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Wuliangban Daniu shares urgently clarified that it has never carried out the research and development of covid-19 specific drugs

After frequent clarification, the company closed the daily limit?

On March 15, Pku Healthcare Corp.Ltd(000788) again issued a prompt announcement, saying that the company has never carried out the research and development of covid-19 specific drugs. Please pay attention to the investment risk and invest rationally. Previously, due to market rumors that Pku Healthcare Corp.Ltd(000788) cooperated with yanyeyi of Japan to develop covid-19 specific drug, the stock realized five connected boards at one go.

five link board Pku Healthcare Corp.Ltd(000788) clarification again:

never developed covid-19 specific drug

On March 15, Pku Healthcare Corp.Ltd(000788) issued an announcement on the abnormal fluctuation of stock trading, Pku Healthcare Corp.Ltd(000788) said that due to the cumulative deviation of the closing price of the company’s shares from the value for more than 20% in two consecutive trading days, it belongs to the abnormal fluctuation of stock trading according to the relevant regulations of Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

Pku Healthcare Corp.Ltd(000788) checked the relevant matters in view of the abnormal fluctuation of the company’s stock trading. Recently, it was noticed that there were rumors on the Internet that the company cooperated with yanyeyi of Japan to develop covid-19 specific drug. Here, Pku Healthcare Corp.Ltd(000788) solemnly declares that the company has never carried out the research and development of covid-19 specific drugs, nor has it negotiated with yanyeyi, Japan on the cooperation of covid-19 specific drugs. Please do not believe the Internet rumors, pay attention to investment risks and invest rationally.

In addition, Pku Healthcare Corp.Ltd(000788) also added that after verification, there is no need to correct or supplement the information disclosed by the company in the early stage; At present, the company’s operation is normal, and the internal and external business environment has not changed significantly; The controlling shareholders and actual controllers of the company do not have other major matters that should be disclosed but not disclosed about the company, nor do they have major matters involving the company in the planning stage.

As of the date of this announcement, the company’s 2021 annual report is still being prepared, there is no disclosure of performance information, the company does not need to disclose performance forecast, and the unpublished periodic report data information has not been provided to a third party other than the company’s audit institution.

strength business department appears on the list

On March 15, Pku Healthcare Corp.Ltd(000788) again raised the limit to close at 12.00 yuan, with a deviation of 14.55%, a turnover rate of 18.29%, an amplitude of 4.58% and a turnover of 1.3 billion yuan. The stock was also listed on the dragon and tiger list due to the cumulative deviation of the closing price increase by 20% in three consecutive trading days.

According to the data, a powerful business department appeared on the dragon and tiger list of Pku Healthcare Corp.Ltd(000788) . The third position is China Merchants Securities Co.Ltd(600999) trading unit. The seat bought 205405 million yuan, sold 1.2503 million yuan, and the net purchase amount was 192902 million yuan. In the past three months, the seat has been listed 309 times, ranking 11th in strength.

In addition, the position of the second buyer is China Securities Co.Ltd(601066) securities Hangzhou Qingchun Road, which is the front-line hot money business department, and the purchase amount on that day is 24.059 million yuan; The four selling positions are also shown as front-line hot money. Huaxin Securities Shanghai songbin Road business department sold 171939 million yuan on the same day.

Pku Healthcare Corp.Ltd(000788) share price nearly doubled

In fact, Pku Healthcare Corp.Ltd(000788) issued an announcement of abnormal fluctuations in stock trading on March 13 to remind investors of risks Pku Healthcare Corp.Ltd(000788) stressed that the company was concerned about the recent media reports on the progress of oral drugs for covid-19 virus developed by yanyeyi pharmaceutical company in Japan, and the company has no plan to cooperate with foreign manufacturers. The company is now in the transitional period of restructuring of Founder group. For the main business and core products of the company, please refer to the annual report disclosed by the company.

