Changhong energy has a block transaction with a discount rate of 23.20%

Changhong energy (836239) had a transaction on the block trading platform on February 16, with a trading volume of 15000 shares and a transaction amount of 1.095 million yuan. The block trading price was 73.00 yuan, which was 23.20% lower than today's closing price. The buyer's business department of this transaction is Huaxi Securities Co.Ltd(002926) Mianyang Anchang Road Securities Business Department, and the seller's business department is Shenwan Hongyuan Group Co.Ltd(000166) Western Securities Co.Ltd(002673) Horgos Yaou Road Securities Business Department of Co., Ltd.

According to further statistics, there have been two block transactions in the stock in the past month, with a total transaction amount of 2.229 million yuan.

According to the statistics of securities times · data treasure, the closing price of Changhong energy today was 95.05 yuan, down 1.90%, the daily turnover rate was 0.87%, and the turnover was 25.3828 million yuan. The stock fell 17.86% in the past five days. (data treasure)

List of Changhong energy block transactions on February 16

trading volume (10000 shares) transaction amount (10000 yuan) transaction price (yuan) discount premium relative to the closing price of the day (%)___ Buyer's business department___ Seller's business department

___ 1.50______ 109.50______ 73.00______- 23.20______ Huaxi Securities Co.Ltd(002926) Mianyang Anchang Road Securities Business Department______ Shenwan Hongyuan Group Co.Ltd(000166) Western Securities Co.Ltd(002673) Co., Ltd. Horgos Asia Europe Road Securities Business Department___

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