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The index is very resilient, but individual stocks are very capricious

This week, A-Shares were very resilient. They were stabilized under the background of clearing fake funds going north last weekend and the sharp decline in peripheral markets at the beginning of this week, and under the huge IPO Financing of China Mobile. However, when the overseas market began to rebound, there was always a force to suppress A-Shares and let the wind and waves blow. I walked around at leisure.

At the end of last week, many people were worried about the trend of A-Shares this week, especially in the face of another sharp decline in overseas markets due to the epidemic. In addition, China Mobile applied for purchase this week. From a conventional point of view, whenever there is a “Big Mac” subscription period, the performance of A-Shares will not be good.

the fund raised by China Mobile is as high as 56 billion yuan, exceeding the fund-raising amount of China Telecom Corporation Limited(601728) . We can see that the performance of A-Shares at the beginning of China Telecom Corporation Limited(601728) subscription and listing is not satisfactory.

Moreover, the issue price of China Mobile is as high as 57.58 yuan, while the price of its Hong Kong shares is only over HK $47, equivalent to about 38 yuan. Whether the Hong Kong stock price is undervalued or not, with this “gold eater” there, the market will not expect much from the performance of China Mobile after its A-share listing.

Moreover, China Mobile is still a real large cap stock. It can move the whole body without falling below the issue price. If it can rise a little, don’t “dive high”, but this may exist.

however, the performance of A-Shares this week is still reluctantly. At least there was no expected “big drop” in the first half of the week. , the main reason is that the main force has started the big consumption as a cushion, one is the real estate in the early Zhou Dynasty, and the other is the Baijiu in the middle of Zhou Dynasty.

theoretically, the reason for starting real estate is not sufficient . Even if the local housing loan lending accelerates, many will use the amount next year first. There is no fundamental reversal trend in the real estate market. Moreover, from the performance of Hong Kong real estate stocks, there are still “thunderstorms”, especially the collective sharp decline of Hong Kong real estate stocks on Monday, However, the real estate stocks of A-Shares rose sharply on Monday and Tuesday. In particular, dozens of low-cost real estate stocks rose together on Tuesday, which makes people feel inexplicable.

however, as a plate that has an impact on the weight of the index, the “timely” rise of real estate stocks just hedged the short sentiment of the market. another big consumer leader is Baijiu, Kweichow Moutai Co.Ltd(600519) Thursday intraday force, this week rose more than 6%, led to the rise of the entire Baijiu plate. Of course, Baijiu is now near the end of the peak consumption period, whether it is landing market or stock price may be shown.

therefore, although technology stocks have become “slag men” again this week, both semiconductor chips, metauniverse and even new energy lithium batteries have collectively fallen sharply, which still has not affected the “toughness” of the A-share index.

On the positive side, maintaining the Shanghai Stock Exchange at more than 3600 points is a good thing for the ending of A-Shares this year. After all, there has been little rise this year, and it is unreasonable to fall too much.

However, from a bad point of view, the stocks under the “toughness” of the index are quite “willful”. At the end of the year, it was the time for the layout of subject stocks and technology stocks, but the rapid ebb of market hot spots made many investors at a loss.

The direct impact of this “willfulness” is that investors’ capital accounts have shrunk, and many board stocks have also fallen at a high level this week , which also shows that active funds in the market are choosing to exit and wait and see. Even for the strong real estate at the beginning of the week, there was a correction in the “sudden awakening” in the second half of the week, that is, the turning point was basically completed within a week. Many people can’t keep up with the rhythm of such sudden changes.

As for Baijiu, it has never been a dish for small investors. Finally, let’s talk about the collapse of “ningwang” this week. From Monday to Friday, the whole week fell by more than 12%, which is a rare weekly decline in recent years. The reason for this is that is influenced by the clearing of fake funds for going north . After all, what the funds for going north like to buy most is Contemporary Amperex Technology Co.Limited(300750) . Therefore, once the source of funds is checked, it is this part of funds that runs fastest.

From another point of view, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co.Limited(300750) capital expenditure has been huge in recent years, and the valuation has exceeded 140 times, that is to say, high debt runs fast, not to mention whether it will fall, but also to rest when it runs fast. Therefore, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co.Limited(300750) This adjustment may not be a short-term .

But what is more troublesome is that Contemporary Amperex Technology Co.Limited(300750) is the first heavyweight of the gem and the wind vane of science and technology stocks. Its sharp decline has a great impact on the gem as a whole and a great blow to the long confidence of the science and technology stock market.

As you can see, whenever Contemporary Amperex Technology Co.Limited(300750) falls sharply, the gem index will not perform well, and it is difficult for the science and technology sector as a whole to have substitutes. This week, the hot spots of the yuan universe were also forced down, Col Digital Publishing Group Co.Ltd(300364) , Shenzhen Zqgame Co.Ltd(300052) and other high and large weekly Yin lines appeared, which had a great impact on the confidence of active funds in the market.

The only thing worth looking forward to is that next week is the last week of the year. The funds that should be withdrawn should be withdrawn, and the market value should be reflected. I hope A-Shares will be “capricious” next week.

(Financial Investment Report)


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