However, this reminder announcement did not dampen the enthusiasm of funds. Subsequently, influenced by the positive mood of covid-19 specific drug in the market, Pku Healthcare Corp.Ltd(000788) closed up by 5 limit in a row. Since January 28, the stock has nearly doubled. So far, the stock has risen by more than 97%, with a total market value of 7.152 billion yuan.

For the above Clarification Announcement, some investors believe that “the one word limit will open tomorrow.” “Tomorrow is dangerous.”

covid-19 related stocks are active

In March 11th, the State Council issued a notice to the comprehensive group of joint prevention and control mechanism of New Coronavirus pneumonia. In order to further optimize the COVID-19 virus detection strategy and serve the epidemic prevention and control needs, it was decided to add antigen detection on the basis of nucleic acid detection.

As of March 13, 10 companies in China have obtained the registration certificate of covid-19 antigen detection kit nmpa and released the self inspection application scenario. On March 13, many terminals, including offline pharmacies and e-commerce platforms, could purchase covid-19 antigen home self-test products, opening up residents’ self purchase channels.

The above news superimposed on the repeated epidemic situation in China, making the covid-19 detection concept the strongest hot spot in the two cities. Stimulated by the good news, Ningbo Menovo Pharmaceutical Co.Ltd(603538) 6 days 5 boards, Beijing Hotgen Biotech Co.Ltd(688068) , Hybio Pharmaceutical Co.Ltd(300199) , Aurisco Pharmaceutical Co.Ltd(605116) , Fujian Cosunter Pharmaceutical Co.Ltd(300436) and other stock prices rose.

Guolian Securities Co.Ltd(601456) believes that the policy starts the 100 billion antigen market, the epidemic progresses, and the antigen use scenarios are expanded. Antigen has the function of positive screening and can be used as an effective supplement for nucleic acid detection. At present, 10 companies in China have obtained nmpa registration certificates, which can not fully meet the needs after China’s liberalization. More than 30 enterprises in China have obtained access in Europe and North America and carried out a large number of promotion and sales. The sensitivity and specificity have been verified to a considerable extent, and the feedback is good. It is expected to become a potential approved manufacturer.

Southwest Securities Co.Ltd(600369) pointed out that at present, the epidemic situation in China is spreading in many places. Covid-19 antigen self-test products can be widely used in scenes such as general inspection after the outbreak of the epidemic, routine screening of key populations and rapid entry detection. At the same time, community residents can also carry out self-test, and the market space can be expected in the future. In the short term, it is suggested to pay attention to the industrial chain related to covid-19 antigen household self-test, including antigen detection products, upstream raw materials, retail channels, etc.

On March 15, the State Food and Drug Administration held a party group (expanded) meeting. The meeting required that we should continue to ensure the quality and supply of covid-19 virus vaccine, accelerate the approval and listing of covid-19 virus therapeutic drugs and covid-19 virus antigen detection reagents, strengthen the quality supervision of epidemic prevention products, do a solid job in internal prevention and control, and make every effort to serve the overall situation of epidemic prevention and control.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that the recent covid-19 specific drug concept Daniel stock China Meheco Group Co.Ltd(600056) , realizing 7 boards in 9 days. On the news side, the company was granted the right to operate Pfizer COVID-19 orally in Chinese mainland.

Earlier, China Meheco Group Co.Ltd(600056) said the company signed an agreement with Pfizer Inc that will be responsible for the commercial operation of Pfizer Inc COVID-19 virus treatment PAXLOVID in Chinese mainland market during the agreement period (2022). However, China Meheco Group Co.Ltd(600056) stressed that the product is a prescription drug and has not yet entered the national medical insurance and China covid-19 pneumonia diagnosis and treatment plan. The final use and sales are affected by epidemic prevention and control and other factors, there is great uncertainty, and it is expected that the relevant business scale accounts for a small proportion of the company’s overall business volume, which has no significant impact on the company’s recent operating performance.

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