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Flying pig released the hot words of 2021 destination travel. The Yangtze River cableway, crown escalator and zoo have become the new business cards of Chongqing tourism

On December 23, following the “top ten travel keywords in 2021”, flying pig released the “hot words of destination travel in 2021”. The Yangtze River cableway, crown escalator and zoo became the new business cards of Chongqing Tourism in 2021. Many provinces across the country have burst out new highlights on the classic tourism label, and a number of new tourism business cards have been produced, attracting young tourists.

At present, the proportion of post-90s users of flying pig has exceeded 60%. From the user search hot words and consumption trends on the flying pig app in 2021, it is found that the destination inspiration of young users is rich and three-dimensional. They have firm cultural confidence, love great rivers and mountains, and are willing to explore and pursue unique experience.

In 2021, the Yangtze River cableway will become the most “out of circle” cultural and tourism star in Chongqing. According to the data of flying pig, the popularity of keywords such as “Yangtze River cableway” is very high, reaching the peak of tourists’ visit during the holidays such as May 1 and 11.

In addition to Chongqing, in the past year, many destinations burst out more new highlights and landmarks related to “exploration” under the existing strong cognitive tourism label.

Taking Beijing as an example, the opening of the Beijing Universal resort is undoubtedly the hot spot of Beijing Tourism in 2021, but at the same time, the search for keywords such as “explanation of the Forbidden City” and “guide to the Forbidden City” on the flying pig app is also very hot.

In Shanghai, Disney resort is undoubtedly the most popular destination. The Bund, Yu Garden, Oriental Pearl Group Co.Ltd(600637) and other old scenic spots and landmarks are also a must for many tourists. However, with the official opening of the Shanghai planetarium, there is another reason to attract young people to Shanghai.

According to flying pig data, the number of red travel bookings increased by more than 320% year-on-year after May Day holiday this year. The popularity of main melody film and television works such as the awakening age and Changjin lake has also promoted the popularity of red tourism.

In red Xiaoxiang, the search volume of Changsha “orange Zhoutou” as a keyword and the ticket reservation volume as a scenic spot both increased.

What is more interesting is that flying pig’s “2021 year destination travel hot words” shows that Hainan, a tourist province with the blue sky, sand beach and coconut tree as its representative image, has also had a new landmark this year, Paracel Islands. Young users are proud to visit Xisha to see the South China Sea’s Bo Bo.

The emergence of new hot words of destination travel also proves once again that Chinese tourism is not a “flat replacement” for outbound tourism. On the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, young people have strong power of discovery. Therefore, many destinations endowed with tourism resources in China also actively push through the old and bring forth the new, cooperate with online travel platforms, and integrate resources into a unique experience in line with new consumer needs to attract passenger flow, such as holding travel festivals and fan marketing with the help of classic film and television IP.

Ningxia, which appears in the text as “the upper reaches of the Yangtze River”, is sought after by young tourists this year because of its pure starry sky, magical desert and cool music festival.

The gentle “true Jiangnan” Zhejiang, besides the West Lake, broken bridge and Leifeng Tower, brought young tourists surprises such as medlar island and flower and bird island of Zhoushan Shengsi, and also taught everyone the pronunciation of “Shengsi”.

Many young people decide to travel because of a play, a variety show and a song. The journey of pursuing drama, the same film and the review of real scenes are a major feature of tourism consumption in 2021.

Yunnan, which is rich in tourism resources, has become popular again this year due to the popularity of the TV drama sito. Shangri La, like a paradise, once again attracts the attention of young people with the mystery and magic of “sito”.

A song full of stories, Mohe dance hall, has attracted great attention to Mohe, the northernmost town in China. Coupled with the unique northern ice and snow scenery, Heilongjiang, which is famous for its forthright enthusiasm, has a touch of softness.

(upstream News)


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