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Shenzhen Click Technology Co.Ltd(002782) : Shenzhen Click Technology Co.Ltd(002782) feasibility analysis report on the use of funds raised by non-public offering of shares

Shenzhen Click Technology Co.Ltd(002782) use of funds raised by non-public offering of shares

Feasibility analysis report

February, 2002

1、 Investment plan of the raised funds

The total amount of funds raised in this non-public offering does not exceed 368687200 yuan. After deducting the issuance expenses, it is proposed to use them all for the following projects:

Unit: 10000 yuan

No. project name total project investment proposed to use raised funds

1 Anhui photovoltaic energy storage magnetic element intelligent manufacturing project 24137.05 22098.67

2 Huizhou charging pile magnetic component intelligent manufacturing project 15306.04 14770.04

Total 39443.10 36868.72

Before the raised funds are in place, the company can use the self raised funds to invest in the raised funds projects in advance according to the operating conditions and business planning. After the raised funds are in place, the early investment will be replaced with the raised funds. If the actual net amount of raised funds is less than the total amount of funds required to be invested in the above-mentioned investment projects with raised funds, the general meeting of shareholders of the company will authorize the board of directors to adjust and finally decide the specific investment amount of raised funds according to the actual net amount of raised funds and the priorities of the projects. The insufficient part of raised funds shall be solved by the company with its own funds or through other financing methods.

Within the scope of the above-mentioned projects invested with raised funds, the board of directors of the company may appropriately adjust the amount of raised funds invested in the above-mentioned projects according to the actual needs of the project and the procedures specified in relevant laws and regulations. 2、 Basic information of the project invested with raised funds (I) Anhui photovoltaic energy storage magnetic element intelligent manufacturing project 1. Project introduction

The total investment of the project is 241370500 yuan and the construction period is 24 months. The project plans to build a new plant and supporting facilities in Guangde City, Anhui Province, and build an intelligent manufacturing line of magnetic components for photovoltaic energy storage to meet the needs of customers in the field of photovoltaic energy storage, especially in the Yangtze River Delta. After the completion of the project, it will improve the company’s production capacity of magnetic components for photovoltaic energy storage and improve the response speed of regional customers, which is in line with the company’s production line layout planning and overall development strategy. 2. Necessity of project construction

(1) Expand the scale of production capacity to meet the growing market demand

At present, under the general trend of global energy structure adjustment, photovoltaic industry has become one of the key industries in various countries. Driven by the policy guidance of various countries and the technical iteration and process optimization of the photovoltaic industry, the economy of the industry has been significantly improved, and the industry has ushered in a golden growth period. In the future, with the continuous favorable policies, the global photovoltaic market will develop more rapidly. According to the prediction of the 2020 version of the development roadmap of China’s photovoltaic industry issued by China Photovoltaic Industry Association, the global photovoltaic new installed capacity is expected to reach 130gw in 2020, and the Chinese photovoltaic new installed capacity is expected to be 48.2gw; Under optimistic circumstances, the global PV installed capacity will reach 330gw by 2025, and China’s PV installed capacity is expected to account for 1 / 3 of the global market and 110gw.

The magnetic component products produced by the company are important components of photovoltaic core module inverter. With the rapid development of China’s photovoltaic industry, the sales volume of photovoltaic magnetic components of the company continues to grow. At present, the production line is close to the full load production state. In the future, the production capacity of photovoltaic magnetic components of the company will not be able to meet the increasing customer order demand. The company’s capacity scale will affect the delivery capacity of customers’ orders and restrict the further expansion of the company’s business.

The company has purchased land in Guangde City, Anhui Province for the construction of photovoltaic energy storage project. Through the implementation of new photovoltaic projects, the company will increase the production capacity of magnetic photovoltaic components and effectively meet the increasing demand of downstream customers.

(2) Serve the company’s development strategy and strengthen the layout of photovoltaic energy storage supporting products

Since its establishment, the company has always taken providing high-quality products and services and becoming a leader in the electronic parts and power solutions industry as its corporate vision, adhered to closely following the changes of market and products, responded quickly and constantly sought innovation. With the deepening of China’s energy structure adjustment process, the installed capacity of photovoltaic power generation continues to increase, and the market demand for photovoltaic magnetic components is growing rapidly. At the same time, with the improvement of the distribution and storage rate of the power station, the energy storage market will usher in the development peak. Compared with the photovoltaic power generation link, the inverter in the energy storage link needs inverter and rectifier two-way current conversion, and more magnetic components are used, which has brought new power support to the further expansion of the market scale of magnetic components.

Based on the new development of photovoltaic energy storage market and the broad market space in the future, the company takes the application field of photovoltaic energy storage as one of the key strategic directions in the future. Relying on the profound technical accumulation and technical strength of magnetic components, the company has carried out in-depth layout for magnetic components in photovoltaic energy storage industry. The company has a series of photovoltaic energy storage products such as boost inductor, inverter inductor, common mode inductor, differential mode inductor, drive transformer and auxiliary transformer, which have strong performance advantages in the market. Among them, the boost inductor and inverter inductor for high-power photovoltaic inverter above 300kW have strong technical advantages.

Through the implementation of photovoltaic energy storage fund-raising and investment project, the company will increase the production line construction of magnetic components for photovoltaic energy storage, cooperate with the company’s development strategy, further develop market customers in the field of photovoltaic energy storage, expand the market share in the field of photovoltaic energy storage, and further improve the profitability of the company.

