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Shenzhen Aisidi Co.Ltd(002416) : announcement of the resolution of the first extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2022

Securities code: 002416 securities abbreviation: Shenzhen Aisidi Co.Ltd(002416) Announcement No.: 2022-008 Shenzhen Aisidi Co.Ltd(002416)

Announcement of the resolution of the first extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2022

The company and all members of the board of directors guarantee that the information disclosed is true, accurate and complete without false records, misleading statements or major omissions.

Special tips:

1. The shareholders’ meeting did not veto the proposal;

2. This general meeting of shareholders does not involve changing the resolutions adopted by previous general meetings of shareholders;

3. The percentage of the total voting shares of the company in this announcement shall be kept to 4 decimal places. If there is a tail difference between the sum of the itemized values and the total value, it is caused by rounding.

1、 Convening and attendance of the meeting

1. Meeting time:

(1) The on-site meeting will be held at 14:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 10, 2022;

(2) The online voting time is February 10, 2022. The voting time through the trading system of Shenzhen stock exchange is: 9:15-9:25 a.m., 9:30-11:30 p.m. and 13:00-15:00 p.m. on February 10, 2022; The time of voting through the Internet voting system of Shenzhen stock exchange is any time from 09:15 a.m. to 15:00 p.m. on February 10, 2022.

2. Venue of the on-site meeting: conference room a, 18 / F, Nanshan financial building, No. 83, Kefa Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen.

3. Voting method: the combination of on-site voting and online voting

4. Convener: Board of directors

5. Moderator: Ms. Zhou Youmeng, vice chairman

6. The convening, convening and voting procedures of this general meeting of shareholders comply with the provisions of the company law of the people’s Republic of China, the rules for the general meeting of shareholders of listed companies, the Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and other laws, regulations and normative documents, as well as the articles of Association.

7. Attendance at the meeting:

(1) Overall attendance

33 shareholders and their authorized representatives attended the meeting, with 537927834 representative shares, accounting for 43.4064% of the total voting shares of the company. 23 small and medium-sized investors participated in the voting of the general meeting of shareholders, with 3523144 representative shares, accounting for 0.2843% of the total voting shares of the company.

(2) Attendance at site meetings

14 shareholders and their authorized representatives attended the on-site meeting, with 534909939 representative shares, accounting for 43.1629% of the total voting shares of the company.

(3) Online voting

19 shareholders attended the meeting through online voting, representing 3017895 shares, accounting for 0.2435% of the total voting shares of the company.

(4) All directors, supervisors and senior managers of the company attended or attended the meeting through on-site or communication. Beijing Guofeng (Shenzhen) law firm witnessed that the lawyers attended the meeting on site. 2、 Deliberation and voting of proposals

The shareholders’ meeting deliberated the proposals submitted for deliberation, and the shareholders attending the meeting and their authorized representatives voted in a combination of on-site voting and online voting.

The following proposals were considered and adopted:

1. Deliberated and passed the proposal on passive external financial assistance and related party transactions caused by the transfer of the control right of Shenzhen No. 1 Machine Technology Co., Ltd

Voting results: 536371337 shares were approved, accounting for 99.9505% of the total voting shares held by shareholders and authorized representatives of shareholders attending the general meeting of shareholders; 265717 opposed shares, accounting for 0.0495% of the total voting shares held by shareholders and authorized representatives of shareholders attending the general meeting of shareholders; Abstain 100 shares, accounting for 0% of the total voting shares held by shareholders and authorized representatives of shareholders attending the general meeting of shareholders.

Among them, the voting results of small and medium-sized investors: 3257327 shares were agreed, accounting for 92.4551% of the total voting shares held by small and medium-sized investors attending the general meeting of shareholders; Against 265717 shares, accounting for 7.5420% of the total voting shares held by small and medium-sized investors attending the shareholders’ meeting; Abstained 100 shares, accounting for 0.0028% of the total voting shares held by small and medium-sized investors attending the general meeting of shareholders.

During the deliberation of this proposal, Ms. Zhou Youmeng and Mr. Mi Zedong, the related shareholders, have avoided voting, and the total number of shares held by them is not included in the total number of voting shares mentioned above.

2. Deliberated and passed the proposal on developing bill pool business

Voting results: 534450990 shares were approved, accounting for 99.3537% of the total voting shares held by shareholders and authorized representatives of shareholders attending the general meeting of shareholders; 3468744 opposed shares, accounting for 0.6448% of the total voting shares held by shareholders and authorized representatives of shareholders attending the general meeting of shareholders; 8100 shares were abstained, accounting for 0.0015% of the total voting shares held by shareholders and authorized representatives of shareholders attending the general meeting of shareholders.

Among them, the voting results of small and medium-sized investors: 46300 shares were agreed, accounting for 1.3142% of the total voting shares held by small and medium-sized investors attending the general meeting of shareholders; 3468744 opposed shares, accounting for 98.4559% of the total voting shares held by small and medium-sized investors attending the shareholders’ meeting; 8100 shares were abstained, accounting for 0.2299% of the total voting shares held by small and medium-sized investors attending the shareholders’ meeting.

