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600797: Reply of Zhejiang Insigma Technology Co.Ltd(600797) Group Co., Ltd. to the inquiry on abnormal fluctuation of Insigma Technology Co.Ltd(600797) stock trading

600797: Reply of Zhejiang Insigma Technology Co.Ltd(600797) Group Co., Ltd. to the inquiry about the abnormal fluctuation of Insigma Technology Co.Ltd(600797) stock trading Insigma Technology Co.Ltd(600797) : with regard to the inquiry about the abnormal fluctuation of your company’s stock trading, the company, as the largest shareholder, declares as follows: up to now, the company has no major matters that should be disclosed but not disclosed that may have a significant impact on your company’s stock trading price, Including but not limited to major asset restructuring, share issuance, acquisition, debt restructuring, business restructuring, asset divestiture, asset injection, share repurchase, equity incentive, bankruptcy reorganization, major business cooperation, introduction of strategic investors and other major matters. I am writing to you.

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