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Beijing Career International Co.Ltd(300662) : comparison table for revision of information disclosure management system

Beijing Creative Distribution Automation Co.Ltd(002350) International Human Resources Co., Ltd

Comparison table for revision of information disclosure management system

Beijing Creative Distribution Automation Co.Ltd(002350) International Human Resources Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the company”) held the seventh meeting of the third board of directors on February 17, 2022, In accordance with the company law, the securities law, the measures for the administration of information disclosure of listed companies (2021 Revision), the self regulatory guidelines for listed companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange No. 2 – standardized operation of companies listed on GEM, the self regulatory guidelines for listed companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange No. 5 – Administration of information disclosure affairs and other relevant laws issued on March 18, 2021 According to the latest provisions of administrative regulations and normative documents, combined with the actual situation of the company, the company plans to revise the existing information disclosure management system.

The details are as follows (the revision is indicated in BOLD):

Before and after modification

Article 1 is to ensure the information disclosure of Beijing Creative Distribution Automation Co.Ltd(002350) International Human Resources Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the company”), and Article 1 is to ensure Beijing Creative Distribution Automation Co.Ltd(002350) International Human Resources Co., Ltd

Timely, accurate, sufficient and complete, and protect the legitimate rights of investors. The information disclosure of limited company (hereinafter referred to as “the company”) and

In accordance with the company law of the people’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the “company law”), the legal rights of investors shall be protected in a timely, accurate, sufficient and complete manner

Hereinafter referred to as “company law” and “certificate of benefits of the people’s Republic of China”, according to the company law of the people’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as “company law”)

Securities law, measures for the administration of information disclosure of listed companies, hereinafter referred to as the “company law”), securities law of the people’s Republic of China

Shenzhen Stock Exchange GEM Listing Rules (hereinafter referred to as the Securities Law), measures for the administration of information disclosure of listed companies

Hereinafter referred to as “Listing Rules”) “Shenzhen Stock Exchange gem stock listing rules” on Shenzhen Stock Exchange

No. 2 of the municipal guidelines on self discipline supervision of companies – on the gem (hereinafter referred to as the “Listing Rules”) and Shenzhen Securities

Municipal companies’ standardized operation, guidelines for the standardized operation of companies listed on the gem of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, etc

No. 5 self regulatory guidelines of the company – information disclosure laws, regulations, rules, normative documents and Beijing Creative Distribution Automation Co.Ltd(002350)

Management (hereinafter referred to as “No. 5 self regulatory guidelines”) articles of association of International Human Resources Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as

And other laws, regulations, rules, normative documents and relevant provisions of the articles of association of Beijing, in combination with the company’s

Beijing Career International Co.Ltd(300662) the articles of association of human resources Co., Ltd. (based on the actual situation of the company, this system is formulated.

This system is formulated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the articles of association and in combination with the actual situation of the company.

Article 2 the term “information disclosure” as mentioned in this system refers to when it occurs or


Imminent possible impact on the company’s shares and their derivatives

Before and after modification

In case of information or events that have a great impact on the transaction price (hereinafter referred to as “major information”, “major events” or “major events”), the announcement documents and relevant reference documents of relevant information shall be submitted to Shenzhen stock exchange for registration in time in accordance with the provisions of laws, administrative regulations, departmental rules and normative documents, And published in the media designated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as the “CSRC”).

Article 2 this system is applicable to the information disclosure of the following personnel and institutions:

(I) secretary of the board of directors and Information Disclosure Management Department of the company;

Article 3 this system is applicable to the following personnel and institutions:

(II) directors and board of directors of the company;

Information disclosure:

(III) the company’s supervisors and the board of supervisors;

(I) secretary of the board of directors and information disclosure management

(IV) senior management of the company;

Management department;

(V) directors and board of directors of all departments, branches and subsidiaries of the company (II);

The person in charge of the;

(III) the company’s supervisors and the board of supervisors;

(VI) controlling shareholders of the company and major shareholders holding more than 5% (IV) senior managers of the company;


(V) all departments, branches and subsidiaries of the company

(VII) responsible persons of other company personnel responsible for information disclosure;

And departments.

(VI) controlling shareholders and large shares holding more than 5% of the company

The information disclosure management department of the company is responsible for the company’s Xindong;

Permanent establishment of interest disclosure.

(VII) other company personnel responsible for information disclosure

The company appoints the Secretary of the board of directors to be specifically responsible for the information management and department.

Except for the written authorization of the board of directors and compliance with the relevant provisions of the listing rules, No. 5 self regulatory guidelines and the articles of association, no material information not disclosed by the company shall be released to the public.

Article 4 the company shall disclose information to all investors at the same time. Article 3 the information disclosure obligor shall disclose information in accordance with laws and regulations, and the information disclosure shall comply with the principle of fair information disclosure, government regulations, departmental rules, other normative documents and this system

Before and after modification

And timeliness. And other provisions of the China Securities Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as the “CSRC”), timely perform the obligation of information disclosure in accordance with the law, and ensure that the disclosed information is true, accurate, complete, concise, clear and easy to understand, There shall be no false records, misleading statements or major omissions.

The information disclosed by the information disclosure obligor shall be disclosed to all investors at the same time, and shall not be disclosed to any unit or individual in advance. However, unless otherwise provided by laws and administrative regulations. Information disclosure shall comply with the principles of fair information disclosure and timeliness.

Article 4 in addition to the information that needs to be disclosed according to law, the information disclosure obligor may voluntarily disclose the information related to the value judgment and investment decision made by the investor, but it shall not conflict with the information disclosed according to law or mislead the investor. The information voluntarily disclosed by the information disclosure obligor shall be true, accurate and complete. Voluntary information disclosure shall abide by the principle of fairness, maintain the continuity and consistency of information disclosure, and shall not make selective disclosure. The information disclosure obligor shall not use the information voluntarily disclosed to improperly affect the trading price of the company’s securities and their derivatives, and shall not use the voluntary information disclosure to engage in illegal acts such as market manipulation.

Article 5 the directors, supervisors and senior managers of the company shall Article 6 the directors, supervisors and senior managers of the company shall ensure that the information disclosed by the company is true, accurate and complete. They shall ensure that the information disclosed by the company is true, accurate, complete, timely and fair, and cannot guarantee that the information disclosed is true, timely and fair, If the content of the information disclosed cannot be guaranteed to be true, accurate and complete, a corresponding statement shall be made in the announcement. If it is accurate and complete, a corresponding statement shall be made in the announcement and the reasons shall be explained. The company and its controlling shareholders, actual control and reasons. If a person, director, supervisor or senior manager makes a public commitment, it shall be disclosed.

Article 7 when disclosing information in accordance with the law, the company shall submit the announcement and relevant documents for future reference to the stock exchange for registration, and submit the announcement and relevant documents for future reference to the stock exchange for registration

Before and after modification

Published in the media designated by the CSRC. It shall be published in the media that meet the conditions stipulated by the CSRC. The full text of the information disclosure documents issued by the information disclosure obligors on the company’s website and other media shall be published in Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The information shall not be published before the designated media, and shall not be published on the website of the company and the website that meets the conditions stipulated by the CSRC

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