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600575: Huaihe Energy (Group) Co.Ltd(600575) suggestive announcement on recent stock trading risks

Securities code: 600575 securities abbreviation: Huaihe Energy (Group) Co.Ltd(600575) Announcement No.: pro 2022-010 Huaihe Energy (Group) Co.Ltd(600575) (Group) Co., Ltd

Suggestive announcement on recent stock trading risks

The board of directors and all directors of the company guarantee that there are no false records, misleading statements or major omissions in the contents of this announcement, and bear individual and joint liabilities for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of its contents. Huaihe Energy (Group) Co.Ltd(600575) (Group) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the company”) shares deviated from the daily closing price by more than 20% in three consecutive trading days on February 7, 2022, February 22, 2022 and February 23, 2022. According to the trading rules of Shanghai Stock Exchange, it belongs to abnormal fluctuation of stock trading, The company has disclosed the announcement on abnormal fluctuations in stock trading of Huaihe Energy (Group) Co.Ltd(600575) (Group) Co., Ltd. (p.2022-009) on February 24, 2022. On February 24, 2022, the company’s share price rose again. In view of the large fluctuation of the company’s share price recently, the relevant risks of the company are as follows:

1、 Recent production and operation of the company

At present, the company’s production and operation activities are normal, the market environment and industrial policies have not been significantly adjusted, and the internal production and operation order is normal. According to the annual performance forecast of the company in 2021, it is expected that the net profit attributable to the shareholders of the company in 2021 will be reduced by 31.7 million yuan to 61.7 million yuan compared with the same period of the previous year (statutory disclosure data), with a year-on-year decrease of 6.67% to 12.98%; Compared with the same period of the previous year (legally disclosed data), the net profit after deducting non recurring profits and losses attributable to the shareholders of the company will decrease by 10.4 million yuan to 40.4 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 3.03% to 11.75%. The change of the company’s performance in 2021 is mainly due to the increase of coal-fired cost of the company’s wholly-owned power plant. Remind investors to invest rationally and pay attention to investment risks.

2、 Progress of major asset restructuring of the company

On February 21, 2022, the company held the sixth meeting of the seventh board of directors to consider and approve the proposal on the plan for absorption and merger of Huainan Mining (Group) Co., Ltd. and related party transactions of Huaihe Energy (Group) Co.Ltd(600575) (Group) Co., Ltd. and its summary and other major asset restructuring related proposals. This major asset restructuring still needs to perform relevant approval procedures, including the approval of the general meeting of shareholders and the approval of China Securities Regulatory Commission. Please invest rationally and pay attention to investment risks.

3、 Secondary market transaction risk

As of the closing on February 24, 2022, the comparison of the company’s P / E ratio and P / B ratio with some listed companies in the same industry is as follows (sorted by P / B ratio from high to low):

Company code company abbreviation P / E ratio PE (TTM) P / B ratio Pb (LF)

600575.SH Huaihe Energy (Group) Co.Ltd(600575) 34.63 1.37

001896.SZ Henan Yuneng Holdings Co.Ltd(001896) -9.27 1.23

600578.SH Beijing Jingneng Power Co.Ltd(600578) -13.41 0.93

600023.SH Zhejiang Zheneng Electric Power Co.Ltd(600023) 15.81 0.74

000600.SZ Jointo Energy Investment Co.Ltd.Hebei(000600) -12.37 0.72

Note: 1 The data source is wind database; 2. According to the industry classification results of Listed Companies in the third quarter of 2021 published by China Securities Regulatory Commission, the industry category of the company is water transportation industry. According to the actual situation of the company’s main business, thermal power generation business, as the company’s energy industry, has the largest asset scale and management volume, which is the development direction of the company’s main business.

As of February 24, 2022, the closing P / E ratio (rolling) of the company’s shares was 34.63 times and the P / B ratio was 1.37 times. Due to the operating performance of some comparable listed companies in the same industry in 2021 is at a loss, the P / E ratio is not comparable, and the P / B ratio of the company is higher than that of comparable listed companies in the same industry. Investors are particularly reminded to pay attention to the trading risks in the secondary market.

4、 Other

The company solemnly reminds investors that the company’s information can be found on the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange (www.sse. Com. CN) And relevant announcements published by the information disclosure media designated by the company. Investors are kindly requested to pay attention to the company’s subsequent announcements and pay attention to investment risks.

It is hereby announced.

Board of directors of Huaihe Energy (Group) Co.Ltd(600575) (Group) Co., Ltd. February 25, 2022

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