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International oil prices hit 140 US dollars and the A-share gem fell sharply. The concept of three children bucked the trend and lifted the limit tide

The situation in Russia and Ukraine continues to disturb the nerves of global financial markets.

Comprehensive Xinhua news agency, China CCTV news and World Wide Web report, US Secretary of state Blinken said that NATO members have been allowed to provide fighters to Ukraine, while the United States is “actively striving for” to reach an agreement with Poland, Poland to provide Ukraine fighters. The Russian Defense Ministry announced that the Russian side found a military biological plan funded by the United States and implemented in Ukraine during military operations.

For Ukraine’s application to join the EU, the president of the European Commission said, “it takes time”. Members of the Ukrainian delegation to the Russian Ukrainian negotiations said that the Ukrainian side will no longer be committed to submitting its application to join NATO.

In addition, the United States is working with its European allies to study the possibility of banning the import of Russian oil, making the international oil price close to $140 at the beginning of the Asian market on March 7.

In terms of a shares, as of the noon closing on March 7, the Shanghai index fell 1.48%, the Shenzhen composite index fell 2.67% and the gem index fell 3.43%. In terms of north capital, the Shanghai Stock connect had a net outflow of 3.993 billion yuan in early trading and the Shenzhen Stock connect had a net outflow of 3.203 billion yuan in early trading.

On the disk, three child related concept stocks strengthened in an all-round way, and relevant sectors such as nurseries, assisted reproduction and education rose sharply; Track stocks adjusted again, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co.Limited(300750) fell more than 6%, and the general decline of gem heavyweights dragged down the index.

discovery of US funded military biological program in Ukraine

According to China Central Television News, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced at a press conference held on the 6th that Russia had found a military biological plan funded by the United States and implemented in Ukraine during military operations.

Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Konashenkov said there was evidence that several US funded Ukrainian biological laboratories near the Russian border had been engaged in the research and development of biological and chemical weapons. According to the documents seized by the Russian army, the Ministry of health of Ukraine ordered the Poltava biological laboratory and the Kharkov biological laboratory on the day of the Russian military operation in Ukraine on February 24th, demanding that the staff urgently destroy the virus that can cause plague, anthrax and cholera. Shinakov said that the results of the Russian army’s biochemical analysis will be released.

Earlier, according to China Central Television News quoting Brazil’s Rio times, an investigative reporter posted on social media that on February 26, the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine deleted all documents about the Pentagon funded Ukrainian biological laboratory on its website.

NATO member states have been approved to provide fighters to Ukraine

Secretary of state Blinken said on that day that NATO members have been allowed to provide fighter planes to Ukraine. It also said that the United States was “actively striving” to reach an agreement with Poland to provide fighters to Ukraine. It is reported that the US government approved the delivery of US $350 million worth of lethal weapons to Ukraine last week.

According to China Central Television News, citing informed U.S. officials, if Ukrainian President Zelensky has to evacuate the capital Kiev, U.S. and European officials have been discussing how to support the Ukrainian government in exile under such circumstances. The scope of the discussion included supporting the relocation of Ukrainian government officials to Lvov in western Ukraine, or the possibility that they were forced to leave Ukraine completely and establish an exile government in Poland. However, these discussions are only preliminary and have not yet involved any substantive decisions.

Uzbekistan will no longer commit to submitting the application for joining NATO

On the 6th local time, alahamia, member of the Ukrainian delegation to the Russian Ukrainian negotiations and chairman of the parliamentary group of the Ukrainian people’s public servant party, said that NATO was not prepared to discuss Ukraine’s accession to the organization in the next five to 10 years.

He said that Ukraine will no longer commit to submitting an application for joining NATO, but will discuss a “non NATO model”. On this issue, it is not just Russia that Ukraine must have a dialogue with.

According to China Central Television News, on March 6 local time, European Commission President Feng delaine said that Ukraine was welcome to apply for accession to the EU, but Feng delaine also pointed out that there are clear regulations and processes for accession to the EU, which “can not be bypassed”, and it is not a thing overnight. Von delaine stressed that at present, the most important thing is to provide as much support to Ukraine as possible in the current conflict.

Previously, von delaine has repeatedly stated that the most important task now is to end the conflict, and Ukraine’s accession to the EU should be the next step.

Analysts said that because Ukraine is far from the standards required by the EU in all aspects of political, economic and social development, its accession to the EU is destined to be far away. Some scholars pointed out that at present, it is necessary to manage the expectation of Ukraine’s accession to the EU, not to let the outside world have too much expectation, and the EU should not make too many unrealistic commitments.

international oil price approaches 140 USD

One piece of news made the international oil price close to $140.

At the beginning of the Asian market on March 7, the international oil price soared sharply. According to data, the main contract of ice oil distribution futures rose to US $139.13/barrel at the beginning of the session, and the main contract of NYMEX crude oil futures rose to US $130.50/barrel at the highest.

As oil prices soared, resource stocks in the A and H-share markets danced hand in hand.

According to the data, as of 11:30, in the Hong Kong stock market, among the 12 industry sectors of Hang Seng, only the raw materials and energy sectors rose; Within the sector, Rusal rose more than 16% and Zhaojin gold industry rose more than 10%.

As of the midday closing of a shares, Chifeng Jilong Gold Mining Co.Ltd(600988) rose by more than 7%, Shandong Gold Mining Co.Ltd(600547) rose by more than 5%, and Tong Petrotech Corp(300164) rose by 5%.

According to Xinhua news agency, US Secretary of state Blinken said in a CNN news program on 6 July that President Biden and government departments are discussing whether to impose oil embargo on Russia. The United States will coordinate with European allies and partners to ensure that the relevant measures do not affect the normal supply of the international oil market.

According to China Central Television News, Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the US House of Representatives, said on the same day that the house of Representatives was exploring a legislative plan to isolate Russia, including bills banning Russian oil and energy imports.

It is reported that since the beginning of Russia’s military action against Ukraine, the sanctions imposed by the United States and the West on Russia have been increasing, but the sanctions have not yet involved Russia’s oil and gas exports.

Russia is one of the world’s major oil exporters. According to the data of the U.S. energy information administration, the United States imported more than 20.4 million barrels of crude oil and refined petroleum products from Russia every month in 2021, accounting for 8% of the liquid fuel imported by the United States.

China Central Television News reported that if sanctions are imposed on Russian oil and gas exports, it will not only seriously affect the global crude oil market, but also have a huge impact on the U.S. and China’s energy market. Some Western leaders worry that this measure may trigger the global energy crisis and further escalate the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

nurseries, triplets and assisted reproduction concepts set off a rising tide

According to the data of China Securities Taurus, as of the noon closing on March 7, the nursery and three child concept sectors led the rise hand in hand, and the concept of assisted reproduction showed a strong performance.

Among stocks, Wuxi Hodgen Technology Co.Ltd(300279) raised the daily limit in a straight line after opening, Zhejiang Cayi Vacuum Container Co.Ltd(301004) raised the daily limit in a straight line, and both gained the “20cm” daily limit \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\1 and other stocks rose by the limit.

According to Xinhua news agency, the government work report in 2022 proposed to improve the supporting measures of the three child fertility policy, include the care expenses of infants under the age of 3 into the special additional deduction of personal income tax, and develop inclusive childcare services to reduce the burden of family rearing.

App source: Taurus

Editor: Zhang Nan, Cao Shuai

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