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The “happy Spring Festival” on the cloud is another wonderful performance

As the Chinese Lunar New Year approaches, the annual flavor of overseas Chinese people is becoming more and more abundant.

The reporter recently learned from the Ministry of culture and tourism that the “happy Spring Festival” activity in 2022 will be launched online from January 15 and will last until February 15.

During this period, the China Foreign Cultural Exchange Center, together with units directly under the Ministry of culture and tourism, local departments and bureaus and a number of high-quality partners, jointly planned, produced and produced more than 500 digital products focusing on the two themes of “Spring Festival” and “ice and snow”, covering various forms such as “cloud” performance, online exhibition, short video and interactive experience, It aims to bring a trace of warmth and fun to the people of all countries at the beginning of the new year, and convey the Chinese national spirit of “advocating nature, putting life first, solidarity and mutual assistance, and sharing destiny” to all countries in the world with the gift of Chinese excellent traditional culture, snow and ice scenery in northern China, and fine Chinese modern and contemporary art, so as to enhance the confidence of people around the world in overcoming the epidemic and their hope for a better future.

It is reported that as of January 20, the “happy Spring Festival” project in 2022 has been launched successively, and more than 100 embassies and consulates abroad, overseas Chinese cultural centers and tourism offices abroad have selected and downloaded the above digital products. Relevant activities have also been logged into the online theme page of “happy Spring Festival” in 2022 on the official website of China Foreign Cultural Exchange Center.

On January 22 local time in Brazil, the Chinese Embassy and consulate in Brazil held an online Spring Festival reception of “passionate Winter Olympics and happy Spring Festival”. Chinese and Pakistani people gathered in the clouds to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year and welcome the Beijing Winter Olympics. At the reception, Chinese and Pakistani teenagers brought wonderful and joyful literary and artistic performances. The Brazilian paraisopolis Youth Dance Troupe staged a dynamic hip-hop dance “together to the future” compiled for the Beijing Winter Olympics, which conveys the beautiful vision of the two countries to jointly welcome the Winter Olympics and create the future with energetic dance. Young Brazilian Chinese singer Wu Yingxiang joined hands with local musicians to sing the Winter Olympic Song “you are a miracle” in the beautiful accompaniment of Brazilian folk music. I wish the snow athletes of the two countries to achieve good results.

Yang Wanming, Chinese ambassador to Brazil, said that 2021 will be a year for China and Brazil to help each other and work together side by side. The two countries have strengthened cooperation in anti epidemic and vaccine to further interpret the friendly friendship of working together in the same boat. All sectors of China and Pakistan have actively engaged in friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation, with bilateral trade reaching a new high, investment cooperation advancing steadily and non-governmental friendship deepening. In the new year, China’s development will continue to make great strides forward, injecting strong impetus into China Pakistan cooperation and global recovery. We look forward to showing the courage and vitality of the tiger, working together like Winter Olympic athletes to create more beauty and brilliance.

On January 25, Yangon China Cultural Center officially launched a series of online activities of “happy Spring Festival” in 2022. Focusing on the two themes of “Spring Festival” and “ice and snow”, Yangon China Cultural Center launched activities including “classic culture”, “charming ice and snow” and “enjoying life”, including a series of featured online products such as “cloud” performance, virtual exhibition and micro short video.

It is reported that the event was uniformly arranged by the Ministry of culture and tourism of China, and jointly organized by the Sino foreign cultural exchange center and the Yangon Chinese cultural center, During this period, there will be “Chinese Performing Arts celebrating the Spring Festival” concert “,” Spring Festival drama “children’s animation short video Exhibition”, “healthy new year” series short video “,” 24 solar terms · spring and winter “animation short video”, “dream ice and snow trip – winter travel short video exhibition in northern China”, “ice and snow China” and other innovative experiences and multiple choices, Let the Chinese and Burmese people share Chinese traditional festivals.

Xu Ling, director of Yangon China Cultural Center, expressed the hope that through the wonderful “happy Spring Festival” online activity, she would present a rich cultural feast for the Myanmar people and overseas Chinese in Myanmar, convey sincere Spring Festival blessings, feel warmth and harmony, happiness and hope, jointly promote and inherit the traditional brotherhood between the Chinese and Burmese people, and spend the auspicious year of the tiger with the Burmese people.

From January 29 to 30, Stockholm, Sweden will also usher in a Chinese cultural feast. The “happy Spring Festival” – 2022 Spring Festival song and dance party (Fujian), hosted by the Fujian Provincial Department of culture and tourism, CO organized by the Chinese cultural center in Stockholm, Sweden and hosted by the Fujian Provincial song and dance theater, will launch special shows for China and Southeast Asia, Australia, America and Europe and Africa on the cloud. In the form of songs and dances, operas, acrobatics, puppets and other performances, show the wonderful, diversified, open and inclusive Bamin culture, and convey the Spring Festival blessing of the year of the tiger in 2022.

It is reported that in order to enrich the content resources of overseas institutions during the “happy Spring Festival” in 2022, the Sino foreign cultural exchange center will innovate and cooperate with the film and television translation and production center of China Central Radio and television for the first time. During the Spring Festival, the selected programs of the 2022 Spring Festival Gala of China Central Radio and television will be broadcast in 9 languages, so as to help people connect, Share Chinese traditional festivals with people all over the world.

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