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FTSE China A50 Index adjusted greatly: two 100 billion bank shares were included in these companies, but they were excluded (attached list)

FTSE Russell announced the latest adjustment results of its flagship index on the evening of March 2 Beijing time.

FTSE Russell has reviewed and changed the FTSE China 50 index, FTSE China A50 Index, FTSE China a150 index, FTSE China A200 index, FTSE China a400 index and FTSE China a small cap stock index. The change results will take effect after the closing on Friday, March 18, 2022.

Judging from the inclusion and alternative list of FTSE China A50, FTSE Russell is more optimistic about banking, infrastructure and other sectors, Bank Of Ningbo Co.Ltd(002142) , Postal Savings Bank Of China Co.Ltd(601658) , China Citic Bank Corporation Limited(601998) belong to banking sector, while China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited(601668) , Anhui Conch Cement Company Limited(600585) belong to traditional infrastructure sector.

The analysis shows that under the background of the epidemic prevention and control restriction policy and great pressure on economic growth, the soundness of the banking industry is more and more valuable. In 2022, bank stocks are expected to benefit from active fiscal policy and prudent monetary policy. At the same time, infrastructure investment hedges the downward pressure of economic growth. With the accelerated issuance of special bonds and the gradual implementation of major projects, the growth rate of subsequent infrastructure investment is expected to increase steadily.

FTSE China A50 includes two 100 billion bank shares

On the evening of March 2, FTSE Russell announced the adjustment results of FTSE China A50 Index, Bank Of Ningbo Co.Ltd(002142) , China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited(601668) , Postal Savings Bank Of China Co.Ltd(601658) was included, and Aier Eye Hospital Group Co.Ltd(300015) , China Life Insurance Company Limited(601628) , Eve Energy Co.Ltd(300014) was eliminated.

The adjustment results will take effect after the close of business on Friday, March 18, 2022 (i.e. Monday, March 21, 2022).

FTSE China A50 list of new shares center / center

FTSE China A50 exclusion list center / center

In addition, FTSE Russell also announced the list of alternative stocks for the new quarter, which will take effect immediately. If one or more component stocks are deleted before the review of component stocks in the next quarter, alternative stocks will be selected. Including Anhui Conch Cement Company Limited(600585) , China Citic Bank Corporation Limited(601998) , Rongsheng Petro Chemical Co.Ltd(002493) , Will Semiconductor Co.Ltd.Shanghai(603501) , Yunnan Energy New Material Co.Ltd(002812) .

FTSE China A50 alternative list center / center

It is understood that when FTSE Russell selects stocks, it is generally based on professional analysis, field investigation and past profitability. Only those stocks with high return and stable stock price will be included, so it is easier for mainstream funds to pay attention to these stocks. In addition, the stock also needs to have a certain scale, liquidity, growth and standardization, and the relevant subject matter cannot have the history of active suspension. Therefore, this means that the selected stocks have relatively excellent performance in corporate governance, listing compliance and so on.

From the results of this adjustment, FTSE Russell pays more attention to bank stocks. Postal savings Securities believes that the fundamentals of the banking industry are stable, especially in the context of the epidemic prevention and control restriction policy and the great pressure on economic growth, the stability of the banking industry is more and more valuable. In 2022, active fiscal policy and prudent monetary policy will become the dual driving force for the performance of the banking industry in the next stage. Relevant stocks with high growth, high-quality assets and deep business moat are expected to receive more market attention.

China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited(601668) , Anhui Conch Cement Company Limited(600585) and other traditional infrastructure sectors are also favored. According to Huaan Securities Co.Ltd(600909) statistics, under the background of steady growth, the issuance pace of new local special bonds at the beginning of 2022 was significantly faster than that of the previous year. All regions have disclosed plans to issue new special bonds of about 300 billion yuan in March this year. With the cumulative net financing of 860 billion yuan of new special bonds from January to February, the net financing of new special bonds in the first quarter is expected to exceed 1 trillion yuan Huaan Securities Co.Ltd(600909) it is expected that with the accelerated issuance of special bonds and the gradual implementation of major projects, the growth rate of follow-up infrastructure investment is expected to increase steadily.

