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Gathering scientific and technological forces in the field of Aerospace Information Jinan High-Tech Development Co.Ltd(600807) District, rising commercial satellite Highland

“We are promoting the development of qilu-2 and qilu-3 satellites. We have completed the satellite load integration test and preliminarily determined to launch in July this year.” In February, sun dianyi, President of Shandong Institute of industry and Technology (hereinafter referred to as Shandong Institute of industry and Technology), located in Shandong Jinan High-Tech Development Co.Ltd(600807) Technology Industry Development Zone (hereinafter referred to as Jinan High-Tech Development Co.Ltd(600807) zone), revealed in an interview with science and Technology Daily that in the next 3-5 years, the Institute will complete the deployment of 20 left and right remote sensing satellites and form Qilu satellite constellation.

It is understood that the successful launch of qilu-1 and qilu-4 remote sensing satellites last year has provided a large number of high-resolution satellite data for all walks of life.

These actions of Shandong Institute of industry and research coincide with the time. On January 28 this year, the Information Office of the State Council issued the white paper “China’s aerospace in 2021”, which stressed: encourage and guide commerce Addsino Co.Ltd(000547) ; Study and formulate commercial Addsino Co.Ltd(000547) guidance to promote the rapid development of Commercial Aerospace; Expand the scope of commercial aerospace products and services purchased by the government, and promote the opening and sharing of major scientific research facilities and equipment to commercial aerospace enterprises.

The blessing of the new deal has added new fuel to commercial aerospace, allowing the latter to usher in a new spring of development. In Jinan High-Tech Development Co.Ltd(600807) District, a new commercial satellite highland is rising.

High end R & D achievements are here

What is the value of commercial remote sensing satellites?

According to Lei bin, vice president of Shandong Institute of industry and research, high-quality remote sensing satellite data urgently needed by China’s commercial aerospace market is extremely scarce. In case of emergencies, people often have money and can’t buy high-quality data. Many entrepreneurial teams engaged in satellite remote sensing applications in China are constrained by the lack of data and are difficult to develop rapidly.

On April 27 last year, “qilu-1” and “qilu-4” remote sensing satellites were successfully launched in Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center, marking the first time that Shandong Province has an independent and controllable commercial satellite. Qilu satellite launch is an innovative Remote Sensing Application Project Based on the “space-based Internet plus remote sensing small satellite” mode, which has advanced high-resolution earth observation and intersatellite communication capabilities.

The person in charge of the above project is Lei bin. In his opinion, the value of high-end R & D achievements lies in landing.

The reporter learned that at present, in Jinan High-Tech Development Co.Ltd(600807) District, Qilu Satellite International Innovation Center has built a satellite measurement and operation control hall, successfully developed the “Qilu satellite ground control system”, and realized the full link closed-loop control from user demand collection, satellite mission control, data receiving and processing to application product distribution, It has laid a one-stop information foundation for the long-term operation of Qilu satellite. At the same time, they started the construction of AIT laboratory, built thermal vacuum laboratory and microwave measurement laboratory, and promoted the construction of various test facilities on schedule. By the end of last year, Qilu satellite had carried out more than 830 earth observation missions.

Satellite Internet of things pilot

Last year, the flood in Henan affected the people of the whole country, and new technologies came into use in rescue and disaster relief.

In fact, in more than half a year of application, Qilu satellite has made great efforts to not only complete the remote sensing emergency support tasks in response to the extremely heavy rainfall disaster in Henan, “fireworks” typhoon disaster and the autumn flood of the Yellow River, but also provide a large amount of urgently needed data for land and resources management, river management, agriculture, finance and other departments.

Information infrastructure is moving from ground-based to space-based, which has triggered a new round of technological transformation of information industry with aerospace information industry as the core. Plan ahead, and the current Jinan High-Tech Development Co.Ltd(600807) district has gathered a large number of scientific and technological forces in the field of aerospace information.

There are national strategic scientific and technological forces, new R & D institutions, leading enterprises using Beidou satellite system to build intelligent transportation industrial park and high-tech enterprises mastering key technologies.

It is understood that Shandong Institute of industry and research is working with Jinan City and Beijing future navigation company to promote the landing construction of LEO satellite navigation enhancement system project. It has completed the design and construction of the project’s Shandong headquarters base, and coordinated with Jinan City to promote the construction of constellation ground measurement and control station and operation control center. At present, the project has broken through all key technologies such as satellite advanced payload and laser inter satellite link, and the first test satellite has successfully completed various in orbit tests.

At the level of Jinan High-Tech Development Co.Ltd(600807) District, the Jinan High-Tech Development Co.Ltd(600807) technology entrepreneurship service center of Jinan High-Tech Development Co.Ltd(600807) district is implementing the “five ones” plan, that is, introducing a number of enterprises, establishing a fund, building a base, establishing an association and holding a forum. Support the pilot of Satellite Internet of things in the fields of smart city, smart ocean and smart forestry, accelerate the application and development of Satellite Internet of things industry in Shandong, and build a commercial aerospace industry cluster.

The rise of commercial aerospace sector makes Jinan High-Tech Development Co.Ltd(600807) district and even Jinan grow into a global commercial aerospace highland.

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