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Top Resource Conservation & Environment Corp(300332) : independent opinions of independent directors on matters related to the 29th meeting of the Fourth Board of directors

Top Resource Conservation & Environment Corp(300332) independent director

Independent opinions on relevant matters of the 29th meeting of the Fourth Board of directors

As an independent director of Top Resource Conservation & Environment Corp(300332) (hereinafter referred to as the “company”), based on independent judgment and in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange gem stock listing rules, Shenzhen Stock Exchange listed companies self regulatory guidelines No. 2 – standardized operation of GEM listed companies, the articles of association and the working system of independent directors, After carefully reviewing all relevant materials related to the matters of this meeting, we hereby express the following independent opinions on the matters related to the 29th meeting of the Fourth Board of directors of the company:

1、 Independent opinion on the expected guarantee amount in 2022

The company’s expected guarantee limit for 2022 is to meet the capital needs of the operation and development of subsidiaries within the scope of consolidated statements, improve financing efficiency, ensure the smooth development of their business and comply with the overall interests of the company. The guaranteed objects are all subsidiaries within the scope of consolidated statements. The company has a full understanding and control of its business status, credit and solvency, and the risk is controllable. The deliberation and decision-making procedures of this guarantee comply with the provisions of relevant laws, regulations, normative documents and the articles of association, and there is no situation that damages the interests of the company and minority shareholders. We agree to this guarantee.

Top Resource Conservation & Environment Corp(300332) independent directors: Duan Donghui, pan Hongbo, Guo min February 11, 2022

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