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Financial real estate continued to fall! What happened? Russia Ukraine situation ushered in big news, can the situation improve?

Kill one sector a day!

Last week, the popular track continued to fall. Today, it’s the financial real estate that supported the scene last week. China stock market news, which has a market value of nearly 300 billion yuan, suddenly collapsed in early trading, with a maximum decline of more than 13%. As of noon, China stock market news closed down 11.63% to close at 28.04 yuan.

Analysts believe that there are three main reasons for the decline of China stock market news: first, the overall fluctuation of the securities sector today; Second, on Friday evening, the company issued a reminder announcement on the last redemption of convertible bonds, which may face selling pressure on convertible bonds; Third, the impact of the cold news on the new development fund at the weekend. However, as of the press time of China Securities Company, there is no official reply to this.

In early trading today, the large A-share financial sector continued to decline, and the brokerage, insurance and banking sectors collectively fell, Gf Securities Co.Ltd(000776) , Xiangcai Co.Ltd(600095) , Bank of Lanzhou, Bank Of Chengdu Co.Ltd(601838) , China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co.Ltd(601601) , Ping An Insurance (Group) Company Of China Ltd(601318) led the decline. Real estate stocks also performed poorly. The Bloomberg Chinese real estate index fell to 3.4%, and real estate stocks in Hong Kong stocks fell further. On February 11, the central bank released China’s monetary policy implementation report for the fourth quarter of 2021. The report pointed out that in the next stage, we should firmly adhere to the positioning that the house is used for living, not for speculation, and insist on not using real estate as a means to stimulate the economy in the short term.

Due to the tense situation in Russia and Ukraine, the overall performance of Asia Pacific stock markets in early trading was weak. According to the latest news, on February 13 local time, the presidential palace of Ukraine announced that on the same day, Ukrainian President Zelensky invited Biden to visit Kiev in the next few days when talking with US President Biden. Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman zaharova said on a social networking website on the 14th local time that what the United States and Britain are doing now is war propaganda activities.

China stock market news suddenly collapsed

In early trading today, A-Shares are relatively strong relative to the peripheral markets. But after ten o’clock, China stock market news suddenly collapsed, with the largest decline of more than 13%.

What happened, then? Some institutions believe that there are three main reasons for the sharp decline of China stock market news: first, the overall fluctuation of the securities sector today, and the largest decline of the securities index in the morning was more than 4%; Second, on Friday evening, China stock market news released the reminder announcement of the last redemption of convertible bonds, which may face the pressure of selling convertible bonds. The company’s convertible bonds once fell by more than 10% in the early trading; Third, the impact of the cold news on the new development fund at the weekend.

The agency believes that the first and second reasons mentioned above have nothing to do with the fundamentals of the company. As for the third point, the funds sold by Dongcai daily platform are mainly market stock funds, which have no direct relationship with newly issued IPO funds. From the perspective of ownership in the fourth quarter of last year, the increment of Dongcai is still relatively large. At present, Dongcai corresponds to 34 times PE in 2021 and about 25 times PE in 2022, which is at the lowest level in history.

according to the opinion of the seller’s researcher quoted by the media, China stock market news has entered the stock conversion period, and there has been a significant pullback in the previous two stock conversion periods. This stock conversion has reached 15.8 billion yuan, which itself has a certain downward pressure; In addition, from the perspective of public offering positions, most institutional investors entered in the third and fourth quarters of last year. As of the fourth quarter of last year, active equity funds held 952 million shares, which is the third largest heavy position of public offering. At present, the price has gradually broken through their cost line, so this position may further aggravate the fluctuation.

From another perspective, the decline of securities companies and Dongcai convertible bonds should be caused by the decline of Dongcai’s positive stock price.

financial real estate collectively fell

In addition to China stock market news, financial real estate collectively fell in early trading today. The large A-share financial sector continued to decline, and the brokerage, insurance and banking sectors collectively fell, Gf Securities Co.Ltd(000776) , Xiangcai Co.Ltd(600095) , Bank of Lanzhou, Bank Of Chengdu Co.Ltd(601838) , China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co.Ltd(601601) , Ping An Insurance (Group) Company Of China Ltd(601318) and other sectors led the decline. The biggest drop in the financial index was more than 5%.

The biggest decline in the real estate index was more than 3%. The decline of Hong Kong stocks and real estate stocks was also relatively large. This sector rose 4.2% last week.

So why did the painting style of financial real estate suddenly change? On February 11, the central bank released China’s monetary policy implementation report for the fourth quarter of 2021. The report points out that in the next stage, we should firmly adhere to the positioning that houses are used for living rather than speculation, not use real estate as a means to stimulate the economy in the short term, stabilize land prices, house prices and expectations, implement the prudent management system of real estate finance, strengthen financial support for Housing leasing, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of housing consumers, Better meet the reasonable housing needs of property buyers and promote the healthy development and virtuous cycle of the real estate market. Previously, the market has been expected that real estate regulation is ushering in an inflection point.

In addition, as the current market is in the stock game stage, and today’s hot spots are in the Contemporary Amperex Technology Co.Limited(300750) and pharmaceutical sectors, there is a situation that funds give up traditional blue chip and move to the growth sector.

the latest news about the situation in Russia and Ukraine

The situation in Russia and Ukraine is the most important variable affecting today’s global market. From last Friday to the whole weekend, the news of countries withdrawing from Ukraine continued to brush the screen, and panic was also spreading. So, what is the situation in Russia and Ukraine now?

According to China Central Television News, on February 13 local time, the presidential palace of Ukraine announced that on the same day, Ukrainian President Zelensky invited Biden to visit Kiev in the next few days when talking with US President Biden, saying that “this will be very important to stabilize the situation, which will be a strong signal and help ease the situation”.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman zaharova said on a social networking website on the 14th local time that what the United States and Britain are doing now is war propaganda activities. According to the provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights adopted by the United Nations in 1966, all forms of war propaganda activities are prohibited. Obviously, the United States and Britain have not abandoned this practice, and what they are doing now is pure war propaganda. At the same time, they also provided weapons and equipment to Ukraine, sent military advisers, conducted NATO exercises in the Russian border areas, and deployed weapons and equipment.

White House national security adviser Jack Sullivan said on the 13th local time that Russia has increased its troops around Ukraine in the past few days, which shows that Russian President Vladimir Putin “can basically order military action at any time”. He also reiterated on the same day that if Russia “invaded” Ukraine and triggered a war between the two countries, Biden did not intend to send U.S. troops to fight with Russia in the war.

Judging from the current situation, the bows of both sides are full, but it remains to be seen whether they will really fight in the end. The current weather is not suitable for large-scale war, and at present, the United States very much hopes that the two sides will fight, but Russia and Ukraine, including the European Union, seem to be still interested in easing the situation. If the conditions offered by both sides are partially met, the situation may ease.

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