、智能化景气向上。中国方面,预计2022年中 Shanxi Guoxin Energy Corporation Limited(600617) 汽车销量达480万辆,同比增长38%。



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