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Shenzhen Aisidi Co.Ltd(002416) : prior approval opinions and independent opinions of independent directors on matters related to the 21st (Interim) meeting of the Fifth Board of directors

Shenzhen Aisidi Co.Ltd(002416) independent director

Prior approval opinions and independent opinions on matters related to the 21st (Interim) meeting of the Fifth Board of directors

As an independent director of Shenzhen Aisidi Co.Ltd(002416) (hereinafter referred to as “the company”), we comply with laws, regulations and normative documents such as the stock listing rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the guidelines for the standardized operation of listed companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the guidance on the establishment of independent director system in listed companies, the articles of association and the working system of independent directors of the company Prior approval opinions and independent opinions on relevant matters considered at the 21st (Interim) meeting of the Fifth Board of directors of the company are as follows: I. prior approval opinions and independent opinions on adding expected matters of daily connected transactions in 2021 1 1. Prior approval opinions

Before considering the proposal on increasing the forecast of daily connected transactions in 2021, the board of directors has obtained the approval of our independent directors, We believe that Shenzhen No.1 Machine Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “No.1 Machine Technology”) operates normally and does not belong to the dishonest executee. Its daily connected transactions of selling goods and providing labor services account for a small proportion, and its payment capacity is basically controllable within the scope of the transaction. At the same time, it has performed well in the past, and its pricing follows the principle of fairness, fairness and openness The principle does not affect the independence of the company and does not damage the interests of the company and other shareholders. We agree to submit the proposal on increasing the forecast of daily connected transactions in 2021 to the 21st (Interim) meeting of the Fifth Board of directors for deliberation.

2. Independent opinion

The daily related party transactions between the company and the related party No. 1 machine technology are required by the company’s daily business activities, do not have a significant impact on the company’s financial status and operating results, and the company’s main business will not rely on the related party. The price of related party transactions of the company shall be determined according to fair and reasonable pricing policies and with reference to the market price, which will not damage the interests of the company and the majority of small and medium-sized investors. During the voting process of the board of directors, the related directors avoided voting, the other directors considered and adopted the proposal, and the voting procedure was legal and effective.

Independent directors: LV Tingjie, Deng Peng, Zhang Rui December 23, 2021


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