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“Meta universe” to erupt, Wanguo data takes the lead in laying out green intelligent infrastructure

At a time when cloud computing, AI and metauniverse continue to explode and promote the rapid growth of digital economy, the role of the key “digital base” of the data center is becoming more and more prominent.

At the 16th annual ceremony of China’s IDC industry (idcc2021) held this week, Wanguo data launched the first generation of smart DC, and unveiled a full range of product level solutions of turbo, d-pre and x-bp focusing on the core business sectors of green, low-carbon, agile delivery and intelligent operation, so as to provide customers with zero carbon DC, prefabricated digital construction and delivery by using new technologies Create the ultimate experience in intelligent management of the whole stack.

By applying the full range of smart DC products, Wanguo data has completed the delivery of 1000 cabinets in phase I of Building 2 of Changshu Data Center Park within 3 months, and the overall construction cycle has been shortened by 30%. Phase II and phase III can be built on demand and on demand, so as to realize rapid replication and technology upgrading.

Is self built or outsourced?

Data center business competition intensifies, and there are more and more self built enterprises. With the growth of business, do large enterprises gradually tend to build their own data centers?

“We have also seen that when the market enters fierce white hot competition, customers are also reconsidering, and do not build their own.” Liang Yan, senior vice president of Wanguo data design and operation center, analyzed that when enterprises enter fine operation and management, they may be more cautious in investment and weigh which is cost-effective.

Liang Yan stressed that whether professional service providers are invited or self built, it is determined by business logic.

According to Yi Bin, vice president of Wanguo data technology and chief architect of smart DC, the data center business should not only simply sell more cabinets, but also provide greater value to users with services. Wanguo data is willing to work with users to continuously improve the utilization of cabinets and reduce resource waste through the construction of monitoring platform and the linkage of AI, server and data center, Boost the high-quality development of the data center, “this may reduce the income of the world, but we think it is the right thing. It is long-term ISM to benefit users”.

Wang Haixiong, senior director of Wanguo data and head of smart DC delivery, said that both we and our customers are very concerned about the cost at any time, but the perspective on the cost will change. In the past, we used to evaluate it from the perspective of the cost of a single kilowatt of infrastructure, but recently, everyone’s perspective on the cost has changed, More importantly, the server linkage infrastructure is taken as a whole to evaluate the whole cost from the perspective of single computing power cost.

For example, we will tell customers that the use of liquid cooling will increase the cost of infrastructure, but if the cost is enlarged to a larger dimension, from the perspective of the whole data center business, the single computing cost is lower, and the customers can accept it very much.

layout of green energy such as hydrogen energy

Recently, Wanguo data released its first environmental, social and governance report, put forward the vision of “green intelligent infrastructure connecting a sustainable future”, and promised to achieve carbon neutrality and 100% use of renewable energy by 2030. What are the considerations?

Liang Yan introduced that first of all, as the leading enterprise in the third-party data center industry, Wanguo data should take the lead in this regard.

Secondly, Wanguo data is listed in the United States and Hong Kong. Many investors know ESG earlier and pay more attention to the performance of enterprises in this regard. Therefore, compared with Chinese listed companies, Wanguo data will face new pressure in this regard, but it is precisely because it was started earlier that it can “add points” to investors.

Thirdly, Wanguo data has always pursued long-term ism. To forge the sustainable development ability of enterprises, the investment in products and solutions is long-term.

“ESG and chronism are very consistent. In addition to chronism, another factor is social responsibility. Wanguo data has rapidly developed into a leading third-party data center, and we also hope to become excellent corporate citizens.” Liang Yan said that although the cost will increase for a period of time, with the carbon trading on the right track, the cost of green power is increasing. Therefore, we should layout in advance. “In the short term, more costs will be invested, but in the long term, green power will also tend to be stable or decline in the future”.

At the same time, Yu Jiemin, vice president of Wanguo data, as the head of overseas business of Wanguo data, noted that overseas regions such as Singapore have been building limited open data centers, and hydrogen energy is likely to be the focus of future layout. Moreover, there are large chemical plants in Singapore, which turn “grey hydrogen” into “green hydrogen” through chemical plants, Change the economic structure and energy structure in the coming decades. For this reason, Wanda also plans to use green power as much as possible in terms of energy structure for the data center parks located in Malaysia and Indonesia.

(South plus)


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