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Green energy and forward-looking industry weekly report 2022 issue 5 total issue 14: introduction of energy reform program document

Green economy and Finance

National Development and Reform Commission and other two departments: improve energy green and low-carbon transformation system, mechanism and policy measures

Four departments including the national development and Reform Commission: strengthen fiscal, taxation and financial support for urban environmental infrastructure

Carbon emission trading: the national carbon price rises, and Guangdong has the highest trading volume

Green energy index: the high level fell, and has lost the CSI 300 index since the beginning of the year

Carbon neutral theme Fund: most callbacks

Traditional energy and environmental protection

In December, the power consumption decreased by 2.2% year-on-year; The price of thermal coal fell and the price of crude oil rose

Notice of four departments on Issuing guidance on accelerating the construction of urban environmental infrastructure

Eight departments issued the implementation plan on accelerating the comprehensive utilization of industrial resources

China Tianying Inc(000035) join hands with ev to fully enter the “zero carbon” field

New energy and power equipment

The weekly average price of polycrystalline silicon compact was flat month on month. The price of M6 monocrystalline silicon increased by 2.5%, the price of M6 battery increased by 0.9% and the price of 440-450w module increased by 0.5% month on month

The 14th five year plan for energy development in Gansu Province was released

Ja Solar Technology Co.Ltd(002459) : Announcement on investment and construction of integrated production capacity of the company

New materials and nonferrous metals

The price of lithium metal continues to rise across the board

The two ministries and commissions have issued the first batch of rare earth mining, smelting and separation indicators in 2022

Titanium alloy high-end speed skating skates help Beijing Winter Olympics

Investment advice

Electric power and public utilities: it is recommended to pay attention to relevant companies in clean energy technology, carbon monitoring and other businesses; The increase of electricity price is conducive to the performance improvement of power plants. It is recommended that China National Nuclear Power Co.Ltd(601985) , China Yangtze Power Co.Ltd(600900) , Sdic Power Holdings Co.Ltd(600886) , China Three Gorges Renewables (Group) Co.Ltd(600905) , Shenergy Company Limited(600642)

Coal: recommend China Shenhua Energy Company Limited(601088) , Guizhou Panjiang Refined Coal Co.Ltd(600395) , and pay attention to Shan Xi Hua Yang Group New Energy Co.Ltd(600348)

New energy: in terms of photovoltaic, it is suggested to pay attention to silicon wafer consumables (diamond wire and thermal field) and other links with a relatively good pattern; In terms of wind power, it is suggested to pay attention to the offshore wind power sector and recommend leading enterprises of pipe piles and submarine cables

New materials: it is suggested to focus on the leading energy metal enterprises Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt Co.Ltd(603799) , Tianqi Lithium Corporation(002466) , Chengxin Lithium Group Co.Ltd(002240) , Nuode Investment Co.Ltd(600110) benefiting from carbon neutralization and rapid growth in demand

Nonferrous Metals: focus on the continuous release of future production capacity Zijin Mining Group Company Limited(601899)

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