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“State owned enterprises serving the Winter Olympics panorama” online fingertips to experience the strange fate of ice and snow

On January 30, at the five-day countdown to the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, the information center of the state owned assets supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council “state owned Xiaoxin” launched the financial media product “panoramic Atlas of state-owned enterprises serving the Winter Olympic Games”, from venue design to construction, from communication guarantee to energy supply, from high-speed railway construction to aviation services, from catering and accommodation to transportation, It fully shows the important mission undertaken by central enterprises and state-owned enterprises in the preparation and holding of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, and shows the struggle and dedication of another “national team” in another stadium.

It is understood that in December 2021, a fan drew a long picture of the Winter Olympics of state-owned enterprises through the information about the service guarantee of central enterprises and state-owned enterprises published on the microblog, wechat and other platforms of “state-owned assets Xiaoxin”. On this basis, the “state-owned assets Xiaoxin” widely solicited the content of Winter Olympic service guarantee from central enterprises and state-owned enterprises in Beijing and Hebei, carefully screened more than 40 projects including 15 competition venues (training bases) in three competition areas from hundreds of projects, and drew this panoramic picture of state-owned enterprises serving the winter Olympic Games.

With the free falling snowflakes dancing and flying, a beautiful panoramic picture of the Winter Olympic Games is slowly unfolded. Competition venues full of Chinese elements and modern technology are scattered among Alpine cities. The special high-speed railway Winter Olympic train connecting the three competition areas is galloping forward between the snow valleys. Green wind power from Zhangbei is spread to all corners of the games through direct and flexible technology and other transmission projects, Olympic related flights take off and land busily at the capital airport to welcome visitors from all over the world. The competition buses travel between the venues and the Winter Olympic village to ensure transportation… More than 40 snowflakes in the picture represent more than 40 service support projects. Press the snowflake to unlock it. Click to view the detailed introduction of the project and relevant enterprise support contents.

The National Stadium (Bird’s Nest) on the right side of the panorama is the venue of the opening and closing ceremony of the Winter Olympics. The renovation and reconstruction work is in the charge of China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited(601668) . Beijing Urban Construction Group participates in the construction and Beijing state-owned assets Corporation participates in the preparation, investment and operation guarantee. This renovation is improved in 37 aspects, such as barrier free facility system, landscape lighting system, air conditioning and thermal system, highlighting wisdom Green and humanized features. With the blessing of aerospace technology, Aerospace Hi-Tech Holding Group Co.Ltd(000901) undertook the technical support tasks of the opening ceremony stage, air facilities, ground display system and other projects.

Slide to the left and come to Shougang park. Shougang ski jump platform (crystal shoes) built by Shougang Group and Shougang cooling tower complement each other. Here will undertake the competitions of veneer and Freestyle Ski Jump platform. Its design concept comes from the traditional flying shape in Chinese Dunhuang murals. From the side, it looks like a smart “crystal shoe”. As the seat of the Winter Olympic Organizing Committee, Shougang park is an important guarantee for the nerve center of Olympic preparation and command, with technical services provided by CNNC, State Grid, China United Network Communications Limited(600050) .

At the top of the mountain in Yanqing competition area, the national snowmobile Center (xueyoulong), built by China Minmetals, led by China Construction Technology Group and designed by COFCO group, is the only snowmobile track in China, with a total length of 1975 meters and a vertical drop of more than 121 meters. Due to the strong professionalism of the project and strict site requirements, it is considered to be the most difficult in design and construction One of the New Winter Olympic venues with the most complex construction technology.

Heading westward into the valley of Zhangjiakou, the national ski jumping Center (xueruyi), built by China Railway Group Limited(601390) and with the participation of China United Network Communications Limited(600050) and China Tourism Group, is the first ski jumping resort in the world to build a reinforced concrete frame structure between the valleys. As the communication network construction in Zhangjiakou competition area is faced with extreme environments such as low temperature, freezing, strong wind and high mountains, China United Network Communications Limited(600050) use technical equipment that is snow proof, cold resistant and can resist severe weather such as strong wind to fully ensure the communication demand during the Winter Olympic Games.

Behind these splendid venues, the panoramic atlas also shows more “hidden money” state-owned enterprise services: China Railway Group Limited(601390) , China Railway Construction Corporation Limited(601186) Beijing Zhangjiakou high-speed railway participated in the construction, China Communications Construction Company Limited(601800) , Beijing Lijiang Expressway participated in the construction of Hebei expressway, Petrochina Company Limited(601857) , China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation(600028) gas stations, hydrogen stations serving the Winter Olympics, wind farms such as State Grid and China Three Gorges group to ensure the green power of the Winter Olympics Energy storage power station, flexible direct engineering, converter station, etc., China United Network Communications Limited(600050) undertakes network support, 5g smart service, event broadcasting service in charge of China Mobile, conference, office, catering, guest room, medical and other support services provided by AVIC group, Sinopharm group and China Tourism Group… More wonderful contents are expected to be unlocked by netizens.

Dong Guanpeng, vice president of China Public Relations Association and President of the National Institute of public relations and strategic communication of Communication University of China, pointed out that the Beijing Winter Olympics is an important window for us to open to the outside world and an important opportunity to show our comprehensive national strength and scientific and technological innovation ability. The “panoramic Atlas of state-owned enterprises serving the Winter Olympics” presents a panoramic view of the Beijing Winter Olympics, Let the audience feel the arduous efforts in front of and behind the stage of the preparation and operation of the Olympic Games. Behind it is the high-quality and high-standard participation in the preparation, construction and service guarantee of the Winter Olympic Games, which fully demonstrates that state-owned enterprises actively undertake economic, social and political responsibilities.

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