(3) Improve the layout of production base and improve customer response ability

The company’s magnetic component products are mainly customized. Customers have differentiated requirements for product performance and specifications. Fast and efficient customer response ability is one of the keys for the company to maintain market competitive advantage. At present, the company has built magnetic component production and manufacturing bases in Shenzhen City, Huizhou City, Yingde City, Guangdong Province, Xinfeng County and Anyuan County, Jiangxi Province, providing convenient and fast services and high-quality products for customers in the Pearl River Delta.

The Yangtze River Delta is an important engine of China’s economic development. With the golden period of development of China’s photovoltaic industry, all parts of the Yangtze River Delta have also vigorously developed the photovoltaic industry, among which the photovoltaic industry in Anhui Province has developed rapidly. According to the data released by Anhui Provincial Department of economy and information technology, in 2020, the photovoltaic equipment and component manufacturing industry in Anhui Province achieved an increase of more than 60% in industrial added value above the designated level, and the operating revenue exceeded 60 billion yuan, with a year-on-year increase of more than 50%; The output of photovoltaic inverter has reached 35gw, ranking the top in the world for many consecutive years. The company has Sungrow Power Supply Co.Ltd(300274) and many other high-quality customer resources in the Yangtze River Delta, and maintains a good and stable cooperative relationship.

Through the implementation of the photovoltaic energy storage fund-raising and investment project, the company will establish a photovoltaic energy storage supporting magnetic component production line in Guangde City, Anhui Province, improve the company’s production layout in the Yangtze River Delta, and improve product supply efficiency and customer response speed. 3. Project investment feasibility

(1) The strong support of national policies provides policy guarantee for the implementation of the project

Photovoltaic power generation and energy storage industry is a key new energy industry supported after the release of the national “double carbon” policy. In March 2021, the fourth session of the 13th National People’s Congress deliberated and adopted the outline of the 14th five year plan for national economic and social development of the people’s Republic of China and the long-term objectives for 2035. The outline pointed out that we should accelerate the development of non fossil energy, adhere to both centralized and distributed development, and vigorously increase the scale of wind power and photovoltaic power generation. In July 2021, the national development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration issued the guiding opinions on accelerating the development of new energy storage, requiring that by 2025, the transformation of new energy storage from the initial stage of commercialization to large-scale development, the market environment and business model are basically mature, and the installed capacity will reach more than 30 million KW; By 2030, realize the comprehensive market-oriented development of new energy storage. In the action plan for carbon peak by 2030 issued by the State Council in October 2021, it is emphasized to build a new power system with a gradually increasing proportion of new energy and promote the large-scale optimal allocation of clean power resources; Actively develop “new energy + energy storage”, source network load storage integration and multi energy complementarity, and support the rational allocation of distributed new energy storage systems; Comprehensively promote the large-scale development and high-quality development of wind power and Cecep Solar Energy Co.Ltd(000591) power generation, adhere to both centralized and distributed development, and accelerate the construction of wind power and photovoltaic power generation bases; Accelerate the innovation, upgrading and characteristic application of intelligent photovoltaic industry, innovate the “photovoltaic +” mode, and promote the diversified layout of photovoltaic power generation. The state’s support for the photovoltaic and energy storage industries has greatly promoted the rapid development of China’s photovoltaic and energy storage industries.

It provides a solid support for the orientation and stable implementation of national policies for the photovoltaic industry, and also provides a solid guidance for the long-term development of the photovoltaic industry.

(2) The photovoltaic energy storage market has broad prospects, and the customer expansion plan drives the market demand

In the context of the global consensus on “carbon neutrality”, the new energy power generation industry has received policy support from governments, and the development growth rate of the industry is obvious. According to the statistics of the European Photovoltaic Association, the global photovoltaic industry is developing rapidly. From 2011 to 2020, the installed capacity of new photovoltaic increased from 30.2gw to 138.2gw, with a compound growth rate of 18.41%. Meanwhile, with the increasing popularity of renewable energy + energy storage projects, the proportion of power station allocation and storage continues to rise. According to cnesa statistics, the installed capacity of global energy storage projects will reach 191.1gw in 2020. In the future, with the gradual approach of the commitment time of “carbon neutrality” goal of various countries, the photovoltaic energy storage industry will usher in a new round of high-speed development opportunity. As the core component of photovoltaic energy storage equipment, inverter was mainly dominated by European enterprises in the past. With the rapid development of China’s photovoltaic industry, Chinese inverter enterprises also gradually rise. According to wood machenzie’s statistics, Chinese enterprises accounted for 6 of the top 10 global PV inverter enterprises in terms of shipments in 2020, namely Huawei, Sungrow Power Supply Co.Ltd(300274) , gurewart, Ginlong Technologies Co.Ltd(300763) , Sineng Electric Co.Ltd(300827) and Jiangsu Goodwe Power Supply Technology Co.Ltd(688390) .

Magnetic components are an important part of the inverter, the core component of photovoltaic energy storage, which plays a key role in energy storage, voltage rise, filtering and elimination of EMI. The photovoltaic energy storage raised investment project will build supporting magnetic component production lines for the photovoltaic energy storage industry. The good development prospect of photovoltaic energy storage will bring sufficient market space for the magnetic component industry, At the same time, the company’s high-quality customer resources also provide market guarantee for the digestion of product capacity of this project.

Application of magnetic components in photovoltaic energy storage system

According to the calculation of big bit Industry Research Office, the global market space of magnetic components on the side of photovoltaic energy storage inverter is expected to reach 11.4 billion yuan in 2025, with a broad market space.

Calculation of global optical storage inverter side magnetic component market space from 2020 to 2025

120 114.2 35% 100 30% 88.6

28.99% 25% 80 76.2

sixty-seven point eight

20.59% 20% 60 56.2

48.9 15% 14.90% 16.26%

40 12.38%

10% 20 5%

0 0%

2020E 2021E

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