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The regulations of Guangzhou Municipality on school safety management was adopted by vote, which clearly requires the establishment of a safety joint meeting system

The manuscripts in this column were collected and written by Zhang Luyao, a reporter of Yangcheng Evening News

On December 14, the 61st meeting of the Standing Committee of the 15th Guangzhou Municipal People’s Congress was held. At the meeting, relevant heads of functional departments of Guangzhou municipal government reported the “report card” of 2021 work on digital government, traffic construction, environmental governance and other aspects. At the same time, the meeting also voted and adopted the regulations of Guangzhou on school safety management.

Campus safety has attracted much public attention. How to ensure school safety according to law? Yesterday afternoon, the 61st meeting of the Standing Committee of the 15th Guangzhou Municipal People’s Congress voted and adopted the regulations of Guangzhou Municipality on school safety management (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”). It is reported that Guangzhou will establish a joint meeting system for school safety work to prevent school safety accidents and maintain school safety.

Include fraud prevention and sexual assault prevention into the education and teaching plan

The regulations point out that the member units of the Joint Conference on safety work include education, human resources and social security, development and reform, public security, civil affairs, judicial administration and other departments. The joint meeting is responsible for coordinating and solving school safety problems involving the responsibilities of multiple departments, preventing school safety accidents and maintaining school safety.

At the same time, in order to prevent infectious diseases, the regulations propose that schools should establish a public health management system, improve the emergency response mechanism for public health emergencies, implement infectious disease prevention and control measures, and strengthen the prevention, control and management of infectious diseases and common diseases in accordance with the national, provincial and Municipal Provisions on public health.

In order to prevent and control campus bullying, the regulations propose that schools should formulate a student bullying prevention and control system and establish a comprehensive management committee for student bullying to identify and deal with student bullying events. The comprehensive Committee for the control of bullying by school students in secondary education shall have student representatives.

The regulations also include the prevention of fraud, drowning, bullying, violence, drugs, alcoholism, sexual abuse, Internet addiction, as well as traffic safety, school bus safety, fire safety, earthquake prevention and disaster reduction, hazardous chemical safety, food and drug safety, network safety, health and epidemic prevention, mental health, etc. into the school-based training, education and teaching plan, and require safety education for teachers and students.

The school shall install a one button alarm device

The school gate is the “first pass” of school safety. The regulations propose that schools should formulate and implement a guard system and set up guard duty rooms. The guard duty room shall be equipped with video monitoring, alarm devices and visitor registration system, complete with security equipment, and arrange security guards to be on duty 24 hours. Arrange at least two security guards to be on duty at the school gate during school.

The key position in the campus is also the focus of ensuring school safety. According to the regulations, video monitoring devices shall be installed in key areas such as main passages and entrances in teaching areas, main entrances and exits of student dormitory buildings, duty rooms, guard rooms, school gates, hazardous chemical storage rooms, laboratories, indoor and outdoor stadiums and gymnasiums. Meanwhile, the school shall install a one button alarm device networked with 110 alarm receiving platform.

To protect the physical and mental health of minors, we should also pay close attention to the teaching staff. The regulations put forward the requirements of prohibiting the employment of teaching staff, and made it clear that when recruiting teaching staff, the competent department of the school and the school should inquire the public security organ and the people’s Procuratorate whether the recruitment object has the situation that it is not allowed to be employed according to the relevant provisions of the state. Public security organs and people’s procuratorates shall provide the above inquiry services according to law. In case of any relevant situation, the school shall immediately stop its work and dismiss it in time.

If the competent department of the school or the school finds that the proposed personnel or in-service teaching staff have situations that may endanger the physical and mental health of minors or cause adverse effects as stipulated by the state, it shall evaluate whether the relevant personnel meet the requirements of corresponding posts, and take the relevant conclusions as the basis for whether to hire or adjust their posts and dismiss them.

[facts about people’s livelihood]

14 practical work on people’s livelihood have been completed, and 13 have been completed

Remember the “10 practical things for people’s livelihood in Guangzhou” in 2021 voted by the deputies to the Guangzhou Municipal People’s Congress for the first time at the beginning of this year? Chen Jie, Secretary General of the Guangzhou Municipal People’s government, reported on the latest progress of these 10 livelihood facts at the meeting. It is understood that at present, the ten practical matters of people’s livelihood in Guangzhou are progressing smoothly. Of the 14 specific tasks, 13 have been completed and 1 has been basically completed.

Progress of ten livelihood facts in Guangzhou in 2021——

● carry out influenza vaccination for the elderly: implement guarantee work, and a total of 348000 eligible elderly people are vaccinated with influenza vaccine free of charge.

