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Environmental protection industry reappears “dark horse”? Gross profit surpasses peer Konka Group Co.Ltd(000016) shareholding

a total of three stocks are listed today, namely: Chunli medical and Pingao shares of the science and innovation board, and Tianyuan environmental protection of the gem; Another stock subscription is Weike technology on the gem.

Chunli medical is a leading manufacturer of orthopaedic medical devices in China, company has a relatively leading market position in China. In 2019, it accounted for 8.96% of the market share of joint implant medical devices in China, ranking second among local enterprises and fourth among joint prosthesis enterprises outside China.

Pinko is a cloud computing and industry information service provider mainly for the government and state-owned enterprises; rail transit industrial investment has held 4.0438% of the company’s shares before issuance, and Guangzhou Baiyun Electric Equipment Co.Ltd(603861) holds 2.6469%.

Tianyuan environmental protection is a comprehensive environmental treatment service provider engaged in landfill leachate and highly difficult wastewater treatment; Konka Group Co.Ltd(000016) has held 20% of the shares before the issuance of the company. according to the announcement, company’s gross profit margin is higher than that of its peers, has been rated as a national high-tech enterprise, a “small giant” enterprise in Wuhan Science and technology, a “small giant” enterprise specialized in Hubei, etc. can the company become a “new dark horse” in the environmental protection industry?

In addition, Weike technology, the company subscribed today, is one of the key backbone enterprises of precision injection molds in China. The issuer of the company has established cooperation with high-quality customers such as Schneider group, IKEA group, Danaher group, Chenbei group and Lide group. However, company currently has a certain gap with large enterprises outside China.

For the industry of Weike technology, Guotai Junan Securities Co.Ltd(601211) suggests that with the steady progress of transformation and upgrading of plastic instead of steel and plastic instead of wood, China’s mold and injection molding products industry will usher in new growth points in the future, and * * market demand will further expand. in addition, the improvement of residents’ awareness of healthy life and the arrival of a new era of consumption upgrading drive the rapid development of the market of health products such as air purifiers. It is expected that the sales of air purifiers with disinfection and sterilization effect will continue to increase. at present, the market scale of mold, plastic products and health household appliances industry is huge and the number of enterprises is large, so the market concentration of the industry is relatively low.

(Financial Associated Press)


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