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Economic and financial hot spot quick review 2021 issue 216 (total issue 652): the national development and Reform Commission approved Shenzhen to carry out pilot projects for high-quality infrastructure development

On December 13, 2021, the national development and Reform Commission issued a reply on approving Shenzhen to carry out the pilot of high-quality infrastructure development, agreeing that Shenzhen should organize the pilot of high-quality infrastructure development. As early as February 14, 2020, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the state, chairman of the Central Military Commission and director of the central comprehensive Deepening Reform Commission Xi Jinping presided over the 12th meeting of the central comprehensive Deepening Reform Commission, which deliberated and adopted the opinions on promoting high-quality infrastructure development, marking the start of high-quality infrastructure development. On December 8, 2021, the national development and Reform Commission, the central network information office, the Ministry of industry and information technology and the National Energy Administration issued the notice on the implementation plan for implementing the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutralization and promoting the green and high-quality development of new infrastructure such as data center and 5g, indicating the basic principles and main contents of high-quality infrastructure development. The national development and Reform Commission’s reply to the pilot project in Shenzhen is precisely in the hope that Shenzhen will seize the major opportunity of building the Great Bay area of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao and the leading demonstration area of socialism with Chinese characteristics and implementing the pilot project of comprehensive reform, coordinate the stock and increment, traditional and new infrastructure according to the direction of high-quality infrastructure development, and promote cross-border leading development, cross regional integrated development and cross field coordinated development Integrate and develop cross cutting-edge technologies, comprehensively improve the supply capacity, quality and efficiency of infrastructure, create a systematic, efficient, practical, intelligent, green, safe and reliable modern infrastructure system, form replicable and popularized experience as soon as possible, and play a leading demonstration role. The main concerns are as follows:

First, the Shenzhen pilot will promote the development of new infrastructure industry and the construction of smart city in the bay area. Infrastructure is the cornerstone of national economic and social development. In the 72 years since the founding of new China, China’s achievements in infrastructure construction have attracted worldwide attention, the infrastructure network has been continuously optimized, the quality of facilities has been continuously improved, and the service capacity has been significantly enhanced, providing strong support and leading economic and social development. The interconnection of infrastructure is not only an important foundation for Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Bay area to help the development of emerging industries, advanced manufacturing and modern service industries, but also a prerequisite for building a world-class Bay area, urban agglomeration and living circle. While traditional infrastructure such as “cement and steel” closely connects 11 cities in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, the construction of “information long dragon” new infrastructure supported by technologies such as Internet, big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, blockchain and Internet of things is also accelerating, becoming an important focus for the high-quality transformation and development of the bay area. As a Dawan district city taking the lead in the layout of smart city and digital government, Shenzhen issued the master plan for smart state-owned assets and smart state-owned enterprises at the end of 2018, which promoted the interconnection and data integration of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises and realized the coordinated development among enterprises. In the early years, Shenzhen solved the problem of paperless office by establishing it system and integrating urban big data services in the bay area. In recent years, new technologies such as cloud computing and big data have brought the construction of smart city into an information technology driven period. By August 2020, 46000 5g base stations have been built, becoming the first city in the world with full coverage of 5g independent networking. Last year, Shenzhen issued the implementation opinions on accelerating the construction of new infrastructure, which clearly put forward that by 2025, the construction scale and innovation level of new infrastructure will rank among the top in the world, and digitization, networking, intelligence and economic and social development will be deeply integrated, providing a strong driving force for driving a new round of economic growth. Nowadays, residents in the bay area enjoy a faster pace of life. Government services such as cross-border e-bills, code scanning of Guangzhou Shenzhen intercity railway, automatic route recommendation and information of surrounding scenic spots have brought high-quality experience. Shenzhen has become a pioneer in the development of smart city. The living and working efficiency of residents has been improved, and the boundaries between cities tend to disappear. For example, “I Shenzhen” app has omitted the steps of the original bid process through face brushing and other technologies. At present, it has provided 1.4 billion fingertip services for citizens, and the same services have covered “most Zhuhai” and “I Chaozhou”. As this comprehensive citizen service platform can cover Dawan district and surrounding major cities, it is believed that with the further promotion of Shenzhen pilot, new technologies such as Hongmeng and yuanuniverse will give birth to more application scenarios, the overall online, intelligent and data management capacity of Dawan district will be upgraded and accelerated, and the “smart City Cluster” with Chinese characteristics will go to the world.

