The reason for the sharp decline of GEM has been found! This week Contemporary Amperex Technology Co.Limited(300750) fell by more than 17%, but a brokerage said it would fall another 20%

The Shanghai index rose 3.02% this week, the gem index fell 5.59% this week, and the Contemporary Amperex Technology Co.Limited(300750) index fell 17.32% this week. On the disk, today’s pharmaceutical stocks became the main force in the market, while real estate, tourism, coal, finance and other sectors were active against the trend. On stocks, nearly 4000 stocks in the two cities fell.


Today, pharmaceutical stocks became the main force in the market, and real estate, tourism, coal, finance and other sectors were active against the trend.

Recently Wuxi Apptec Co.Ltd(603259) held an online communication meeting on the recent situation. At the meeting, the company stressed that Wuxi Apptec Co.Ltd(603259) business and operation are normal, Wuxi Apptec Co.Ltd(603259) is not on the UVL list and is not expected to be included in the list in the future. In addition, a number of insurance institutions and financial subsidiaries responded last night that they had not redeemed the relevant funds of Glenn recently. However, today Wuxi Apptec Co.Ltd(603259) continued to fall by more than 3%, and pharmaceutical stocks were depressed again, leading the decline in the two cities. It can be seen that the sentiment of sectors or individual stocks in the main decline process is very fragile.

The same setback as Wuxi Apptec Co.Ltd(603259) was Contemporary Amperex Technology Co.Limited(300750) of the new energy track, which fell 17.32% this week. Capital Securities believes that the trend of Kweichow Moutai Co.Ltd(600519) in 2021 is closely similar to that of Contemporary Amperex Technology Co.Limited(300750) in 2022. Referring to the trend of Kweichow Moutai Co.Ltd(600519) , Contemporary Amperex Technology Co.Limited(300750) may not have a bottom in the short term. It is preferred to ship at high prices, and there may still be 20% room for decline in the future. However, some securities companies hold different opinions, Haitong Securities Company Limited(600837) said that when the leading stocks led by Contemporary Amperex Technology Co.Limited(300750) begin to make up the decline, it can generally be seen that the market has entered the end of the decline. Although the mood is still unstable, you can try to seize the rebound opportunity after the sharp decline.

Contrary to the trend of growth tracks such as medicine, new energy and semiconductors, the real estate, airport shipping, tourism, pork and finance sectors with a long adjustment span in the early stage have walked out of the sustainable market. In the real estate sector, nearly 10 stocks such as Tahoe Group Co.Ltd(000732) , Rongan Property Co.Ltd(000517) rose by the limit today; In the airport shipping sector, Air China Limited(601111) reached a high point in recent three years; In the pork sector, Wens Foodstuff Group Co.Ltd(300498) with a market value of 100 billion has rebounded from the bottom by more than 70%; In today’s sector, the banking sector rose by 6% this week.

individual shares

The digital currency sector is the main line of recent crossing, and has produced many bull stocks, such as Beijing Cuiwei Tower Co.Ltd(603123) , Jc Finance & Tax Interconnect Holdings Ltd(002530) , Hengbao Co.Ltd(002104) . Beijing Cuiwei Tower Co.Ltd(603123) , Jc Finance & Tax Interconnect Holdings Ltd(002530) has stepped out of the multi wave market, which is also the foundation for funds to dare to top Hengbao Co.Ltd(002104) . Due to the significant return of funds to the digital currency sector today, the opening premium of Hengbao Co.Ltd(002104) on next Monday may be very high. But from another point of view, Jc Finance & Tax Interconnect Holdings Ltd(002530) is the highest continuous board stock in the first wave of main rising market among all digital currency concept stocks, and its height is 7 continuous boards. Hengbao Co.Ltd(002104) as a new rising dragon, there may be a certain pressure on the height of sprint 7 connecting board. At the same time, Beijing Cuiwei Tower Co.Ltd(603123) late dive may also be a risk signal.

