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The application of “smart travel inspection” system to the customs clearance speed of capital airport continues to “Refresh”

After the closing of the Beijing Winter Olympics, the capital airport port ushered in the peak flow of entry-exit personnel. Beijing Customs implemented the “smart travel inspection” system during the Winter Olympics. All passengers chose to declare through the system, the amount of handwritten input was historically reduced to 0, and the number of people checked and released per hour at the entry channel was increased by more than three times, truly realizing “easy declaration and fast customs clearance”.

The reporter learned from Beijing Customs on the 24th that after completing the customs clearance guarantee and game time guarantee for the entry personnel of the Winter Olympic Games with high quality, Beijing Customs quickly invested in the centralized Customs clearance guarantee for the exit personnel of the Winter Olympic Games, adhered to early planning, improved speed and excellent service, did a good job in the whole process guarantee of the Winter Olympic Games, and continued to refresh China’s customs clearance speed at the national port.

“smart travel inspection” improves customs clearance experience

It is understood that in order to ensure the entry and customs clearance of Winter Olympic passengers, Beijing Customs added 126 sets of declaration equipment at the passenger customs clearance site before the Winter Olympic test competition, so as to avoid “getting together” of declared passengers to the greatest extent.

In addition, Beijing Customs has also implemented the “smart travel inspection” system to strengthen the assistance to passengers in the process of entry declaration and flow adjustment, and greatly improve the customs clearance experience of passengers – turn professional inquiries into easy to understand questions, which are displayed in 12 Chinese, English, German, French, Japanese and Italian versions, so that passengers can “understand”; Touch the selected screen interactively instead of keyboard text entry, and passengers fill in the Declaration “don’t write”; Through the background big data comparison, prompt and correct the manual error of declaration to ensure that passengers “fill in correctly”; Through the system, passengers can directly connect with the customs officer to obtain guidance on filling in in time, so as to “have help” at any time.

Gao Yanjun, deputy director of the first brigade Inspection Department of the capital airport customs, introduced that during the Winter Olympics, all passengers chose to declare through the system, the amount of handwritten input was historically reduced to 0, and the number of people checked and released at the entry channel per hour was increased by more than three times, truly realizing “easy declaration and fast customs clearance”.

automatic verification assisted rapid customs clearance

In order to speed up the speed of athletes’ exit customs clearance, Beijing Customs moved the check-in counter forward and transferred backbone forces to stay in three Winter Olympic villages in Beijing, Yanqing and Zhangjiakou in advance. The Winter Olympic personnel can go through the customs inspection procedures of checked baggage at the station, so as to realize the “door-to-door service” and “one-to-one” Declaration guidance.

At the same time, through the application of passenger clearance management system, athletes can fill in the exit health declaration card online in the Winter Olympic village. After arriving at the capital airport, they only need to scan the QR code to realize “second level” Declaration and automatic verification, so as to ensure the rapid clearance of Winter Olympic personnel in the case of centralized exit.

After experiencing the fast customs clearance service, many athletes couldn’t help but give a thumbs up to the customs officers when they left, praising that the speed of China’s customs once again exceeded their imagination.

scientific collaboration ensures convenience and efficiency

Beijing Customs has established a cooperation mechanism including airport operation control, ground service, airlines and other relevant departments to coordinate the resources of all parties and do a good job in real-time scientific research, judgment and overall scheduling of site use, aircraft seat arrangement and ground support.

\u3000\u3000 “By setting up a command center, setting up a multi department cooperation mechanism, establishing an emergency support echelon, expanding customs clearance channels and other measures, we will maximize the overall planning of information resources, hardware resources and human resources, realize all-round launch, all factor coordination and speed up the whole process, and strive to provide the most friendly, convenient and efficient customs clearance for the Olympic family while ensuring supervision Service. ” Chen Ping, deputy director of the capital airport customs, said. (end)

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