FTSE China a150 included Aier Eye Hospital Group Co.Ltd(300015) etc

The individual stocks excluded by FTSE China A50 are newly added as FTSE China a150 constituent stocks, Aier Eye Hospital Group Co.Ltd(300015) , China Life Insurance Company Limited(601628) , Eve Energy Co.Ltd(300014) are included in the list, and China Energy Engineering Corporation Limited(601868) , Huaneng Power International Inc(600011) , Xinjiang Tianshan Cement Co.Ltd(000877) , Yankuang energy are also included in the constituent stocks.

At the same time, as Bank Of Ningbo Co.Ltd(002142) , China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited(601668) , Postal Savings Bank Of China Co.Ltd(601658) has been included in the FTSE A50 Index, the FTSE a150 index has eliminated relevant stocks, Bloomage Biotechnology Corporation Limited(688363) , Shenzhen Kangtai Biological Products Co.Ltd(300601) , Topchoice Medical Co.Inc(600763) , Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co.Ltd(002236) .

FTSE China a150 new shares list

FTSE China a150 stock exclusion list

FTSE China A200 included China Energy Engineering Corporation Limited(601868) etc

FTSE Russell has also made significant adjustments to FTSE China A200, China Energy Engineering Corporation Limited(601868) , Huaneng Power International Inc(600011) , Xinjiang Tianshan Cement Co.Ltd(000877) , Yankuang energy, etc. are included, while Bloomage Biotechnology Corporation Limited(688363) , Shenzhen Kangtai Biological Products Co.Ltd(300601) , Topchoice Medical Co.Inc(600763) , Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co.Ltd(002236) , etc. are excluded.

FTSE China A200 new shares list


In addition, fttime russefrom has also published the list of the A200 list of fttime China ”’s A200 options, which includes the list of the A200 options for fttime China, including the list of China Coal Energy Company Limited(601898) \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\onthe list.

FTSE China A200 alternative list center / center

FTSE China a400 incorporated into shengmei Shanghai, etc.

Fttime russerusserusseat has made a big adjustment to the a400 of fttime China. Fttime’s russerusserusserusserusserussefor fttime has made a big range adjustment to the a400 of fttime China. Ftftrich russerusserusserussefor ftrich ” ” ”’rich rich rich time has made a big range adjustment to the a400 of ftrich China’s a400 of ftrich ” ” ” ” ”ftrich’ ”s a400 of ftrich China. The great American Shanghai, Hongda Xingye Co.Ltd(002002) Hongda Xingye Co.Ltd(002002) 43432 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ and other 25 shares were eliminated.

FTSE China a400 new shares list

FTSE China a400 stock exclusion list

In addition, FTSE Russell also published a list of alternative adjustments, including Aba Chemicals Corporation(300261) , Bbmg Corporation(601992) , Cecep Solar Energy Co.Ltd(000591) , Chengtun Mining Group Co.Ltd(600711) , Chongqing Fuling Zhacai Group Co.Ltd(002507) , etc.

FTSE China a400 alternative list

multiple new shares were included in the small cap index

FTSE Russell adjusted the FTSE a small cap stock index in a wide range, adding 551 new stocks, most of which are new shares listed in recent years, including Yachuang electronics, Ouma software, anxiu biology, Hengguang shares, etc.

FTSE a small cap index excluding individual stocks

Meanwhile, Andon Health Co.Ltd(002432) , Bethel Automotive Safety Systems Co.Ltd(603596) , Chang Chun Eurasia Group Co.Ltd(600697) , China Resources Sanjiu Medical & Pharmaceutical Co.Ltd(000999) and other 46 shares did not meet the standard of small cap stocks and were eliminated.

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