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Venustech Group Inc(002439) : by the end of 2021, Venustech Group Inc(002439) has built 119 urban safety operation centers

After AI express, investors ask questions on the investor interaction platform: how long does each urban operation center plan to make most of the operation centers profitable? How long does an operation center take from completion to profitability? If funds permit, it is suggested that the company buy back and cancel part of its share capital, which will also bring confidence to investors.

Venustech Group Inc(002439) (002439. SZ) said on the investor interaction platform on January 28 that by the end of 2021, Venustech Group Inc(002439) had built 119 urban safety operation centers. According to the needs and construction progress of different cities, the operation center can load operation business modules such as network security monitoring, standardized remote or on-site security operation and maintenance, data security operation and cloud security operation, cooperate with the channel sinking strategy, and deepen the in-depth penetration of regional customers. At present, some operation centers are still under construction, so we need to continue intensive cultivation in 2022, improve the production order, and copy and upgrade the successful operation center model.

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