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Atomic energy law, independent third-generation technology, swimming pool reactor… These nuclear energy keywords are available during the two sessions

“We should speed up the promulgation of the atomic energy law, develop independent third-generation nuclear power technology, accelerate the implementation of swimming pool reactor heating demonstration projects, promote the coupling development of high-temperature reactors and high energy consuming enterprises, and promote China National Nuclear Power Co.Ltd(601985) ‘going global’.”

Interface news learned from China Nuclear Industry Corporation (CNNC) that during the two sessions this year, CNNC deputies to the National People’s Congress and members of the CPPCC put forward a number of suggestions on the development of nuclear power.

Gu Jun, deputy to the National People’s Congress and general manager of CNNC, pointed out that the basic laws governing China’s atomic energy field should be issued as soon as possible, the regulatory system suitable for China’s status as a nuclear power should be improved, and the legislative gap should be filled.

Gu Jun said that the Atomic Energy Law (Draft for comments) is basically mature, and the relevant contents of the Atomic Energy Law (Draft for comments) should be improved in combination with the latest situation and strategic needs. In addition, the radioactive waste management law should be formulated as soon as possible to standardize management and ensure long-term safety.

At present, China has formulated the law on the prevention and control of radioactive pollution and the nuclear safety law, but due to the legal positioning, it can only partially involve the content of radioactive waste management, and the radioactive waste management lags behind the development of nuclear energy.

The law on the prevention and control of radioactive waste should clearly cover the main contents of the law on the prevention and control of radioactive waste; Establish and improve radioactive waste management organization and management system; Establish a national plan for radioactive waste management; Establish a fund guarantee system for radioactive waste management; Improve the public participation mechanism.

Gu Jun and Luo Qi, member of the National Committee of the Chinese people’s Political Consultative Conference and deputy chief engineer of China Nuclear Power Group, suggested that under the “double carbon” goal, it is necessary to speed up the implementation of the swimming pool heap heating demonstration project to solve the problem of clean heating in the North.

They believe that compared with traditional heat sources, nuclear heating can significantly reduce pollution emissions, ensure the safety of heating and alleviate the increasingly serious shortage of energy supply.

Among the more than 400 nuclear reactors in operation around the world, more than 10% of the units have realized cogeneration, which has operated safely for about 1000 reactor years. Russia, Sweden and other countries have generally realized nuclear heating.

Gu Jun and Luo Qi proposed that the “Yanlong” pool type low-temperature heating reactor has extremely high inherent safety, remarkable energy conservation and emission reduction effect, which is equivalent to the current coal-fired heating price, and there is no need to transform the urban heat transmission pipe network.

They jointly suggested that supporting policies should be introduced in terms of taxes, loan interest rates and financial subsidies to promote the implementation of nuclear heating projects as soon as possible and ensure the sustainable development of comprehensive utilization of nuclear energy.

Liu Wei, deputy to the National People’s Congress and member of the strategy and Management Advisory Committee of CNNC, and Wang Liming, member of the CPPCC National Committee, chief expert of CNNC and member of the strategy and Management Advisory Committee, jointly pointed out that the construction schedule of independent third-generation nuclear power should be accelerated.

At present, China’s independent third-generation nuclear power Hualong 1, the world’s first Fuqing nuclear power unit 5, and Pakistan’s first Karachi nuclear power unit 2 have been put into operation. China’s third-generation nuclear power technology has ranked among the forefront of the world.

Liu Wei and Wang Liming suggested that local governments should be coordinated to promote the implementation of nuclear power plant sites, and about eight million kilowatt independent third-generation nuclear power units should be started every year before 2030, so as to maintain China National Nuclear Power Co.Ltd(601985) stable and sustainable development.

Wang Shoujun, member of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee and chairman of the China Nuclear Society, proposed that the coupling development of high-temperature reactors and high energy consuming enterprises should be promoted.

Wang Shoujun said that the annual power generation of a Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co.Ltd(600000) kW high-temperature reactor can reach more than 4 billion kwh, and the power supply is stable. At present, the outlet temperature of high-temperature reactor reaches 700750, and cogeneration can be realized through steam extraction of steam turbine, which is used in industrial and civil heating / steam supply markets with 100400 different parameters.

Wang Shoujun suggested that relevant national ministries and commissions list the comprehensive energy / steam supply demonstration project of high-temperature reactor for petrochemical, steel and other high energy consuming enterprises as a national science and technology special project, carry out relevant application research and practice, and promote the improvement of industrial standards and administrative regulations.

China’s one belt, one road nuclear power cooperation, was proposed by Wan Gang, member of the CPPCC National Committee and Secretary of the CPC’s nuclear power research and Design Institute.

China’s one belt, one road, is the most developing country, Wan Gang said. Nuclear power is the most realistic choice to solve its economic and social development and energy demand contradiction.

So far, China has exported 14 nuclear power units and research devices to the international market, including six nuclear power units to Pakistan.

On December 20, 2021, Shidaowan high temperature gas cooled reactor demonstration project was successfully connected to the grid for the first time, marking that China has become one of the few countries in the world to master the fourth generation nuclear energy technology.

In order to better promote the “going out” of China National Nuclear Power Co.Ltd(601985) , Wangang hopes that the national level can strengthen overall coordination, introduce nuclear power export financing policies and strengthen publicity in international organizations and activities, so as to enhance the popularity and competitiveness of China National Nuclear Power Co.Ltd(601985) .

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