Second, the Shenzhen pilot will help build an International Low-carbon City benchmark. In the notice of the four national departments, it is specifically mentioned that the high-quality development of infrastructure should adhere to the intensive, green and intelligent construction, accelerate the R & D and promotion of energy-saving and low-carbon technologies, encourage the use of wind energy, Cecep Solar Energy Co.Ltd(000591) and other renewable energy, improve the utilization level of green power in the data center, and promote the nearby consumption of renewable energy. Support the large-scale promotion and application of modular hydrogen battery and Cecep Solar Energy Co.Ltd(000591) board room in small or edge data centers. Combine new technologies such as energy storage and hydrogen energy to increase the proportion of renewable energy in the energy supply of the data center. It can be seen that the high-quality development of infrastructure also means the construction of low-carbon cities. According to the deployment of the central government, Shenzhen undertakes a new mission and takes the lead in promoting carbon peak and carbon neutralization. First, as one of the first low-carbon pilot cities and carbon emission trading pilot cities in China, the emission trading exchange was established in 2010 and took the lead in launching carbon trading in China on June 18, 2013. Since then, the market liquidity has ranked first in China for seven consecutive years, with the third trading volume and the fourth trading volume. The second is to innovate the low-carbon economic evaluation system. In 2021, Shenzhen will implement GEP accounting in the whole city. In 2020, the energy consumption per unit GDP and carbon dioxide emission per unit GDP will be 1 / 3 and 1 / 5 of the national average respectively, with a decrease of 19.3% and 23.2% respectively in five years. Third, build Longgang International Low-carbon City, with a total planned area of 53.14 square kilometers. All buildings in the city are constructed and transformed according to the three-star standard of green buildings. The construction concept of sponge city runs through the whole process of planning, construction and operation of the International Low-carbon City. It has built a self-organizing and self-circulating habitat network organization system, rainwater and flood regulation and storage, water purification and other systems, Become a demonstration area of green and low-carbon technology. Recently, the low carbon city has also signed a number of excellent enterprises and innovation platforms such as Guodian and Huawei, Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), Shenzhen Beili Moscow University and other high-level research universities have frequent exchanges and cooperation with the International Low-carbon City, and their innovation ability has been continuously strengthened. In 2020, the regional GDP within the planning scope of the International Low-carbon City will reach 16.302 billion yuan, an increase of 10.895 billion yuan over 5.407 billion yuan in 2012. Looking forward to the future, if Shenzhen is to become a low-carbon international brand, it will accelerate the formation of low-carbon life, creative life Gather green energy industries, build a number of national green industry demonstration bases, and promote the formation of an open, collaborative and efficient innovation ecosystem, so as to build the bay area and the national low-carbon pioneer demonstration area for sustainable development.

Third, finance will play a more important role in supporting the high-quality development of infrastructure in Shenzhen. In terms of supporting infrastructure, the construction of the bay area is accelerating, and financial support is also innovating. In 2021, Shenzhen Municipal Development and Reform Commission has classified a number of qualified projects into the national infrastructure REITs pilot project library to further enrich the channels of infrastructure financing. In response to the demand for new infrastructure, BOC Shenzhen has established a convenient and fast online supplier financing system with leading enterprises in the information industry as the core, and customized a supply chain financial service scheme connecting the upstream and downstream. In terms of green finance, financial institutions have also increased their support for the development of green finance. For example, Shenzhen ICBC, Shenzhen Agricultural Bank and other institutions set up green finance departments, set up green finance teams or set up green sub branches to promote the professional operation of green finance. Shenzhen CDB participated in the issuance of “bond link” green financial bonds with the theme of “carbon neutralization” and innovated the business model of green finance. According to the data disclosed by Shenzhen banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau, by the end of 2020, the balance of green credit of Shenzhen banking financial institutions had reached 348.8 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 16.8%. The rapid growth of green finance is becoming an important force to support the high-quality development of regional infrastructure. Shenzhen has a good economic foundation for green industry. In recent years, the government has also continued to strengthen top-level design. In 2018, the implementation opinions on building a green financial system was issued to encourage financial institutions to strengthen the innovation of products and services such as green credit, green bonds and green insurance. In 2020, the Shenzhen Municipal People’s Congress deliberated and approved the laws and regulations in the field of green finance, the regulations of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone on green finance, realizing multiple innovative breakthroughs and providing legal support for the construction of green finance. On December 13, 2021, at the “financial center: mobilizing capital to accelerate climate change action” conference held by the United Nations Environment Programme in Paris, five financial center cities including Shenzhen, Toronto, Geneva, Zurich and Frankfurt announced to join the “green finance alliance of global financial center cities”, which can not only enhance Shenzhen’s international popularity in green finance, At the same time, it can also promote the innovation of green financial technology and policies through exchanges with overseas cities.


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