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China National Nuclear Power Co.Ltd(601985) light! It is known as the safest nuclear power plant at present!

On January 1, 2022, CNNC Fuqing nuclear power unit 6 was successfully connected to the grid for the first time, and began to send the first degree of power to the grid. This is the world’s third and China’s second “Hualong 1” grid connected generator unit . In addition, unit 5 of Fuqing nuclear power plant of China Nuclear Power Group, the world’s first reactor of “hualong-1”, also operated safely for a whole year.

“Hualong-1” is a three-generation nuclear power technology with completely independent intellectual property rights developed and designed on the basis of more than 30 years of nuclear power research, design, manufacturing, construction and operation experience in China. At present, the world’s first reactor of “hualong-1” has been officially put into commercial operation on January 30, 2021, marks that our country has broken the foreign technology monopoly in the field of third-generation nuclear power technology and ranks among the world’s top .

When it comes to power generation by nuclear power plants, people are most concerned about safety. Some people will even talk about “nuclear” color change. As the light of China National Nuclear Power Co.Ltd(601985) , “hualong-1” is known as the safest nuclear power plant at present. How does it solve the problem of preventing nuclear leakage?

“Hualong-1” reactor adopts double-layer containment technology, which greatly improves the ability of the nuclear island to deal with external shocks. In addition, “hualong-1” also fully draws lessons from the experience and lessons of the Fukushima nuclear accident in the design process.

In order to avoid a repeat of the tragedy, the R & D team configured a three-way power supply system for “Hualong 1”, in which the emergency diesel generator set is vividly known as the “quick acting heart saving pill” of the nuclear power plant.

When there is a problem with the main power supply outside the plant, the emergency diesel generator set will be started in time. Moreover, assuming that the emergency diesel generator also fails to generate electricity, “Hualong 1” has also designed another emergency system that does not need electricity.

Yu Ping told reporters that the unique passive safety system of “Hualong 1” can operate without relying on electricity. It has two sets of control rods that can control the operating power of the reactor, one of which is used for normal control, and the other is fixed on the top of the reactor core with electromagnets. Once the reactor core is accidentally powered off, the electromagnets lose their magnetic force, The control rod can fall into the core under the action of gravity and completely interrupt the reaction.

Even if the control rod fails to stop the reaction, a large water tank is installed on the top of the containment, and the solenoid valve of the water tank will automatically open when the power is cut off to fill a large amount of cooling water to prevent the core from overheating and melting.

The design life of “Hualong 1” is 60 years. Through five sets of safety systems, the accident probability of Hualong 1″ has been reduced from one in 100000 years of the second generation to one in one in a million years .

[half hour observation] achieving the goal of “double carbon” is a broad and profound change

China strives to achieve carbon peak by 2030 and carbon neutralization by 2060. To achieve the “double carbon” goal, we must do it ourselves rather than others. China has entered a new stage of development. Promoting the “double carbon” work is an urgent need to solve the prominent problems of resource and environmental constraints and achieve sustainable development. It is an urgent need to comply with the trend of technological progress and promote the transformation and upgrading of economic structure. It is an urgent need to meet the growing needs of the people for a beautiful ecological environment and promote the harmonious coexistence between man and nature. Achieving the “double carbon” goal is a broad and profound change, and green power and clean energy will help to achieve the “double carbon” goal.

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