● promotion of one yuan medical treatment in rural areas: all agricultural related districts have issued implementation plans. 756 village health stations in the city have implemented one yuan medical treatment, with a coverage rate of 80.34%.

● strengthen food safety inspection: complete the sampling of 6769 batches of infant formula food, dairy products and imported frozen food; The main Shenzhen Agricultural Products Group Co.Ltd(000061) rapid inspection of 2328000 batches was completed.

● promoting labor education in primary and secondary schools: 67 schools with labor education characteristics, 52 pilot schools and more than 15000 ordinary high school students were selected to carry out learning and agricultural labor practice activities.

● improvement and optimization of living conditions: the task objectives of 100 old residential areas optimization and reconstruction projects have been completed; The on-site service of “delivery of house and certificate” for 21 real estate projects has been completed; 10800 public rental houses have been basically completed.

● increase employment support: 42 “sunshine employment” college graduates recruitment activities were held, providing 81800 jobs; 177 Wuxi Online Offline Communication Information Technology Co.Ltd(300959) special job fairs for flexible employment were held, and 123600 jobs were released.

● strengthening village and community security: 1797 police districts and 1773 police offices in the city are equipped with 4487 community police and 5020 auxiliary police. The construction of governance and Security Committee has been improved in 1151 villages and 1632 communities.

● speed up subway construction: the first section of line 18 (Wanqingsha Xiancun, 58.3 km) was put into trial operation on September 28, and the first section of line 22 was completed in September (Panyu Square chentougang section, 18.2 km).

● strengthen river regulation and Bidao Construction: four rounds of follow-up assessment of black and odorous water bodies have been completed and reported, and 201 confluence channel boxes have passed the preliminary assessment. 308 kilometers of Bidao have been built in the city.

● strengthen campus security: the video monitoring of schools at municipal and district levels has been 100% connected to the municipal monitoring platform; The school doctor allocation rate and qualified rate of schools with more than 600 people or boarding schools are 100%; 550 middle schools with more than 1000 people and primary schools with more than 1200 people in the city have been equipped with full-time psychological teachers.

[government figures]

Suikang code has more than 55 million registered users

The data show that the service volume of 12345 convenience hotline exceeds 25 million, the connection rate is nearly 94%, the public’s satisfaction rate with telephone service exceeds 97%, and promotes the handling of 2.6 million appeals. “Suihaoban” app has provided more than 2000 services, and the municipal level can realize 100% online operation and “run once at most” according to the application. “Suihaoban” also launched 557 types of high-frequency electronic licenses, and “trust Guangzhou” digital platform is the first in China; With 20 cities in the province and 15 cities outside the province. The number of online intermediary service supermarkets ranks first in the province.

In order to support the city’s key work, Guangzhou launched suikang code, the first “yellow code” system in China. At present, the number of registered users of suikang code exceeds 55 million.

[water supply]

The comprehensive qualified rate of water supply quality exceeds 99.98%

Affected by the salt tide, the water supply in Guangzhou has attracted public attention. How about the quality of water supply in Guangzhou? How effective is water saving? Gong Haijie, director of Guangzhou Water Affairs Bureau, introduced that in terms of water security, Guangzhou has formed an overall layout of flood control and disaster reduction of “focusing on dikes, combining dikes and reservoirs, and both storage and discharge”. The proportion of sponge cities in the city’s built-up areas up to the standard reached 25.53%, and won the title of national sponge city construction demonstration city.

In terms of water resources management, Guangzhou has built a “three rivers and four sources” drinking water source guarantee pattern composed of Xijiang River, Dongjiang River, Beijiang River and Liuxi River; The comprehensive qualified rate of water supply quality is over 99.98%, and the popularization rate of centralized water supply in urban and rural areas is 100%; It was rated as a national water-saving city.

In terms of water environment treatment, Guangzhou innovated and implemented low-carbon ecological treatment measures such as natural water level operation of rivers and lakes and reclaimed water replenishment. The poll shows that among the nine key tasks of urban renewal, 86.2% think that the “treatment of black and smelly water bodies” has achieved great (great) results, accounting for the highest proportion.


The traffic congestion control project is almost completed

Road congestion is a prominent manifestation of “urban disease”. Since October last year, the Standing Committee of Guangzhou Municipal People’s Congress has determined “suggestions on strengthening road traffic microcirculation” as the key suggestions after many special investigations. At the meeting, Zhou Helong, deputy director of Guangzhou Transportation Bureau, reported on the handling of the proposal.

