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Suning.Com Co.Ltd(002024) : Announcement on guarantee provided by subsidiaries for subsidiaries

Securities code: 002024 securities abbreviation: Suning.Com Co.Ltd(002024) Announcement No.: 2021-145 Suning.Com Co.Ltd(002024)

Announcement on guarantee provided by subsidiaries for subsidiaries

The company and all members of the board of directors guarantee that the information disclosed is true, accurate and complete without false records, misleading statements or major omissions.

1、 Overview of guarantee

1. In order to meet the needs of business development of Suning.Com Co.Ltd(002024) (hereinafter referred to as “the company”), recently, the company’s subsidiaries Yunnan Suning.Com Co.Ltd(002024) Sales Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Yunnan Suning.Com Co.Ltd(002024) “), Weinan Suning.Com Co.Ltd(002024) Sales Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Weinan Suning.Com Co.Ltd(002024) ) Mianyang Suning.Com Co.Ltd(002024) Sales Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Mianyang Suning.Com Co.Ltd(002024) “) provided guarantee for the contract performance of the company’s subsidiary Suning Intelligent Terminal Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Suning intelligent terminal”), with a total guarantee amount of RMB 173724100.

2. The subjects of this guarantee are legal persons within the scope of the company’s consolidated statements, and have fulfilled the company’s internal resolution procedures. According to the relevant provisions of the guidelines for the standardized operation of listed companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange (revised in 2020), this guarantee does not need to be submitted to the board of directors and the general meeting of shareholders of the company for deliberation.

This guarantee is not a related party transaction.

2、 Basic information of the guaranteed

Name: Suning Intelligent Terminal Co., Ltd

Date of establishment: July 27, 2018

Company type: limited liability company (sole proprietorship of legal person from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan)

Unified social credit Code: 91320100ma1wye7a8y

Company address: Yuting square, No. 59, Wangqiao Road, Xiongzhou street, Liuhe District, Nanjing

Legal representative: Chang Jiang

Registered capital: 50 million yuan

Business scope: production of network set-top box and network digital TV, home appliances, communication and electronic products; Development, production and sales of intelligent electronic products; Sales of electronic products, mechanical equipment and electrical equipment; Development and application of network engineering technology; Production of network appliances and integrated circuit products; Installation, commissioning, design and construction of intelligent system equipment; Installation of electronic security engineering, design, construction and maintenance of electronic engineering and intelligent system engineering; Computer network system integration, software development and services, information technology services; Technology development, technical consultation, technology transfer, technical services and technology promotion; Advertising design, production and release; Import and export of goods and technology; Production and sales of gas appliances, gas water heaters, gas heating water heaters, gas stoves, water purifiers, water dispensers, boiling water heaters, soft water equipment and their spare parts; Production and sales of medical devices. (for projects subject to approval according to law, business activities can be carried out only after approval by relevant departments) general items: manufacturing of special monetary equipment; Furniture sales; Sales of daily necessities; Retail of household appliances; Retail of kitchenware, sanitary ware and daily sundries; Sales of mechanical equipment; Sales of office equipment and consumables; Information system integration service; Sales of special currency equipment; Sales of communication equipment; Sales of additive manufacturing equipment; Sales of slide and projection equipment; Sales of information security equipment (except for projects subject to approval according to law, business activities shall be carried out independently according to law with business license).

Suning intelligent terminal is a holding subsidiary of the company. As of December 31, 2020, the total assets were RMB 2.685 billion and the net assets were RMB – 229 million. In 2020, the operating revenue was RMB 2.106 billion and the net profit was RMB – 83 million. As of September 30, 2021, the total assets were 1.036 billion yuan and the net assets were – 370 million yuan. From January to September 2021, the operating revenue was 1.306 billion yuan and the net profit was – 141 million yuan.

Suning intelligent terminal does not belong to the dishonest executee.

3、 Main contents of this guarantee

1. Main contents of Yunnan Suning.Com Co.Ltd(002024) and Weinan Suning.Com Co.Ltd(002024) guarantee

(1) Guarantee amount: the amount of creditor’s rights guaranteed by the collateral is 147519000 yuan.

(2) Guarantee method: mortgage guarantee.

① Yunnan Suning.Com Co.Ltd(002024) takes the real estate numbered Yun (2020) Wuhua District real estate property right No. 0197119 as collateral to guarantee the performance of the debts incurred by the creditor and the debtor under the main agreement.

② Weinan Suning.Com Co.Ltd(002024) takes the real estate No. 0001412 of Shaanxi (2020) Weinan real estate property right as collateral to guarantee the debt performance of the creditor and the debtor under the main agreement.

(3) Guarantee period: the mortgage registration period is from December 6, 2021 to March 31, 2023.

2. Main contents of Mianyang Suning.Com Co.Ltd(002024) guarantee

(1) Guarantee amount: the maximum amount of creditor’s rights guaranteed by the collateral is RMB 26.2051 million.

(2) Guarantee method: mortgage guarantee.

Mianyang Suning.Com Co.Ltd(002024) takes the real estate No. 0004867 / 0004882 / 0004877 / 0004870 / 0004875 / 0004871 / 0004844 of Mianyang real estate property right No. Chuan (2019) as collateral to guarantee the performance of debts that have occurred or will continue to occur between the creditor and the debtor under the main agreement.

(3) Guarantee period: the mortgage registration period is from December 6, 2021 to March 31, 2023.

4、 Opinions of the board of directors

This guarantee is the guarantee of subsidiaries within the scope of consolidated statements. Considering the company’s daily operation and capital needs, it is in line with the company’s actual operation and overall development strategy. The company has the ability to control its operation and management risks. The guarantee provided by the subsidiary complies with the requirements of the rules for the listing of shares on Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the guidelines for the standardized operation of listed companies on Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the company’s external guarantee management system.

5、 Accumulated external guarantee quantity and overdue guarantee quantity

As of the date of this announcement, after deducting the released guarantee, the guarantee amount of the company to the subsidiary approved by the company is 9086.48 million yuan, the guarantee amount of the subsidiary to the subsidiary is 298.9541 million yuan, and the guarantee amount of the company to Shanghai Xingtu Financial Services Group Co., Ltd. is 1489.0568 million yuan, The above external guarantees accounted for 14.15% of the audited net assets attributable to the parent company in 2020.

The company reviewed and approved the subsidiary to provide a guarantee line of up to RMB 1500000000 for the company and financial institutions to apply for comprehensive credit, financing business and contract performance.

The actual guarantee balance provided by the company to its subsidiaries is 470647800 yuan, the actual guarantee balance provided by its subsidiaries to its subsidiaries is 298954100 yuan, and the actual guarantee balance provided by the company to Shanghai Xingtu Financial Services Group Co., Ltd. is 1489056800 yuan. The above external guarantees account for 8.45% of the audited net assets attributable to the parent company in 2020. The company’s subsidiaries provided guarantees for the company’s comprehensive credit, financing business and contract performance, with a balance of 13961448700 yuan.

The company has no overdue external guarantee.

It is hereby announced.

Suning.Com Co.Ltd(002024) board of directors December 31, 2021


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