Harbin Dongan Auto Engine Co.Ltd(600178) : special audit report on special deposit and loan business in 2021

Harbin Dongan Auto Engine Co.Ltd(600178) special audit report on deposit and loan business of Ordnance Equipment Group Finance Co., Ltd

Zhongxinghua Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership)


Address: 20th floor, sohob tower, Lize, No. 20 Lize Road, Fengtai District, Beijing zip code: 100073 Tel: (010) 51423818 Fax: (010) 51423816


1、 Special audit report 1-2 II. Summary of deposit and loan business 1

Zhongxinghua Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership) Z H O N G x i n g h u a c e r t i f i e d p u b l i c a c o n t a n t s l p address (l o c a t i o n): 20 / F, floor 20, Tower B, Lize SOHO, 20 Lize Road, No. 20 Lize Road, Lize SOHO, Fengtai District, Beijing, Fax: 1 × 2 0 (China)

In the special audit report on the deposit and loan business of Ordnance Equipment Group Finance Co., Ltd., Xinghua Bao Zi (2022) No. 010100, all shareholders of Harbin Harbin Dongan Auto Engine Co.Ltd(600178) Automobile Co., Ltd.:

We are entrusted to audit the consolidated and parent company's balance sheet of Harbin Dongan Auto Engine Co.Ltd(600178) (hereinafter referred to as " Harbin Dongan Auto Engine Co.Ltd(600178) company") on December 31, 2021, the consolidated and parent company's income statement, consolidated and parent company's cash flow statement, consolidated and parent company's statement of changes in shareholders' equity and notes to financial statements in 2021, The attached summary of deposit and loan business in Ordnance Equipment Group Finance Co., Ltd. in Harbin Dongan Auto Engine Co.Ltd(600178) 2021 (hereinafter referred to as "summary") was specially reviewed.

1、 Management's responsibility for the summary

It is the responsibility of the management of Harbin Dongan Auto Engine Co.Ltd(600178) company to prepare and disclose the summary table and provide true, legal and complete audit evidence in accordance with the provisions of the self regulatory guidelines for listed companies of Shanghai Stock Exchange No. 5 - transactions and connected transactions issued by Shanghai Stock Exchange.

2、 Responsibilities of Certified Public Accountants

Our responsibility is to express special audit opinions on the summary sheet on the basis of audit work. We conducted the audit in accordance with the relevant provisions of the auditing standards for Chinese certified public accountants. The auditing standards for Chinese certified public accountants require us to abide by the code of professional ethics for Chinese certified public accountants, plan and perform the audit work, so as to obtain reasonable assurance whether the summary statement is free from material misstatement. During the audit process, we implemented procedures that we considered necessary, including checking accounting records and recalculating the amount of relevant items. We believe that our audit work provides a reasonable basis for issuing audit opinions.

3、 Audit status

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