It is understood that in December last year, the standing committees of Guangzhou municipal and District People’s congresses docked with relevant government departments to form a list of 132 recommended projects for road traffic microcirculation. In the list, the delegates put forward five questions and six suggestions.

Zhou Helong introduced that after the proposal was put forward, a proposal handling working group was established in Guangzhou. In response to the six major and several minor suggestions put forward by the representatives, the working group formulated and printed the work plan for handling key suggestions, and supervised the work progress every month.

According to the plan at the beginning of this year, 78 of the 132 projects are planned to be completed in 2021. According to statistics, by the end of November, 66 projects had been completed, and 16 new projects will be completed in December. It is expected that 82 projects can be completed within this year, exceeding the expected target.

Zhou Helong introduced that this year, Guangzhou also launched a number of traffic congestion control projects in advance. Among them, 41 traffic congestion control projects with small quantities and can be implemented “in a short, smooth and fast way” will be incorporated into the special project and started as soon as possible. At present, 40 projects have been completed before the end of November, and one project is planned to be completed in mid December to achieve “early planning and early completion”.


More than 80% of the days with excellent air quality in the first November

How much has the ecological environment changed in Guangzhou in the past year? At the meeting, Yang Liu, director of Guangzhou Ecological Environment Bureau, reported the “report card” of the work of Guangzhou Ecological Environment Bureau in 2021.

The data show that from January to November this year, the proportion of days with excellent ambient air quality in Guangzhou was 87.4%, PM2.5% The average concentration of 5 is 23 μ g / m3, which continues to be the best among the nine central cities in the country.

In terms of water environment, among the 16 tentative assessment sections in Guangzhou, the water quality of 12 national and 3 provincial sections has reached the provincial target; The water quality of 12 sections is excellent, the proportion of sections with excellent surface water quality is 75%, and the proportion of sections with inferior class V water quality is 0; The water quality of centralized drinking water sources in 10 cities is 100% stable and up to standard.

In terms of solid waste, the harmless disposal rate of medical waste and medical waste in Guangzhou is 100%.

In terms of improving the quality of ecological environment, 848 old operating diesel vehicles were eliminated ahead of schedule; The water quality of primary tributaries around 389 key assessment sections has been significantly improved; Complete the review of soil pollution investigation reports of 495 construction land plots; The utilization and disposal capacity of hazardous waste reaches 780000 tons / year.

In terms of capacity-building of ecological and environmental protection, Guangzhou actively explored the operation mechanism of urban two-level ecological and environmental protection committees, and approved 1186 environmental assessment documents of construction projects.

[street reconstruction]

The road pavement of xinhepu district is 35000 square meters

Guangzhou xinhepu historical and cultural district has shown its new face this year. The reporter learned at the meeting that this year, Guangzhou listed the proposal on taking the transformation and upgrading of the three memorial halls of the Communist Party of China as an opportunity to build the new Hepu historical and cultural block into a new place for patriotism education in Dawan District, Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao as the key proposal, and established a leading group for key proposal handling, led by Wang Dong, vice mayor of Guangzhou.

Liu Yumei, director of Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of culture, radio, television and tourism, said that at present, great changes have been made in xinhepu historical and cultural district.

Among them, the reconstruction and expansion of the memorial hall at the site of the third National Congress of the Communist Party of China has been completed to a high standard. On June 20 this year, the reconstruction and expansion project of the memorial hall at the site of the third National Congress of the Communist Party of China was completed. By the end of November, the memorial had received 182000 visitors.

In order to vigorously protect and utilize the red cultural resources of xinhepu, Guangzhou announced the plan for the protection and utilization of xinhepu historical and cultural blocks, which included 302 cultural heritage protection clues, completed the “three lines” of 3km off the ground, updated the road pavement of 35000 square meters, increased the lighting of 30000 square meters, and completed the relocation, repair and renovation of building residents at No. 7, jingguyuan road Maintenance, repair and display restoration of Chunyuan No. 24, the former site of the CPC Central Committee.

In order to strengthen the traffic diversion of the block, Guangzhou has optimized the traffic organization of the block and improved the slow traffic system by updating the road pavement and rectifying the chaos of “mixed traffic of people and vehicles”.

In order to create a brand of new Hepu red culture, Guangzhou has compiled and completed monographs such as compilation of historical materials of the three major communist parties of China, and held “great course – tour exhibition from the first to the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China (Guangzhou station)”.

In order to strengthen youth cultural exchanges in Dawan District of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, Guangzhou takes xinhepu historical and Cultural District as the patriotism education investigation point of Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macao Youth Summer (winter) learning camp.

(Yangcheng Evening News)


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