Another leading stock successfully promoted is Poly Union Chemical Holding Group Co.Ltd(002037) . The opening of the infrastructure sector where it is located was divided as scheduled, but driven by the rising tide of the real estate limit, the capital gradually returned to the infrastructure sector and divided again in the afternoon. As of the close, Poly Union Chemical Holding Group Co.Ltd(002037) although successfully promoted to the eighth consecutive board, it has a huge volume, or it is easy to “die of overwork”. Unless it is weak and strong under the favorable support, it will get out of a form similar to the high opening and strengthening of Baoding Tianwei Baobian Electric Co.Ltd(600550) on March 11, 2020.

future analysis

In terms of index, as of the close, the Shanghai index fell 0.66%, the Shenzhen composite index fell 1.55% and the gem index fell 2.84%. The net capital of the Beijing Shenzhen Stock connect was RMB 1.305 billion, of which the net capital of the whole day stock connect was RMB 1.305 billion. The turnover of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets today was 991.5 billion, 55.1 billion more than that of the previous trading day.

The size index was seriously divided this week. The Shanghai index fell today after four consecutive positives this week, while the gem index fell by 5.59% this week. Today, the Shanghai Stock Index accelerated its decline in the afternoon. According to experience, the index started to rebound after continuous decline. It pays attention to the momentum of morale. Once there is a negative K line on the way to rebound, the selling pressure is easy to increase; Today, the gem index fell sharply again and hit a new low. According to experience, the index usually bottoms out, which requires large cap stocks to stabilize first, rather than small tickets to be active first. At present Contemporary Amperex Technology Co.Limited(300750) has been falling to a new low, with a cumulative decline of 17.32% this week, and there is no sign of bottoming out for a long time.

In terms of sentiment, it rose 597, 1103 less than the previous trading day. Excluding ST shares and unopened new shares, the daily limit was 51, down 4 from the previous trading day; There were 17 fried boards, 8 less than the previous trading day; Gem / Kechuang board stocks rose by 2 limits, unchanged from the previous trading day; There were 9 drop limits, an increase of 7 over the previous trading day.

Nearly 4000 stocks in the two cities fell, and the number of gainers fell below 1000. According to quantitative experience, the number of gainers is expected to pick up next Monday, but whether the mood will pick up is uncertain, because now the market confidence is hit too hard by Contemporary Amperex Technology Co.Limited(300750) , Wuxi Apptec Co.Ltd(603259) , and there is a certain possibility of covering the decline of these high-level core stocks Poly Union Chemical Holding Group Co.Ltd(002037) , Beijing Cuiwei Tower Co.Ltd(603123) .

market highlights

1. Most of China’s commodity futures fell, and the main glass contracts fell by more than 7%

On February 11, most of China’s commodity futures fell, glass fell by more than 7%, urea fell by more than 4%, manganese silicon, Zheng alcohol and ferrosilicon fell by more than 3%, soda ash, Shanghai aluminum and ethylene glycol fell by more than 2%, PTA, starch, peanut, PP, PVC, soybean oil, staple fiber, rubber and soybean meal fell by more than 1%. Jujube and coke rose by more than 2%, coking coal and pigs rose by more than 1%.

2. The state medical insurance administration: appropriately compete for the purchase of drugs with quantity according to the market supply, and do not pursue the lowest price

On February 11, the State Information Office held a regular policy briefing today. Chen Jinfu, deputy director of the state medical security administration, introduced that at the rule level, bidding rules are set for specific varieties and competition patterns. For example, bidding rules, volume ratio, agreement period, who will report the volume and who will choose the volume in the middle of the volume, all of which should be carefully designed for varieties. For the varieties with sufficient competition, such as chemical drugs, the agreed procurement volume basically reaches more than 80%. The greater the agreed procurement volume, the higher the market coverage of the bid winning products and the greater the benefit of the masses. At the same time, we should appropriately compete according to the market supply. The national medical insurance bureau does not pursue the lowest price and resolutely opposes running bidding, which can not achieve the balance of multiple dynamic goals. The national medical insurance bureau does not specifically anchor the international lowest price, because China is on the road to common prosperity. Chinese people can also eat good medicine, and the medical insurance fund can afford this kind of medicine with reasonable price.

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