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Landai Technology Group Corp.Ltd(002765) : 2020 annual report (Updated)

Landai Technology Group Corp.Ltd(002765)

2020 Annual Report

April 2021

Section I important tips, contents and definitions

The board of directors, the board of supervisors and the directors, supervisors and senior managers of the company guarantee that the contents of the annual report are true, accurate and complete without false records, misleading statements or major omissions, and bear individual and joint legal liabilities.

Zhu Tangfu, the person in charge of the company, Ding Jiahai, the person in charge of accounting, and Cai Huasheng, the person in charge of accounting organization (Accounting Supervisor), declare that they guarantee the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the financial report in this annual report.

In addition to the following directors, other directors attended the meeting of the board of directors to consider the annual report in person

Name of director not present in person position of director not present in person reason for not attending the meeting name of the entrusted person

Director Li Tingyu Zhang Ying due to business trip

The forward-looking description of future plans, development strategies and business objectives involved in this report does not represent the company’s profit forecast and does not constitute the company’s substantive commitment to investors. Whether it can be realized depends on various factors such as changes in market conditions and the efforts of the management team. There is great uncertainty, and investors and relevant persons should maintain sufficient risk awareness, And the differences between plans, forecasts and commitments should be understood. Please pay attention to investment risks.

The company described in detail the main risks and countermeasures that may exist in the company’s future operation in the “IX. prospect of the company’s future development” part of “section IV discussion and analysis of operation” of this report. Please pay attention to and pay attention to the investment risks.

The company plans not to distribute cash dividends, bonus shares or increase share capital with provident fund.


Section I important tips, contents and definitions Section 2 company profile and main financial indicators Section 3 business summary of the company Section IV discussion and analysis of business situation 14 Section V important matters Section VI changes in shares and shareholders Section VII preferred shares Section VIII convertible corporate bonds Section IX directors, supervisors, senior managers and employees Section 10 corporate governance 89 section 11 relevant information of corporate bonds 97 section XII financial report 98 section 13 list of documents for future reference two hundred and fifteen


Explanatory item refers to the explanatory content

The company, company, listed company, Landai Technology Group Corp.Ltd(002765) refers to Landai Technology Group Corp.Ltd(002765) (formerly Chongqing Landai Power Transmission Machinery Co., Ltd.)

Landai industry refers to Chongqing Landai Industry Co., Ltd., the predecessor of the company

The controlling shareholder refers to Mr. Zhu Tangfu

The actual controller refers to Zhu Tangfu, Xiong min and their son, Mr. Zhu Junhan

Taiguan technology refers to Shenzhen taiguan Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the company

Jianrou technology refers to Huizhou Jianrou Technology Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of taiguan technology, a subsidiary of the company

Hong Kong taiguan refers to taiguan Technology (Hong Kong) Trading Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of taiguan technology, a subsidiary of the company

Dihan machinery refers to Chongqing dihan Power Machinery Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the company

Landai transmission refers to Chongqing Landai transmission Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the company

Landai machinery refers to Chongqing Landai Transmission Machinery Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the company

Landai automation refers to Chongqing Landai Automation Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the company

Beichi Landai refers to Chongqing beichi Landai automobile transmission Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the company

Chongqing taiguan refers to Chongqing taiguan Technology Co., Ltd. (formerly Chongqing Daixin Technology Co., Ltd.), a subsidiary of the company

Dairong transmission refers to Chongqing Dairong Transmission Machinery Co., Ltd., an associate of the company

IFAD refers to China agricultural development key construction fund Co., Ltd

Sichuan Huaxin refers to Sichuan Huaxin (Group) Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership)

CSRC refers to the China Securities Regulatory Commission

Shenzhen stock exchange refers to Shenzhen Stock Exchange

China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation refers to Shenzhen Branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited

Company Law refers to the company law of the people’s Republic of China

Securities Law refers to the securities law of the people’s Republic of China

Yuan / 10000 yuan refers to RMB yuan / 10000 yuan, the legal currency unit of the people’s Republic of China

