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Shanxi Road&Bridge Co.Ltd(000755) : 2021 annual performance forecast

Securities code: 000755 securities abbreviation: Shanxi Road&Bridge Co.Ltd(000755) Announcement No.: 2022-02

Shanxi Road&Bridge Co.Ltd(000755)

Performance forecast for 2021

The company and all members of the board of directors guarantee that the information disclosed is true, accurate and complete without false records, misleading statements or major omissions.

1、 Expected performance of the current period

1. Performance forecast period: January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021

2. Expected operating performance: turning losses into profits

The current reporting period of the project is the same period of last year

Number of announcements (after retroactive adjustment)

Profit attributable to listed companies: loss: loss:

The net profit of shareholders of the company is 380 million yuan – 420 million yuan, 50.4166 million yuan and 133.7889 million yuan

Deducting non recurring profit: loss: loss:

The net profit after profit and loss is RMB 250 million – RMB 290 million, RMB 36.367 million and RMB 36.367 million

Basic earnings per share: Profit: loss: loss:

0.2791 yuan / share – 0.3084 yuan / share 0.1074 yuan / share 0.1009 yuan / share

Note: during the reporting period, the company implemented and completed major asset restructuring and purchased 100% equity of Shanxi Pingyu Expressway Co., Ltd. by issuing shares. Since the event belongs to business merger under the same control, the opening amount of the consolidated financial statements and the same period of the previous year were retroactively adjusted when preparing the comparative accounting statements.

2、 Communication with accounting firms

The financial data related to this performance forecast has not been audited by an accounting firm. The company has conducted pre communication with the audit accounting firm of the annual report on this performance forecast, and there is no major difference between the two sides in this performance forecast.

3、 Explanation of performance change reasons

The main reason for the substantial increase of the company’s performance in 2021 over the same period of the previous year is: affected by the covid-19 pneumonia epidemic, toll roads across the country will be exempted from vehicle tolls from 0:00 on February 17, 2020 to 24:00 on May 5, 2020. This policy led to the reduction of the company’s operating revenue in 2020. During the reporting period, the above-mentioned influencing factors have been eliminated, and the toll revenue of Yuhe Expressway Company and Pingyu expressway company affiliated to the company has increased significantly.

4、 Other relevant instructions

This performance forecast is the preliminary calculation result of the company’s financial department, and the specific financial data will be disclosed in detail in the 2021 annual report. Please pay attention to investment risks.

It is hereby announced.

Shanxi Road&Bridge Co.Ltd(000755) board of directors

January 27, 2022

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