3. The proposal on providing guarantee for the financing limit of subsidiaries in 2022 was deliberated and adopted

Voting results: 534406290 shares were approved, accounting for 99.3454% of the total voting shares held by shareholders and authorized representatives of shareholders attending the general meeting of shareholders; Against 3513444 shares, accounting for 0.6531% of the total voting shares held by shareholders and authorized representatives of shareholders attending the general meeting of shareholders; 8100 shares were abstained, accounting for 0.0015% of the total voting shares held by shareholders and authorized representatives of shareholders attending the general meeting of shareholders.

Among them, the voting results of small and medium-sized investors: 1600 shares were agreed, accounting for 0.0454% of the total voting shares held by small and medium-sized investors attending the general meeting of shareholders; Against 3513444 shares, accounting for 99.7247% of the total voting shares held by small and medium-sized investors attending the shareholders’ meeting; 8100 shares were abstained, accounting for 0.2299% of the total voting shares held by small and medium-sized investors attending the shareholders’ meeting.

4. The proposal on comprehensive management of self owned funds in 2022 was deliberated and adopted

Voting results: 535814710 shares were approved, accounting for 99.6072% of the total voting shares held by shareholders and authorized representatives of shareholders attending the general meeting of shareholders; Against 2105024 shares, accounting for 0.3913% of the total voting shares held by shareholders and authorized representatives of shareholders attending the general meeting of shareholders; 8100 shares were abstained, accounting for 0.0015% of the total voting shares held by shareholders and authorized representatives of shareholders attending the general meeting of shareholders.

Among them, the voting results of small and medium-sized investors: 1410020 shares were agreed, accounting for 40.0216% of the total voting shares held by small and medium-sized investors attending the general meeting of shareholders; Against 2105024 shares, accounting for 59.7485% of the total voting shares held by small and medium-sized investors attending the general meeting of shareholders; 8100 shares were abstained, accounting for 0.2299% of the total voting shares held by small and medium-sized investors attending the shareholders’ meeting.

5. The proposal on applying for comprehensive credit line from banks in 2022 was deliberated and adopted

Voting results: 534446390 shares were approved, accounting for 99.3528% of the total voting shares held by shareholders and authorized representatives of shareholders attending the general meeting of shareholders; Against 3473344 shares, accounting for 0.6457% of the total voting shares held by shareholders and authorized representatives of shareholders attending the general meeting of shareholders; 8100 shares were abstained, accounting for 0.0015% of the total voting shares held by shareholders and authorized representatives of shareholders attending the general meeting of shareholders.

Among them, the voting results of small and medium-sized investors: 41700 shares were agreed, accounting for 1.1836% of the total voting shares held by small and medium-sized investors attending the general meeting of shareholders; Against 3473344 shares, accounting for 98.5865% of the total voting shares held by small and medium-sized investors attending the shareholders’ meeting; 8100 shares were abstained, accounting for 0.2299% of the total voting shares held by small and medium-sized investors attending the shareholders’ meeting.

6. Deliberated and passed the proposal on providing guarantee for the expected new financing line of subsidiaries in 2022

Voting results: 537629617 shares were approved, accounting for 99.9446% of the total voting shares held by shareholders and authorized representatives of shareholders attending the general meeting of shareholders; Against 290117 shares, accounting for 0.0539% of the total voting shares held by shareholders and authorized representatives of shareholders attending the general meeting of shareholders; 8100 shares were abstained, accounting for 0.0015% of the total voting shares held by shareholders and authorized representatives of shareholders attending the general meeting of shareholders.

Among them, the voting results of small and medium-sized investors: 3224927 shares were agreed, accounting for 91.5355% of the total voting shares held by small and medium-sized investors attending the general meeting of shareholders; Against 290117 shares, accounting for 8.2346% of the total voting shares held by small and medium-sized investors attending the general meeting of shareholders; 8100 shares were abstained, accounting for 0.2299% of the total voting shares held by small and medium-sized investors attending the shareholders’ meeting.

Proposal 3 and proposal 6 are special resolution proposals, which have been adopted by more than 2 / 3 of the total voting shares held by the shareholders participating in the voting and their authorized representatives.

3、 Legal opinions issued by lawyers

Beijing Guofeng (Shenzhen) law firm appointed lawyers Ms. Xiong Jie and Ms. Duan Jianjing to meet with the shareholders’ meeting and issued a legal opinion. The witness lawyer of Beijing Guofeng (Shenzhen) law firm believes that the convening and convening procedures of the company’s first extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2022, the qualifications of the participants and conveners of the general meeting of shareholders, as well as the voting procedures, comply with the relevant provisions of the company law and other laws, regulations and normative documents as well as the articles of Association; The voting result of this general meeting of shareholders is legal and valid.

4、 Documents for future reference

1. Shenzhen Aisidi Co.Ltd(002416) resolution of the first extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2022;

2. Legal opinion of Beijing Guofeng (Shenzhen) law firm on the first extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in Shenzhen Aisidi Co.Ltd(002416) 2022.

It is hereby announced.

Shenzhen Aisidi Co.Ltd(002416)

Board of directors

February 10, 2022

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