Henan Huaying Agricultural Development Co.Ltd(002321) : Announcement on the company and relevant responsible persons receiving the decision on administrative supervision measures of Henan regulatory bureau of China Securities Regulatory Commission

Securities code: 002321 securities abbreviation: Huaying agriculture Announcement No.: 2021-092 Henan Huaying Agricultural Development Co.Ltd(002321)

Received by the company and relevant responsible personnel

Henan regulatory bureau of China Securities Regulatory Commission

Announcement of decision on administrative supervision measures

The company and all members of the board of directors guarantee that the information disclosed is true, accurate and complete without false records, misleading statements or major omissions.

Henan Huaying Agricultural Development Co.Ltd(002321) (hereinafter referred to as "the company") recently received the decision on administrative supervision measures issued by Henan regulatory bureau of China Securities Regulatory Commission, the decision on Issuing warning letters to Cao Jiafu, Wang Kaijiang and Yang Zongshan ([2021] No. 29) (hereinafter referred to as "the decision (I)") and the decision on ordering corrective measures to Henan Huaying Agricultural Development Co.Ltd(002321) ([2021] No. 30 (hereinafter referred to as "decision (II)"), the relevant information is hereby announced as follows:

1、 The decision (I) reads "Cao Jiafu, Wang Kaijiang, Yang Zongshan:

On June 30, 2020, Henan Huaying Agricultural Development Co.Ltd(002321) (hereinafter referred to as Huaying agriculture) issued the prompt announcement on receiving the repayment of non operating occupation funds from the controlling shareholder (hereinafter referred to as the prompt announcement), which disclosed that the controlling shareholder Henan Huangchuan Huaying poultry Corporation (hereinafter referred to as Huaying poultry) repaid 89.8337 million yuan of non operating occupation funds in the early stage. On October 30, 2021, Huaying Agriculture issued the resolution on the occupation of non operating funds by the controlling shareholder and the signature of the company

<重整意向财务投资协议〉的公告》,披露前期华英禽业未实际归还上述占用资金。截至目前,华英禽业仍非经营性占用上市公司资金 8,983.37 万元,提示性公告存在虚假记载,违反《上市公司信息披露管理办法》(证监会令第 40 号)第二条第一款规定。

华英农业董事长兼时任董事会秘书曹家富、总经理汪开江、财务总监杨宗山未忠实、勤勉地履行职责,违反《上市公司信息披露管理办法》(证监会令第 40 号)第三条规定。

根据《上市公司信息披露管理办法》(证监会令第 40 号)第五十八条第一款、第二款、第五十九条的规定,我局决定对曹家富、汪开江、杨宗山采取出具警示函的监管措施,并记入证券期货市场诚信档案。你们应认真吸取教训,加强证券法律法规学习,增强合规意识,完善公司内部控制机制,依法履行信息披露义务,杜绝此类问题再次发生,并于收到本决定书 30 日内向我局报送书面报告。

如果对本监督管理措施不服,可以在收到本决定书之日起 60 日内向中国证券监督管理委员会提出行政复议申请,也可以在收到本决定书之日起 6 个月内向有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼。复议与诉讼期间,上述监督管理措施不停止执行。”

二、《决定书》(二)内容“ Henan Huaying Agricultural Development Co.Ltd(002321) :

2020 年 6 月 30 日,你公司发布《关于收到控股股东偿还非经营性占用资金的提示性公告》(以下简称提示性公告),披露控股股东河南省潢川华英禽业总公司(以下简称华英禽业)偿还了前期非经营性占用资金 8,983.37 万元。2021 年 10 月 30 日,你公司发布《关于控股股东非经营性资金占用解决方案暨公司签署〈重整意向财务投资协议〉的公告》,披露前期华英禽业未实际归还上述占用资金。截至目前,华英禽业仍非经营性占用上市公司资金 8,983.37 万元,提示性公告存在虚假记载,违反《上市公司信息披露管理办法》(证监会令第 40 号)第二条第一款规定。

根据《上市公司信息披露管理办法》(证监会令第 40 号)第五十九条的规定,我局决定对你公司采取责令改正的行政监管措施,并记入证券期货市场诚信档案。你公司应积极采取措施,督促控股股东华英禽业及相关方限期解决非经营性占用资金问题,依法履行信息披露义务,并于收到本决定书 30 日内向我局报送书面整改报告。

如果对本监督管理措施不服,可以在收到本决定书之日起 60 日内向中国证券监督管理委员会提出行政复议申请,也可以在收到本决定书之日起 6 个月内向有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼。复议与诉讼期间,上述监督管理措施不停止执行。”




Henan Huaying Agricultural Development Co.Ltd(002321) 董事会二〇二一年十二月二十八日


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