Yuanda: the trend of the index is differentiated and can not blindly catch up with the high

today’s disk

Today, the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets as a whole walked out of the expected trend of rising and falling, showing a pattern of weak Shanghai and strong Shenzhen at the index level.

In terms of industry sectors, 3D cameras, important, cloud games, meta universe concept, games, helium concept, e-cigarettes, gas, chicken concept, exclusive drugs and other sectors led the increase, while real estate development, rental and sale rights, automobile services, shipbuilding, power supply equipment, water pumping and energy storage and other sectors led the decline. As of the close, a total of more than 2300 stocks in the two cities rose and more than 2100 stocks fell. As of the closing, the trading volume of the two cities returned to the trillion mark, but all the main funds and northward funds of the two cities showed a net outflow trend, and the market was still in a weak pattern.

analysis of current index position

On the whole, the industry sector continues to differentiate significantly, among which the science and technology growth stocks represented by intelligent driving and meta universe are active, while the real estate sector and industrial chain led by yesterday’s rise fell across the board, basically showing the characteristics of one-day tour market. Therefore, the current market is still dominated by stock funds. Due to the strong pressure in the range of 3630-3650 points of the Shanghai stock index and the weak rebound of the superimposed gem, in the short term, the future trend of the Shanghai and Shenzhen indexes can not be overestimated. If the index can not expand upward, it does not rule out the possibility of returning to shock adjustment. Among them, the shock range of Shanghai stock index will be 3630-3580 points, and the gem index may go back to 3300 points.

coping strategies and focus

In view of the current market pattern, we believe that we still need to be cautious and control the overall position within 30%. And for students with heavy positions, every short-term rebound in the market needs to grasp the opportunity to reduce positions at high prices. In terms of specific positions, low undervalued core value varieties can participate in the allocation appropriately; For the high-quality targets of growth themes (lithium battery, photovoltaic and military industry) of high-profile track, we should patiently wait for the low absorption opportunities after plate adjustment and stabilization. As for the low consumption of blue chips (Baijiu, Chinese medicine CRO), they can continue to hold the middle line. In terms of specific operation, it is recommended to reduce the operation frequency and avoid chasing high operation as much as possible.



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