The reporting period refers to the period from January 0, 2020 to December 31, 2020

Section II Company Profile and main financial indicators

1、 Company information

Stock abbreviation Landai Technology Group Corp.Ltd(002765) stock code 002765

Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Chinese name of the company Landai Technology Group Corp.Ltd(002765)

Chinese abbreviation of the company Landai Technology Group Corp.Ltd(002765)

The foreign language name of the company (if any) Landai Technology Group Corp., Ltd

Abbreviation of the company’s foreign name (if any) Landai Technology

Legal representative of the company: Zhu Tangfu

Registered address: No. 100 Jianshan Road, Biquan street, Bishan District, Chongqing

Postal code of registered address: 402760

Office address: No. 100, Jianshan Road, Biquan street, Bishan District, Chongqing

Postal code of office address: 402760

Company website: com.

E-mail [email protected].

2、 Contact person and contact information

Secretary of the board of directors and securities affairs representative

Name: Bian Weiqin, Zhang Ying

Contact address: No. 100, Jianshan Road, Biquan street, Bishan District, Chongqing

Tel: 023-41410188

Fax: 023-41441126

E-mail [email protected]. [email protected].

3、 Information disclosure and preparation location

The names of the information disclosure media selected by the company include securities times, China Securities News, Shanghai Securities News and Securities Daily

The website of the website designated by the CSRC to publish the annual report is

The company’s annual report is prepared at the securities and legal department of the company, No. 100 Jianshan Road, Biquan street, Bishan District, Chongqing

4、 Registration changes

Organization Code: 91500227203940748p

The second extraordinary general meeting of the company in 2020 deliberated and approved the proposal on the proposed change of the company’s name, securities abbreviation and business scope, and agreed to change the company’s name, securities abbreviation and business scope, The changed business scope is: the change of the company’s main business since the listing in the validity period of the qualification certificate of import and export enterprises of the people’s Republic of China and the approved import and Export Commodity Catalogue (such as the export business of the company’s self-produced products and technologies and the machinery and equipment, spare parts, raw and auxiliary equipment required by the company) The import business of materials and technologies, except for the commodities and technologies that the state restricts the company to operate or prohibits the import and export.

Machining, production of mechanical molds; R & D, production and sales: auto parts, motorcycle gears and shafts; Automotive precision castings, electronic components manufacturing, optical glass manufacturing, enterprise headquarters management.

No change of previous controlling shareholders (if any) v. other relevant information accounting firm hired by the company

Name of accounting firm: Sichuan Huaxin (Group) accounting firm (special general partnership)

Office address of the accounting firm: 28th floor, jinmaolidu south, No. 18, Ximianqiao street, Chengdu, Sichuan

Signed accountants: He Jun, Wu Lianghui, Li Youming

Recommendation agencies hired by the company to perform continuous supervision duties during the reporting period □ applicable √ not applicable financial consultants hired by the company to perform continuous supervision duties during the reporting period √ applicable □ not applicable

Name of financial advisor office address of financial advisor sponsor name of financial advisor during continuous supervision

Minsheng Securities Co., Ltd. Liu Xiangtao and Zhang Xuanxuan, Jianguomen inner street, Dongcheng District, Beijing from June 10, 2019 to December 31, 19 / F, tower a, Minsheng financial center, No. 28, 2020

6、 Major accounting data and financial indicators does the company need to retroactively adjust or restate the accounting data of previous years □ yes √ no

2020-2019 year-on-year increase or decrease in 2018

Operating income (yuan) 2409453894.91 1136464220.19 112.01% 867220786.11

Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed company (yuan): 5193570.31 – 149939896.38 103.46% 2764483.31

Deduction attributable to shareholders of listed companies non recurring

Net profit of profit and loss (yuan) -29992227.08 -178956693.36 83.24% – 14823178.39

Net cash flow from operating activities (yuan) 71397632.00 79158076.26 – 9.80% 294040971.68

Basic earnings per share (yuan / share)

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