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Beijing Sun-Novo Pharmaceutical Research Co.Ltd(688621) : special report on the deposit and actual use of raised funds of yangguannuohe in 2021

Securities code: Beijing Sun-Novo Pharmaceutical Research Co.Ltd(688621) securities abbreviation: Beijing Sun-Novo Pharmaceutical Research Co.Ltd(688621) Announcement No.: 2022012

Beijing Sun-Novo Pharmaceutical Research Co.Ltd(688621)

Announcement on applying for comprehensive credit line and related guarantee from banks

The board of directors and all directors of the company guarantee that there are no false records, misleading statements or major omissions in the contents of this announcement, and bear legal responsibility for the authenticity, accuracy and integrity of its contents according to law.

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Beijing Sun-Novo Pharmaceutical Research Co.Ltd(688621) (hereinafter referred to as “the company” or ” Beijing Sun-Novo Pharmaceutical Research Co.Ltd(688621) “) and its subsidiaries intend to apply to the bank for a comprehensive credit line with a total amount of no more than 700 million yuan.

Service life: valid within 12 months from the date of adoption of the resolution of the general meeting of shareholders.

1、 Basic information of this comprehensive credit

According to the capital required for the production, operation and project investment of the company and its subsidiaries in 2022, it is proposed to apply for a comprehensive credit line with a total amount of no more than 700 million yuan from industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Industrial Bank Co.Ltd(601166) , Bank Of Hangzhou Co.Ltd(600926) , Bank Of Ningbo Co.Ltd(002142) , China Merchants Bank Co.Ltd(600036) , Bank Of Beijing Co.Ltd(601169) , Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, overseas Chinese bank and other financial institutions, The term of validity is 12 months from the date of adoption of the resolution of the general meeting of shareholders.

Maximum credit line

Related guarantor of the applicant

Amount (10000 yuan)

Beijing Beijing Sun-Novo Pharmaceutical Research Co.Ltd(688621) Pharmaceutical Research Co., Ltd. controlling shareholder, actual controller Li Qian and spouse Lin Juan 5500000

Liu Yujing, director and general manager of the company

Li Qian, the controlling shareholder and actual controller of Beijing Novotel Demi Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd. and Lin Juan, the spouse, 1000000

Company Beijing Sun-Novo Pharmaceutical Research Co.Ltd(688621)

Li Qian, the controlling shareholder and actual controller of Beijing Sunshine Demi Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd. and Lin Juan, the spouse, 500000

Company Beijing Sun-Novo Pharmaceutical Research Co.Ltd(688621)

The above credit line can be recycled within the limit. The above credit line is not equal to the actual financing amount of the company. The actual financing amount shall be within the credit line, and the actual financing amount between the bank and the company shall prevail. The company requests the board of directors to authorize the management of the company to handle the above credit line application on behalf of the company and sign corresponding legal documents.

2、 Details of the guarantee provided by the company’s shareholders for the company’s application for credit line

Li Qian, the controlling shareholder and actual controller of the company, his spouse Lin Juan and Liu Yujing, the director and general manager, provided joint and several liability guarantee for the company to apply for a comprehensive credit line of RMB 550 million from the bank. Li Qian, the controlling shareholder and actual controller of the company, Lin Juan, his spouse and Liu Yujing, the director and general manager, do not charge guarantee fees for the guarantee provided by the company, nor do they require the company to provide counter guarantee.

The company, its controlling shareholder and actual controller Li Qian and her spouse Lin Juan applied to the bank for a comprehensive credit line of RMB 100 million and RMB 50 million respectively for their subsidiaries Beijing novo Demi Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd. and Beijing Sunshine Demi Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd. The guarantee provided by the company, the controlling shareholder, the actual controller Li Qian and his spouse Lin Juan for the subsidiary will not charge the guarantee fee, nor ask the subsidiary to provide counter guarantee.

3、 Review procedures for implementation

On February 25, 2022, the company held the 16th meeting of the first board of directors, deliberated and approved the proposal on applying for comprehensive credit line and related guarantee from banks, and agreed that the company should apply for comprehensive credit line of no more than RMB 700 million from banks (the final credit line shall be subject to the credit line actually approved by banks), Mr. Li Qian, related directors Mr. Liu Yujing abstained from voting, and the independent director expressed his consent.

The first session of the board of supervisors was convened on February 25, 2022, February 25, 2022, on February 25, February 25, 2022, February 25, 2022, the first year of the first session of the company on February 25, 2022, the first year of the first session of the first session of the board of supervisors on February 25, 2022, February 25, 2022, February 25, 2022, February 25, 2022, February 25, 2022 on February 25, 2022, the first year of the company on February 25, 2022, the first year of the company on February 25, 2022, the ninth meeting of the 9th on the proposal to apply to a bank for a comprehensive credit line with a comprehensive credit line and connected collateral, and connected guarantees, the proposal to apply to a bank for a comprehensive line of credit line and connected guarantees, which was considered that the company is proposing to be China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co.Ltd(601601) Industrial And Commercial Bank Of China Limited(601398) Industrial And Commercial Bank Of China Limited(601398) , 398\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Overseas Chinese bank and other financial institutions apply for credit line and accept related party guarantee to ensure the capital needs of the company’s normal operation. The company’s application for bank credit line and acceptance of related party guarantee this time does not involve the mortgage of the company’s own assets; The related parties provided guarantee for the company’s credit business without charging any guarantee fee, and the company did not provide counter guarantee to them, which would not have an adverse impact on the company’s production and operation, and would not damage the interests of the company and other shareholders. It is agreed that the company applies to the bank for comprehensive credit line and accepts the guarantee from related parties. 4、 Independent opinion

Independent directors believe that:

1. The company applies to the bank for a comprehensive credit line of no more than RMB 700 million, which is necessary for the company’s operation and development. It can ensure the normal development of financing business in the company’s business activities, simplify the approval procedures, improve the operation efficiency, and will not have an adverse impact on the company’s production and operation. We unanimously agree that the company applies to the bank for a comprehensive credit line.

2. The related parties provide joint and several liability guarantee for the company’s application for credit line from the bank without charging any guarantee fee, and the company does not need to provide counter guarantee to it, which reflects the support of the company’s controlling shareholders, actual controllers and shareholders to the company, is in line with the interests of the company and all shareholders, and will not have an adverse impact on the production and operation of the company, It does not damage the legitimate rights and interests of the company and its shareholders. We agree that the company’s related parties provide free guarantee for the company’s application for comprehensive credit line.

5、 Impact on the company

The application for comprehensive financing credit from the bank this time is used for the production and operation of the company, which is conducive to the sustainable and stable operation and future development of the company, has a positive impact on the daily business activities of the company, will not have an adverse impact on the company, and is in line with the interests and needs of the company and shareholders.

6、 Verification opinions of the recommendation institution

The sponsor believes that: the company’s application for comprehensive credit line and related guarantee from the bank has been reviewed and approved by the board of directors and the board of supervisors of the company, the independent directors have expressed their consent and fulfilled the necessary approval procedures; The matter is based on the needs of the company’s operation and business development, and there is no situation damaging the interests of the company and investors. Therefore, the recommendation institution agrees that the company applies to the bank for a comprehensive credit line of 700 million yuan and related parties for guarantee.

It is hereby announced.

Beijing Sun-Novo Pharmaceutical Research Co.Ltd(688621) board of directors February 28, 2022

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